This course syllabus has been designed to meet first and foremost the directed standards set out by the Collegeboard. Secondarily, the course syllabus has been designed to articulate with the PSI (Progressive Science Initiative) course layout available through the NJCTL (New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning). To that end, corresponding PSI units have been indicated.


Masterton, William L., Cecile N. Hurley, and Edward Neth. Chemistry: Principles and Reactions. 7th Edition. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning.


1. PSI AP Chemistry presentations, assessments, homework, classwork, and labs.

2. Zumdahl, Steven, and Susan Zumdahl. Chemistry. 9th Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.


This AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. For most students, the course enables them to undertake, as a freshman, second year work in the chemistry sequence at their institution or to register in courses in other fields where general chemistry is a prerequisite. This course is structured around the six big ideas articulated in the AP Chemistry curriculum framework provided by the College Board. [CR2] A special emphasis will be placed on the seven science practices, which capture important aspects of the work that scientists engage in, with learning objectives that combine content with inquiry and reasoning skills.

LABORATORY COMPONENT: (CR7, CR6 - guided, inquiry based experiments in bold in curriculum to follow)

Required Materials:

Graphing calculator, splash proof goggles, and a carbon capable laboratory notebook


The labs completed require following or developing processes and procedures, taking observations, and data manipulation. See specific labs within units for details. Students communicate and collaborate in lab groups; however, each student maintains their own lab notebook and is assessed both formatively and summatively on each laboratory experience. A minimum of 25% of student contact time will be spent doing hands-on laboratory activities. [CR5a]

Laboratory Reports [CR7]

A specific format will be given to the student for each lab. Students must follow that format and label all sections very clearly. AP Chemistry lab experiences require more time, analysis, measurement, and materials than a typical first year chemistry laboratory. The seven science practices will be emphasized throughout the experience and the students are required to communicate their procedure and results in a manner consistent with those practices.

Pre-Lab Work:

Each lab will be accompanied by pre-lab instruction including formative assessment questions. Students must perform satisfactorily on these assessments before moving to lab.


Students will recognize that scientific papers have titles. The title should be descriptive. For example, “pH Titration Lab” is a descriptive title and “Experiment 5” is not a descriptive title.


Students will recognize that scientific papers are dated. This is the date the student performed the experiment.


Students will recognize that there is a goal to every scientific investigation - a question to be answered. A purpose is a statement summarizing the “point” of the lab.

Procedure Outline

Students need to write an outline of the procedure. They should use bulleted statements or outline format to make it easy to read. If a student is doing a guided inquiry lab, they may be required to write a full procedure that they develop.

Embedded Lab Questions

Students will be given some questions to answer before the lab is done. They will need to either rewrite the question or incorporate the question in the answer. The idea here is that when someone (like a college professor) looks at a student’s lab notebook, they should be able to tell what the question was by merely looking at their lab report. It is important to produce a good record of lab work.

Data Tables

Students will need to create any data tables or charts necessary for data collection in the lab


Students need to record all their data directly in their lab notebook. They need to label all data clearly and always include proper units of measurement. Students should underline, use capital letters, or use any device they choose to help organize this section well. They should space things out neatly and clearly.

Calculations and Graphs

Students should show how calculations are carried out. Graphs need to be titled, axes need to be labeled, and units need to be shown on the axis.


This will vary from lab to lab. Students will usually be given direction as to what to write, but it is expected that all conclusions will be well thought out and well written.

Post Lab Error Analysis Questions

These questions will aid to develop insight into the lab, the analysis of data, and some reflection as to the source of error in the experiment.

Post Lab Assessment

Each lab will have it’s assessment to measure student comprehension and skill and their application of the appropriate science practices.

**Advanced Placement Chemistry — The Laboratory Notebook CR7

A record of lab work is an important document, which will show the quality of the lab work that students have performed and the student’s ability to communicate to others.

List of Laboratory Investigations:

The recommended collegeboard labs will be conducted in this class. Some modifications may be made based on class supplies but the goal, analysis, and practices will remain the same. Experiments to be conducted as guided inquiry are in bold. Additional experiments are listed in the scope and sequence.

Investigation 1: What Is the Relationship Between the Concentration of a Solution and the Amount of Transmitted Light Through the Solution?

