Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Learn to write both in English & Hindi, your Name, Surname, Age, Class, Parent’s name, Address & your Phone no. on A-4 size white sheet & paste in scrap file. / BE SELF - SUFFICIENT!
Learn to be independent. Try to make your bed. Learn to wear your clothes & yes tie your shoe laces yourself / CONVERSATION TIME!
Revise English conversation points given at the back & try to converse in English at home. / FUN TIME WITH FAMILY!
Visit any amusement park, click photographs & have an enjoyable day with your family. (Don’t forget to paste pictures in your scrap file.)
5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Plant a sapling, water it daily, watch it grow. Decorate the pot beautifully. Click pictures at every stage of growth & paste in scrap file. / NATURE WALK
Take a morning walk with your parents. Collect fallen leaves. Make something creative using the collected leaves for e.g. Caterpillar, butterfly or a scenery etc on a white A-4 sheet and paste it in your scrap file. / TIME TO LEARN NEW FACTS
Watch Discovery Kids, National Geographic or Animal planet Channel. Write 1-2 lines or interesting facts & paste pictures of any 3 animals you saw on these channels / CELEBRATE BEST FRIEND’S DAY
Make a beautiful card with your creativity for your best friend in School. Bring it after holidays. / LET’S RECAP!
Revise the concepts of Mathematics done till now. You can use a new
3- in - 1 note book. For practice. / MAKE A CHART/ MODEL ACCORDING TO YOUR ROLL NO.
1-7 - Seasons & Clothes
8-13 - Different type of Houses
14-20 - Our Helpers
21-28 - Festivals
29+ - Plants & its uses
You can get information or help from E.V.S book or online. / LET’S VISITREAD!
Visit to B.C Roy Library, to inculcate in your child habit of reading (Near Pragati Maidan, for Address, search in Google).
Read at least 1 English and 1 Hindi book of your level.
12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Write 3-4 sentences about your visit to the library. / HAPPINESS IS TOGETHERNESS
Watch an animated movie and write few lines about your favorite characters & paste their pictures in your scrap file. / BEST OUT OF WASTE
Raid your home and find waste objects. Make any item using seeds of fruits or colored shells or buttons or CD’s etc for class decoration. / SPEND VALUABLE TIME WITH YOUR GRAND PARENTS
Sit with them, listen to their stories & thank them for everything they teach you . Thank them for being there for you. / READING TIME!
Purchase any English children’s magazine or Lady Bird series book or primary plus newspaper & read it.
Also, purchase a Hindi story book with big pictures and read it. / FATHER’S DAY PREPARATION
Make a beautiful card with a nice message for your Father. / FATHER’S DAY
Wake up your Father, hug him, give him your card and surprise him in the morning!
Prepare with your mother, a surprise breakfast (without fire)
Like sandwich or fruit salad with milk shake and serve it early morning on Father’s Day.
19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
Make English flash cards according to your roll no.s
ee -1-5
ll- 6-11
oo- 12-16
Help your mother in her household tasks, to surprise clean your cupboard. Also, arrange table for dinner in a beautiful manner. / HEALTHY MIND HEALTHY BODY
Go to a park with your parents & teach them Yogaasans taught by your Yoga teacher.
Don’t forget to click pictures (of you and your parents doing Yoga) & paste in your scrap file on WORLD YOGA DAY. / STORY TIME BEST TIME!
Ask your mother for a bed time moral story. Draw the favorite character in it using your imagination & write few lines about it in Hindi. / PREPARTION TIME
Prepare for your next presentation i.e ADMAD (create your own advertisement & enact accordingly) / MOVE YOUR BODY
Create your own step on your favorite song and dance with your family member. Teach them your steps and learn new from them. (refer video : move your body, shake shake) / LEARNING THE PAST
Visit any Historical Monument and collect information about it & share it class after you come back. Click pictures and paste in your scrap file.
26 / 27 / 28 / 29
Learn the summer poems (attached with HHW) both English & Hindi with proper actions & voice modulation. / GENERAL KNOWLEDGE
Learn G.K questions from spiral.
Look for the pictures of the following personalities online:
The President of India, The Prime Minister of India , The Chief Minister of Delhi & Some Sports Personalities and try to remember their faces. / OBSERVATION TIME.
Observe your little sapling, how much it has grown. / NEWSPAPER HUNT
Find words of ‘ee’ sound from it and paste in your scrap file.
Find आइ मात्राwords from Hindi Magazine and paste it in scrap file. / GET READY FOR SCHOOL
Wash your water bottle, pack your bag and do not forget to keep your holidays homework. And Yes! sleep early to wake up early. / Class -1
School will Reopen on 3rd July 2017
- Holiday homework should be done under parental guidance & not by the parents.
- Set up a homework friendly area
- Schedule a regular study time.
- Keep distractions to a minimum
- Make sure kids do their own work
- Be a motivator & monitor
- English Reader : Read page 2,3,4
- Bhasha Abhyas : Do Pages 13,14,15
- Bhasha Madhuri : Read page 4 & 7
- EVS : Read ch 1 & 2
- Step by step : do page 12, 13,14 & 40
- Practice daily at least one page each of English and Hindi (from any book) in printed form in your 3-in-1 note book.
- Inculcate reading habit.
- Learn the formation of print letters of English & Hindi (already pasted in your Note book), the joining of print letters (given above) also correct formation of No.s. Practice writing again in your three in one copy.
a)May I go to play?
b)I have finished my work.
c)Could you hand me the book?
d)Mummy, can I help you in the kitchen?
e)Mummy , can I lay the table today?
f)Papa , can I help you wash the car?
g)Grandma, should I help you put the thread in the needle?
h)Mummy, can I get you a glass of water?
i)Mummy, May I take some ice-cream from the fridge?
j)Papa, I am sorry for my behavior.
k)Papa, please teach me how to ride a bicycle.
l)Mummy, Can I join summer workshop in school?
m)Mummy, Can I help you wash and soak the rice?
n)Mummy, should I set the salad today?
o)Wishing people properly-Hello uncle/aunty, how are you?