Main Stories 8 November 2011

·  “Special status” for the north starts with legitimacy of parallel structures (Koha Ditore)

·  The new agenda for the north of Kosovo is being drafted (Koha Ditore)

·  KFOR machinery breaks through towards Jarinje (Koha Ditore)

·  Jeremic: Serbia cannot request removal of barricades (Koha Ditore)

·  American Ambassador Dell leaves to become Deputy Commander in Germany (Koha Ditore)

·  Thaçi appoints Lirim Grajcevci for Spokesperson (Koha Ditore)

·  Thaçi’s “assassinator” is released from charges for the attempted murder (Koha Ditore)

·  Ban’s report, a signal for Serbia (Zëri)

·  Vetëvendosje requests return of reciprocity towards Serbia (dailies)

Kosovo Media Highlights

“Special status” for the north starts with legitimacy of parallel structures (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that even though it was never specified what EU officials meant with their call on Pristina to come with “a comprehensive agenda for the north,” many of its officials in a way left to be understand that this concerns acceptance of parallel structures as legitimate representatives of the citizens in that part of Kosovo. Ever since the publishing of the Progress Report, Koha Ditore has discussed with some EU diplomats and officials to understand as much as possible at this moment, what plans and ideas are currently circulating regarding the north of Kosovo. In general, all interlocutors agree that this part of Kosovo should have some kind of a “special status”, “particular treatment” or also “autonomy”. At the same time everyone is against the division of Kosovo, including the states that have not recognized Kosovo as an independent state. The main differences between the EU diplomats (depending on the country they come from) are that if Ahtisaari’s Package should be implemented and how much should it implement in the north of Kosovo. It is interesting that officials of EU institutions, at the Commission and in the Council, consider that the fact that Ahtisaari’s Package cannot be implemented in the north, and that another modality should be found, should be accepted.

A new agenda for the north of Kosovo is being drafted (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that Serbia will be conditioned to stop the founding of parallel structures in north of Kosovo in December, when the EU Council will vote whether Serbia should receive the status of the candidate for the EU or not. At least, this is the aim of Kosovo’s institutions and the states that support independence, reports this daily. This accomplishment would open the path for implementation of the comprehensive agenda for the north, which is being drafted in cooperation with the diplomatic missions in Kosovo. Koha Ditore managed to obtain the political part of this agenda which has been drafted from Kosovo Government in cooperation with the Embassies of friendly countries and the office of International Civilian Representative. The agenda will be also used as a response to the Progress Report, where the European Commission has requested a new vision for the north. The document which is a political note holds the title, “A comprehensive agenda for the north: New European Approach,” and it planes a circle of activities which need to be done in order for the north of Kosovo to begin being governed by the “Ahtisaarian logic,” however without mentioning the name of the former Finish President.

KFOR machinery broke through towards Jarinje (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that the convoy of KFOR broke with a crane through the northern part of Mitrovica, near the barricades. KFOR units marched unhindered towards the border crossing point with Serbia. According to B92, except for the crane, the convoy of KFOR vehicles, also consisted of two Hammer vehicles and a pick up vehicle, accompanied by a Kosovo Police vehicle with an alarm signaling.

Jeremic: Serbia cannot request removal of barricades (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said in an interview for B92 that a change of Serbia’s policy towards Kosovo would not result with dramatic changes on Serbia’s road towards integration in the European Union. Jeremic defended the current official policy towards Kosovo and attacked those who propose essential changes. “I am absolutely convinced that change of the policy towards Kosovo would have dramatic impact on its road towards EU,” stated Jeremic.

Asked whether the Serbian Government should appeal on Serbs in the north of Kosovo to give up barricades, Jeremic said “it would not be democratic and honorable to appeal on them not to express their democratic will.” He added that an agreement with KFOR and the West could be reached for the resolution of the situation in the north.

American Ambassador Dell leaves to become Deputy Commander in Germany (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that it appears that the American Ambassador in Pristina is preparing to leave Kosovo. Based on a message posted in the social network Facebook, Christopher Dell, is expecting to be nominated on the post of the Deputy Commander at the Command of American Army headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. “It appears that I will be living for Germany on my new assignment, as a Deputy Commander for Africa in Stuttgart. It is the only USA unified military command with a civilian deputy,” wrote Dell on Facebook.

Thaçi appoints Lirim Grajcevci for Spokesperson (Koha Ditore)

Based on its sources at Kosovo Government, Koha Ditore reports that the current Political Advisor of Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Lirim Grajcevci, will be taking the position of the Spokesperson of the Prime Minister and the Government. According to the sources, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, has decided that Grajcevci should take over the position of communication with journalists and public on behalf of his cabinet, in the efforts to improve the relations with the public and Kosovo Government.

Thaçi’s “assassinator” is released from charges for the attempted murder (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that based on the new charges raised at the end of the last month, Pascal Persoons has concluded that Fazli Sejdiu was not aiming to kill the Prime Minister Thaçi, but to steal at his house. In this way, EULEX prosecutor, has withdrawn the accusation for serious attempt of murder and illegal possession of firearm. No evidence proved that he was carrying a gun in the night of 6 June of the year 2008, when he was wounded. The only thing that he had in his hands was a metal stick for opening the doors and windows.

