Fr. Phil Flott, Pastor
(402) 387-1275 e-mail:
August 16, 2015 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon. St. Pius 9:00 am Grant & Jackie Flott
Tue. St. Pius 9:00 am . Pauline Kozisek Wed. Long Term Care 9:30 am Roman Coash
Thur. St. Pius 9:00 am Bill Huffman
Fri. St. Pius 9:00 am Dan & Irma Frerickson
Sat. St. Pius 6:15 pm Safe school year
Sun. Holy Cross 9:00 am Members of both parishes
Sun St. Pius 10:30 am For the ill of both parishes
RECONCILIATION Saturday at 5:30 pm at St. Pius X and before Mass at Holy Cross
Parish News
31 Club Prayer Reminder
8/17 / 8/18 / 8/19 / 8/20 / 8/21 / 8/22 / 8/23Jim /Joani Arens / Scott/Nancy Steinhaus / Lois Steuter / Al Steuter / Bonnie Haszard / Daivd/Rhonda Theis / Helen Haskell
Need someone / Marily Lund / Need someone / Jodi
Sybrant / Lorraine Ammon / Margie Cosgrove / Tom Cosgrov
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time: In the great Eucharist, we receive Jesus’ Body, his Blood, his Soul, his Divinity. Is there anything more important than receiving him and his eternal life at least every Sunday?
Financial Contributions: (August 8 & 9) --Thank you for your generosity
St. Pius X Holy Cross
Envelopes $1825.00 $612.25
Plate 95.00 44.00
Youth 00.00 35.00
Bishop’s Appeal 500.00 15.00
Improvement Fund 200.00 0.00
Peter’s Pence
Total: $2620.00 706.25
CAPUCHINS: $983.00 82.00
Religious education, Holy Cross—We begin Wednesday, September 2. Teachers will meet at 6:30 pm. Parents will come at 7:00 pm., to register their children. First class with the children will be September 9, afternoon at 4 and evening at 7. Please sign up to be a substitute teacher.
Religious education, Saint Pius—September 16, 6:00 pm will be a teachers’ only meeting. Parents sign-up meeting will be September 23, at 6:00 pm. September 30 will be afternoon and evening classes starting.
We need a 3rd grade teacher and a 7-8 grade teacher.
Confessions: Please remember that I am available at any time for confession.—to learn more about Confession
Holy Cross tithe May-June: $500.00 Omaha Catholic Charities
Holy Cross tithe July: $500.00 West Nebraska Register.
St. Pius tithe: $500.00 to Flame Women’s Ministry.
What is your favorite charity? Let us know & we will donate our tithe to that.
Tuesday, 7:00 pm, August 18: St. Pius X Parish Council
Monday, 7:00 pm, October 5: Holy Cross Parish Council.
St. Pius X Youth Choir: August 16 & 23, 10:30 Mass. Please come half hour early for practice.
“The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer.”—Pope Paul VI
Retrouvaille: Re-build your marriage, August 21-23. Call 1-888-317-5654 for details.
Thank you for your welcome to Fr. Sojan Parapilly last week.
The Parish Photo Albums. Find them in each sacristy. It appears we have extras. So if you would like one, please take.
Religious Education Director, St. Pius: Ryanne Kerrigan has agreed to direct the afternoon classes. We now need someone to direct the evening classes. This comes with a stipend. Please contact Fr. Phil.
Church cleaner: Has gone back to school. Again, we need someone. Please call Fr. Phil.