4-H Demonstrations And Illustrated Talks Contest

Youth Building

Monday, July 17, 2017

12:00 Noon

General Guidelines:

_ Topics for Individual and Team Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks will be included in the program.

_ Age divisions are: Junior, 8-13 years old, and Senior, 14 -19 years old, on January 1 of the current year.

_ Individuals may select any topic for his or her demonstration. No large animals or weapons permitted (includes arrow tips).

_ A demonstration, whether given by an individual or a team of two members should last between the following guidelines. Ages 8-11 presentations should be 6-9 minutes; Ages 12- 13 presentations should be 9-12 minutes; Ages 14 and up presentations should be 9-12 minutes.

- If a contestant participates in both the Individual and Team Demonstration, they MUST present a different topic for each demonstration.

- If a contestant is awarded State Fair participation opportunities in both the Junior Individual and Team Demonstration at the Ohio State Fair, the contestant MUST participate ONLY Team Demonstration at the Ohio State Fair.

_ Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks will be scored on originality, appearance, introduction, delivery, materials and conclusion.

_ Winners may represent Crawford County at the 4-H Communication Day at the Ohio State Fair, according to State Fair eligibility.

 Additional rules may be found in the 2017 Crawford County Junior Fair Book.

 A copy of the score sheet to be used in judging can be obtained at the Extension Office.

4-H Demonstration Entry Form
Due in OSU Extension Office no later than July 13, 2017 by 4:30 pm
or may be turned in at FCS Judging on July 13 at the Youth Building
NO Late Entries will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS!
(Use one form for each individual entry - list team entries on one form.)
F Large Animals are Not Permitted in Demonstrations.E
Name Age as of Jan. 1/2017______
Name of team member Age as of Jan. 1/2017______
Class: Junior (8-11 yrs.) Senior (14 & up)
Individual – No Technology __ Individual Demonstration or Illustrated Talk Team– No Technology With Technology
__ Individual Demonstration or Illustrated Talk Without Technology
(See attached sheet for more information)
(12-13 yrs.)
___ Individual Demonstration or Individual __ Team With or Without Technology
Illustrated Talk With Technology (Not eligible for State Fair Competition)
___ Individual Demonstration or Individual Illustrated Talk Without Technology
__ Team With or Without Technology
Description and topic of demonstration (Please give some idea of subject.)
If submitting a Team Entry Form, please give age of both participants.
NOTE: If the ages of team members fall within two age categories, the team must compete in the appropriate division for the oldest team member.

Definition of Technology:

Power Point slides or other computer generated captions are commonly used in presentations and referred to in the State Fair guidelines. But, any form of media maybe used to help deliver a message. Technology may include: video clips, slide projections, overheads, etc. The intent is to help young people make choices in the selection of technology and to utilize it for effective communication.

What equipment will be available and what do I need for the county contest?

We will provide lap top, LCD, speakers, movie screen, extension cords, easel, table, and microphone.

Lap tops will contain PowerPoint 2010 version.

Youth are encouraged to bring along their own lap top or other audio visual equipment.

Guidelines for Using an Animal:

Due to the limitations of the building’s facilities, no large animals (i.e. Horse, Beef, Sheep, Goat, Dairy or Hogs over 20 pounds) may be used in a 4-H demonstration. Members should use models, photographs, or illustrations to make their point when giving a talk about large animals.

Any small animal (under 20 pounds) used in a 4-H Demonstration; provided that the animals do not place the public at risk and that they meet all of the health requirements established by the Ohio Department of Agriculture Livestock Health Requirements found in the Crawford County Handbook. Current health and shot records must be carried with the animal (if applicable). Animals must remain caged or leashed before and after the presentation.