Hurt or Sick?
I have band-aids if you need one. (Ask me!)
If you need to go to the nurse:
- please let me know.
- a student will walk you there.
Straight there.
Straight back.
No visiting in the hall.
One person at a time.
Sign out at the door and take a hall pass!
If you think you are done…
3 R’S
Raise your hand and show me.
Revise your work if you need to.
Reflect on your work!
- Fill out a Reflection Form on your work. Be honest!
- At the end of the project, make sure you have a peer critique.
After the 3 R’s…
Set project aside.
Start cleaning up your area.
Grab a book from the library OR get a FINISHED activity from the materials table.
- Return the book at the end of class!
During studio time…
Work hard and do your best.
Stay in your space, sitting or standing.
Voice volume 2 (whisper talking at your group) ALWAYS.
Use creative problem-solving.
- Try to solve problems BEFORE asking for help.
- Ask tablemates for help FIRST.
- Ask Miss Pickett if tablemates do not know.
Work safely!
- Always use tools and materials as they are intended.
- WALK if you need to get out of your seat.
before you begin, write your name and teacher on the back.
Getting Supplies
Every table has a “Material Manager” that gets supplies for your group.
Everyone else sits and waits for their supplies to be given to them.
During instruction…
Take it from van Gogh – EARS are important!
Listen carefully.
Voice Volume 0.
Putting up Projects
If your project is wet:
- Wait for Miss Pickett to call your group.
- Put your work on the drying rack.
If your project is dry:
- Put your art in your portfolio.
- Give your portfolio to your group’s Portfolio Manager.
If your art is 3D:
- Wait for Miss Pickett to call your group and put your art on the counter.
Clean Up Time
ONLY the Material Manager and Portfolio Manager can walk around.
Everyone else should be at their tables completing their jobs according to the JOBS BOARD.