Investigation 2: How Can Color Be Used to Determine the Mass Percent of Copper in Brass?

Investigation 3: What Makes Hard Water Hard?

Investigation 4: How Much Acid Is in Fruit Juices and Soft Drinks?

Investigation 5: Sticky Question: How Do You Separate Molecules That Are Attracted to One Another?

Investigation 6: What’s in That Bottle?

Investigation 7: Using the Principle That Each Substance Has Unique Properties o Purify a Mixture: An Experiment Applying Green Chemistry to Purification

Investigation 8: How Can We Determine the Actual Percentage of H2O2 in a Drugstore Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide?

Investigation 9: Can the Individual Components of Quick Ache Relief Be Used to Resolve Consumer Complaints?

Investigation 10: How Long Will That Marble Statue Last?

Investigation 11: What Is the Rate Law of the Fading of Crystal Violet Using Beer’s Law?

Investigation 12: The Hand Warmer Design Challenge: Where Does the Heat Come From?

Investigation 13: Can We Make the Colors of the Rainbow? An Application of Le Châtelier’s Principle

Investigation 14: How Do the Structure and the Initial Concentration of an Acid and a Base Influence the pH of the Resultant Solution During a Titration?

Investigation 15: To What Extent Do Common Household Products Have Buffering Activity?

Investigation 16: The Preparation and Testing of an Effective Buffer: How Do Components Influence a Buffer’s pH and Capacity?


In the scope and sequence below, the articulation to the science practices is indicated (ie. SP 1, etc.)


Tests: There will be full length unit tests consisting of both multiple choice and free response questions meant to simulate the Collegeboard questions in scope, objective, and style.

Quizzes: There will be multiple quizzes for each unit consisting of both multiple choice and free response questions.

CW/HW: For each unit, extensive classwork and homework is assigned. The completion of this is required but is not part of the students’ evaluation.

Laboratory Reports and Quizzes: Each laboratory will be assessed by means of a post-lab quiz which will require students to communicate their scientific reasoning and apply the science practices to laboratory situations. A laboratory notebook is required to be kept by all students.


UNIT ONE: Atomic Theory (CR2)

Overview: The student will be able to describe the origins of atomic theory citing experimental evidence and modeling. The student will be able to describe the evolution of our understanding of the atom from early theories to our present day quantum model.

Textbook Reference: Chapters 1,2,6

Big Ideas: 1, 3

Scope and Sequence: (PSI Units 1 and 2)

Week 1: Nature of Matter, Dalton’s Atomic Theory, Physical and Chemical Changes, Subatomic particles, Mass Spectroscopy

Week 2: Ions and Isotopes, Average Atomic Masses, Rutherford Models.

Nature of Light and development of Bohr Model, Bohr Model, PES spectroscopy, Quantum Model, Electron Configurations, magnetism

Week 3: Laboratory Investigation, Student Activities, and Review

Laboratory Experience: (Cr5a,b/Cr6,7)

- The students will calculate the wavelength of hydrogen spectral lines and relate this energy emission to Bohr model of atom

- The students will evaluate flame tests to test for presence of a particular element and relate this emission to the electronic structure of an atom.

- The students will carry out investigations designed to demonstrate the difference between a physical and chemical change.

Activities Outside the Laboratory: (Cr3a,c)

- The students will analyze actual PES charts to determine electron structure with an atom. - SP 6

- The students will determine the relative abundance of an isotope using coin manipulatives.

- The students will analyze mass spectral data to determine isotopic abundance and to identify elements. (Cr4) - SP 6

Topics Addressed and Curricular Connections: Cr2

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge: 1.A.1 (a,b,c,d)

Learning Objectives: 1.1


Average Atomic Mass

Pure Substances vs. Mixtures

Law of Definite Proportions

Law of Multiple Proportions

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge 1.B.1 (d,e)

Learning Objectives: 1.5 and 1.6


PES Spectroscopy and relation to electronic structure

E= hv

Coulombs Law

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge 1.B.2 (a,c,d)

Learning Objectives: 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8


Electron Configurations

Difference between core and valence electrons

Difference in energies between shells and subshells

Deduction of electronic structure using experimental data

Explanation of Aufbau exceptions (Ag, Cr, etc.)

