Fourth Grade Team Minutes 2015/ 2016

8/26/15 Extended Planning

-Discuss beginning of the year procedures

-make sure to display learning scale and performance

-beginning of the year assessments (make sure iReady is completed in a timely fashion)

-Writing – following same format as last year? What planning sheets are we using? Is FSA for writing going to be paper-based or on the computer?

----continue OREO at the moment, beginning with Opinion (follow writing as used last year)

----need to decide when we are doing baseline

9/2/15 Extended Planning

-Writing – using Lucy Calkins

(check out materials and decide how to incorporate into writing instruction)

-Ms. Simms suggests TEAC (Topic Sentence, Evidence, Analyze, and Conclusion)

-What is the sheet for Informative if at all?

-CARE cycles are 4 weeks. Make sure you are specific on what you are remediating or enriching. On 4th week, we assess the standards.

-Remember – performance scales, learning goal, and learning goals

-FOCUS on remediation and enrichment (must be specific)

-Darby: SES Band 5

9/16/15 Extended Planning

-RTI: which students should be on RTI

-the RTI process and documentation

9/30/15 Extended Planning

-discuss Team leader notes

-Multiplication Challenge procedures (Oct 30th in the AM)

-make sure ESE progress reports are completed on time

-Ms. Block will be working with students on LLI

-make sure ALL students have complete iReady diagnostic


-if you are parking in faculty lot, make sure you leave by 3:20 or gate will be locked

-ELOP: are you interested in offering a class? If so, discuss with Mr. Darby and create a blurb advertising your class

10/1/15 After School

-revising and editing CARE assessments

-how are students currently progressing through cycle?

10/7/15 After School

-review definitions of learning scale and learning goal (pulse check is something different)

-discuss scoring essays (What should a 4 in PFO and EE look like?)

-have baseline data ready as soon as possible

10/28/15 Extended Planning

-using BEEP for monthly prompts (some prompts are neither opinion or informative??)

-team decided not to use planning sheet for sheets with OREO

-will use OREO format for instruction but not have printed planning sheet for students (they tend to use as a crutch) (requiring students to have two reasons)

-procedures for running whole group writing instruction (model paragraph by paragraph how to write the essay)

-will have peer editing and use document camera to display student writing for instruction

11/5/15 After School

-Are students finding OREO easy to follow?

-continue to work on developing reasons and evidences.

-conventions seems to be a weakness (focus on indentation, run-on sentences)

11/12/15 After School

-need to make sure we are dedicating time towards writing instruction

-are students going to be required to take FSA Writing on the computer? If so, what are we going to do to prepare students?

-teachers are seeing students more engaged in writing

-peer editing is working well

12/2/15 Extended Planning

-Sedlack: DBQ Document Based Questioning Training being offered by district

-two teachers from the grade level will be attending training and bringing back to team

-pacing guide for CARE assessments around holiday break

-will assess at the end of the week we return

-make sure to review standards as much as possible

-encourage students to study all skills taught this cycle during holiday break

-we will be meeting on our next extended planning or team meeting to discuss CARE assessment question and edit as needed

-Once we have returned from holiday break, we will discuss grading writing and being consistent among the grade level

-it is essential to use the rubric when grading

12/10/15 After School

Discussed team leader notes

1/6/16 After School

Discussed team leader notes

Review and edit CARE tests