Ban’s report, a signal for Serbia (Zëri)

Zëri reports that Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi, while talking about the report of the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, stated for RTK, that the report is a signal that the pressure should be raised on Serbia and in order to prevent the crises which could destabilize Balkans. According to Kuçi, the political aim of Serbia and parallel structures in the north for division of Kosovo, generates crisis not only for Kosovo, but also beyond the borders, inducing all Balkan extremists for similar actions. Kuçi emphasized that Kosovo is interested in peace, stability, reciprocity value and for the path towards European integrations.

Vetëvendosje requests return of reciprocity with Serbia (dailies)

Koha Ditore reports that Vetëvendosje movement is expected to submit another request for motion to the Assembly of Kosovo, this time for trade issues. One of its members and Deputy at the Assembly, Visar Ymeri, stated this on Monday at a press conference, adding that Vetëvendosje will call the Minster of Trade Mimoza Kusari Lila to discuss the trade relations between Kosovo and Serbia. “During this session we will request to vote the motion which calls for the return of the blockade measures to imports from Serbia. This is of major political and economic importance for Kosovo,” he said.

Kosovo Press Headlines

Koha Ditore

Front page

·  “Special status” for the north starts with legitimization of parallel structures

·  New agenda for the north drafted

·  Dell leaves to become a deputy commander in Germany

·  Thaçi’s “assassinator” released from charges for attempted murder

Other headlines

·  KFOR machinery penetrates towards Jarinje (2)

·  A hand grenade discovered by the Police Station in Zubin Potok (2)

·  Thaçi nominates Lirim Greiçevci for Spokesperson (3)

·  American Congress members visit Tadic (3)

·  Jovanovic: Serbia pays the price of wrong policy towards Kosovo (3)

·  224 unresolved cases at Kosovo Courts (4)

·  Parties advised not to rush with election reform (5)

·  Serbia between “capitulation” or “destruction” (6)

·  LDK: Government draft budget does not offer progress (8)

·  Kosovo pays one million euros per day for Serbian goods (9)


Front page

·  The eight names of diplomacy

·  Cooper’s proposal, a long term solution

·  The drawer that hides facts

·  Vetëvendosje requests blockade of Serbian goods

Other headlines

·  Serbia profits from Kosovo’s destabilization (2)

·  Bildt to visit Kosovo and Serbia (2)

·  Over 200 thousand unresolved cases (2)

·  Kosovo a problem for Serbia’s integration (2)

·  KFOR: Now Serbia is responsible (4)

·  The old way of blocking KFOR (4)

·  Plus: Ban’s report, a signal for Serbia (4)

·  Minus: Grenade at Police Station in Zubin Potok (4)

·  LDK conditions Government on 2012 budget (6)

Kosova Sot

Front page

·  Company of Deputy Kelmendi, the greatest importer from Serbia

·  Serbia requests Gates 1 and 31

·  From 14 November, VIP bodyguards without weapons

·  Triumf Riza’s murderer: The police is mistreating me

Other headlines

·  Draft law on asylum, ready (2)

·  224 thousand unresolved cases at Courts (2)

·  KFOR arrives in Jarinje (3)

·  Bildt announces visits in Kosovo and Serbia (4)

·  LDK against 2012 draft budget (5)

·  Far from promised development (5)

Epoka e Re

Front page

·  Hands of the people: Citizens can discharge the president?

·  Akan in Washington

·  Grajcevci spokesperson of Kosovo Government

·  PDK and LDK for open lists

·  Vetëvendosje calls Mimoza for motion

·  The Government to report on the Report

·  KFOR “broke” the barricade in Jarinje

Other headlines

·  Bildt to visit Kosovo and Serbia (2)

·  Serbia benefits from destabilization (3)

·  Samardzic: We request new talks with pristina (3)

·  Cvetkovic: Serbia has made progress in the dialogue with Kosovo (3)

·  Kosovo, not Croatia, a problem for the integration of Serbia in the EU (3)

·  As always, Serbia abandons the meeting (8)

·  Isa wants LDK in the first position (11)


Front page

·  They have the names

·  Soon in Brussels?

Other headlines

·  Carl Bildt visits Kosovo (4)

·  Serbia benefits from the north (5)

·  They break through with negotiations (5)

·  Kostunica requests new talks (6)

·  Pristina and Belgrade soon in Brussels (6)

·  Exporting caravan of Serbia (10)

·  Vetëvendosje, invitation for Mimoza (11)

Bota Sot

Front page

·  Two years of “dual fight” of Haradinaj with the Tribunal

·  Jahjaga and Mustafa ignore BIK

·  Kosovo economy is consumed from Serbia

·  LDK does not vote for the budget for the year 2012

Other headlines

·  Bildt is expected to visit Kosovo and Serbia (3)

·  They congratulate with press communiqués, they celebrate at home with their families (4)

·  Osmani: No more president elected with political trade (6)

·  Grenade at the police station in Zubin Potok (6)

·  How much does budget for 2012weight, numbers and facts? (9)

·  KFOR machinery passes through Serb barricades (11)

·  Lirim Grajcevci, Spokesman of Kosovo Government (11)


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.