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge 1.C.2 (a,b,c,d,e), 1.D.1 (a,b)

Learning Objectives: 1.12, 1.13


Coulombs Law and development of nucleus-electron attraction

Difference between Bohr “orbit” and quantum “orbital”

Property of spin and relation to magnetism (para vs. dia magnetic)

Development of quantum model by experiment and modeling

Evidence for various atomic models and justification for adopting the quantum model over the Bohr or classical shell model.

Use of experimental evidence to test and refine atomic models.(spectral lines, magnetism, PES)

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge 1.D.2 (a,b,c)

Learning Objectives: 1.14


Mass Spectroscopy to identify elements and isotopes

Flaws in Daltons theory

Evidence of isotopes and relative abundances via mass spectroscopy

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge 1.D.3 (a,b)

Learning Objectives: 1.15


Properties of light waves (frequency, energy, wavelength)

Spectral lines (emission and absorption)

Usage of EM radiation to probe properties of atom - ie. electronic structure. UV and visible spectral lines and electron transitions.

Usage or proper spectroscopy to probe different aspects of matter.

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge: 3.C.1 (a-c)

Learning Objectives: 3.10


Chemical and physical changes

Recognize chemical changes in laboratory by looking for characteristic qualities of chemical changes.

UNIT TWO: Periodic Table and Trends (Cr2)

Overview: The students will determine why the periodic table is arranged the way it is and describe how the position of an element on the table relates to it’s atomic structure, electronic structure, ionization energy, electronegativity, metallic character, and size.

Textbook Reference: Chapters 2, 6

Big Ideas: 1

Activities Outside the Laboratory: (Cr3a)

- Position mystery elements on the periodic table based on their relative size, ionization energy, etc. SP 1

- Using actual data, graph ionization vs. atomic number and explain trends. - SP 6,7

Scope and Sequence: (PSI Unit 3)

Week 1: Organization of periodic table, periodic trends, relation to experimental data. Assigning of common ionic charges and formula writing. Student activity and Review.

Topics Addressed and curricular connections:(CR2)

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge: 1.B.1 (a,b,c)

Learning Objectives: 1.5,1.6


Application of Coulomb’s Law to nuclear pull on electrons

Effective Nuclear Charge

Ionization Energy (factors that affect it, comparison between atoms/ions)

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge 1.B.2 (b,c,d)

Learning Objectives: 1.7, 1.8


Ionization Energy

Effective Nuclear Charge

Application of Coulomb’s Law as it affects electron-electron repulsions

Enduring Understanding and Essential Knowledge 1.C.1 (a,b,c,d)

Learning Objectives: 1.9, 1.10. 1.11


Structure of periodic table and relation to structure of atom

Deduction of Electron configuration from position on periodic table

Explanation of Aufbau exceptions (Ag, Cr, etc.)

Effective Nuclear Charge and Relation to Ionization Energy, Atomic and Ionic Radii, Electronegativity

Determination of Ionic Charges

Metallic vs. Non-metallic substances (CR4)

Relation of position of element on table to properties of material (CR4)

UNIT THREE: Mole Concept, Reactions, and Stoichiometry CR2

Overview: The student will understand the significance of the mole concept and it’s usage. The student will be able to use it mathematically to determine % composition, empirical and molecular formulas, and to determine unit amounts of substances. The student will be able to balance reactions and use stoichiometrical principles to determine relative amounts of reactants and products that react or are produced, theoretical yield, and determine a limiting reactant.

Textbook Reference: Chapter 2, 3, and 4

Big Ideas: 1,3

Laboratory Experience: (CR5, CR6, CR7)

- AP Laboratory Investigation Three - The students will precipitate out a hard water ion and determine it’s concentration based on gravimetric measurement of precipitate. - SP 2,3,4

- AP Laboratory Investigation Seven - The students will demonstrate the principle of atom economy via basic decomposition reactions. They will also use their results to establish the law of definite composition. In an extension, they will determine the empirical formula of a hydrated crystal.

- Determine the empirical formula of a metal oxide

- Determine the % yield of formation of copper(II) hydroxide precipitate SP 2,3,4

- Observe examples of REDOX, acid/base, and precipitation reactions.