Chairman Jim Allen opened the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 10, 2006.

Roll Call

Present: Chairman Jim Allen, Councilwoman Kim Barrett, Clare Shin, Vice-Chairman Herman Silbiger, Dave Rosenthal, alternate Dave Giuliano, alternate Alexander Nachman, alternate Frank DeVita and Recording Secretary, Carol Rippetoe.

Absent: Guy Buck (excused) and alternate Vivian Torres.

Mr. Allen welcomed and introduced alternate members.

Approval of Minutes. Clare Shin made a motion to accept the minutes of June 10, 2006 Open Space meeting. Councilwoman Kim Barrett seconded.

Councilwoman Kim Barrett introduced Peter Karavites, Board President, Tinton Falls Board of Education (K-8 district). Mr. Karavites provided the committee with a brief overview of Tinton Falls schools and addressed the interaction between the schools and the Borough. He explained that the schools are in need of maintenance instead of expansion. He expressed an interest in the Child Development Center facility at Fort Monmouth, explaining how it could be shared with Eatontown, how it represented a cost savings, how municipal sharing could be realized and how the area off Hope Road also offered the potential for a police training facility. Mr. Karavites said he will discuss all of this with the Board of Education and get back to Mr. Allen by July 31st.

Clare Shin reported that item #7 (reference to how people voted on Open Space) was removed from the survey and that the results of her research about having responses mailed back to Tinton Falls revealed a costly way of getting our information. Dave Rosenthal was going to inquire about getting the survey on the Tinton Falls website; Jim Allen will investigate mailing costs and advised that if we need a special meeting to get the surveys in order, we will meet. Time is of the essence since August 3rd is the due date for having the survey included in the Borough newsletter and our next meeting is not until August 14th.

Herman Silbiger distributed copies of the mission statement to everyone present. Minor word changes were made. The mission statement received unanimous approval – with corrections. The mission statement will be retyped and included in the record of minutes. It will also be entered on the Open Space website.

Alexander Nachman volunteered to be the Open Space Committee liaison to the Master Planners.

Mr. Allen met with Bryan Dempsey, Mayor Maclearie and representatives of the Monmouth County Park System about recreational Open Space in relation to Fort Monmouth. Municipalities are expected to demonstrate creative uses as well as resource sharing in their land use planning. Mr. Allen stressed the need for Tinton Falls to make our needs known to this committee.

Councilwoman Barrett reported that the Master Planning Committee will be reaching out to all Tinton Falls committee chairs for input. Alex will attempt to get a date when the Master Planners will speak with the Open Space Committee.

The meeting was declared open to the public. Herman Silbiger moved to close the public portion of our meeting. The motion was seconded by Dave Rosenthal.

Mr. Allen has invited Adele Keller of the Monmouth County Land Conservancy to speak with us at the September meeting.


A motion to adjourn was made by Clare Shin; seconded by Dave Rosenthal.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

Carol Rippetoe

Recording Secretary