Rearranging Rational Numbers Worksheet

Answer Key/Grading Rubric

Name ______Date ______

Part A

With your partner, answer questions 1 – 5.

Order the following from least to greatest.

1.  1 / 8 , 2 / 15 , 3 / 25 , 4 / 31 , 5 / 34

answer: 3/25 , 1/8 , 4/31 , 2/15 , 5/34 (2pts)

2. 29 / 85 , 33 / 105 , 47 / 150

answer: 47/150, 33/105, 29/85 (2pts)

Order the following from greatest to least

3. 12.4, 12, 13.56, 14, 13.32

answer: 14, 13.56, 13.32, 12.4, 12 (2pts)

4. 2 / 3, 25 / 28

answer: 25/28, 2/3 (2pts)

5. How are fractions and decimals alike? How are they different?

Answers may vary. (7pts)

Part B ~ Independent Practice

Order the following from least to greatest.

6. 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.1, 0.9

answer: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9 (5pts)

7. 7 / 10, 9 / 14, 21 / 28

answer: 9/14, 7/10, 21/28 (5pts)

Order the following from greatest to least.

8.  8 / 13, 12 / 17, 1 / 6

answer: 12/17, 8/13, 1/6 (5pts)

9.  0.34, 0.542, 10, 0.4, 99.81

answer: 99.81, 10, 0.542, 0.4, 0.34 (5pts)

10. 5 / 6, 10 / 11, 2 / 3

answer: 10/11, 5/6, 2/3 (5pts)

11. Five students are trying to order themselves from shortest to tallest. Their heights appear in the table.

Name / Michael / Karina / Chang / Victoria / Heath
Height (cm) / 136.23 / 134.62 / 124.46 / 144.78 / 131.95

(a)  Who is the shortest?

Answer: Chang (5pts)

(b)  Who is the tallest?

Answer: Victoria (5pts)

(c)  List the names of the students in order, from shortest to tallest.

Answer: Chang, Heath, Karina, Michael, Victoria (5pts)

12. Dr. Stevenson keeps tract of the height of all his patients. The heights of 5 of his patients somehow got mixed up! The patients are Amanda, Boris, Cruz, David, and Edward. Their heights are 135 ¼ cm, 121 ¾ cm, 140 ½ cm, 148 ½ cm, and 128 ¾ cm, but not necessarily in that order. Use the following clues to determine the height of each patient.

(a)  David is taller than Edward and Boris.

(b)  Amanda is shorter than Boris and David.

(c)  Edward is shorter than Amanda.

(d)  Cruz is the tallest.

Answer: Cruz 148 ½ cm, David 140 ½ cm, Boris 135 ¼ cm, Amanda 128 ¾ cm, Edward 121 ¾ cm (25pts)

12. Mrs. Walker is buying groceries. She is comparing prices of two brands. Math’n’Munch and Mathelicious. The table below shows the cost of each brand. Circle the lowest price for each item on the grocery list.

Items on Grocery List / Math’n’Munch / Mathelicious
Juice / $0.56 * (5pts) / $0.60
Milk / $3.90 / $3.09* (5pts)
Cookies / $4.32 / $4.23*(5pts)
Macaroni and Cheese / $0.89* (5pts) / $1.00
