Hurt or Sick?

I have band-aids if you need one. (Ask me!)

If you need to go to the nurse:

  • please let me know.
  • a student will walk you there.



Straight there.

Straight back.

No visiting in the hall.

One person at a time.

Sign out at the door and take a hall pass!

If you think you are done…

3 R’S

Raise your hand and show me.

Revise your work if you need to.

Reflect on your work!

  • Fill out a Reflection Form on your work. Be honest!
  • At the end of the project, make sure you have a peer critique.

After the 3 R’s…

Set project aside.

Start cleaning up your area.

Grab a book from the library OR get a FINISHED activity from the materials table.

  • Return the book at the end of class!

During studio time…

Work hard and do your best.

Stay in your space, sitting or standing.

Voice volume 2 (whisper talking at your group) ALWAYS.

Use creative problem-solving.

  • Try to solve problems BEFORE asking for help.
  • Ask tablemates for help FIRST.
  • Ask Miss Pickett if tablemates do not know.

Work safely!

  • Always use tools and materials as they are intended.
  • WALK if you need to get out of your seat.


before you begin, write your name and teacher on the back.

Getting Supplies

Every table has a “Material Manager” that gets supplies for your group.

Everyone else sits and waits for their supplies to be given to them.

During instruction…

Take it from van Gogh – EARS are important!

Listen carefully.

Voice Volume 0.









Putting up Projects

If your project is wet:

  • Wait for Miss Pickett to call your group.
  • Put your work on the drying rack.

If your project is dry:

  • Put your art in your portfolio.
  • Give your portfolio to your group’s Portfolio Manager.

If your art is 3D:

  • Wait for Miss Pickett to call your group and put your art on the counter.

Clean Up Time

ONLY the Material Manager and Portfolio Manager can walk around.

Everyone else should be at their tables completing their jobs according to the JOBS BOARD.