Auberge HOA Board Meeting

September 19, 2016

Note: Tom was absent. Ben Ford acted as Secretary.

Approve Minutes of previous meetings

·  Robert moved, Steve second, approved

Ratify expenditures and actions since last meeting

·  Robert moved, Ben second, approved

Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report: Steve Greenfield

·  $5,000 approved for legal fees associated with HOA policies and issues.

·  All other numbers looked good. Ben moved, Robert second, approved

Landscape Committee: Gail Stearns

·  Common area water bill was double previous month. Landmark came out and no one can locate a leak.

·  Paul Petersons meter is leaking on the city side….city to fix.

·  Multiple drip line repairs.

·  Alatoree’s tree issue.

·  Mr. Porter would leak to remove and replace a tree in the common area along Yale…committee to discuss. Ben, Robert, Accepted

Pool Committee: Tia Creamer

·  Tia emailed report…please include in file. Ben, Robert, Accepted

Architectural Committee: Gary Hughes

·  3 homes sold in cul de sac thus far. Would like to have homeowners sign documents accepting CC&R’s before they can close.

·  Mark Machears(sp?) wants an approval for an outside building – Gary to ask if we would consider a smaller unit.

·  Reviewed and accepted plans(with red lines)for a new 3 car garage home to be built between Tom and Ken. Robert, Ben, accepted

Website Committee: Tia Creamer

·  Tia emailed report…please include in file. Ben, Steve, Accepted

Asset Management Committee: Nick Hanna

·  Nick was absent

·  Voted to approve fence contract for the North side fence. Vote 5 – 0 in favor(tom voted yes via proxy vote)

Security and Safety Committee: Ken Loden and Gary Knowls

·  Automatic timer on front lights of clubhouse. Will adjust timing….is working well.

·  Revised letter regarding 4-digit code policy was presented. Vote to approve policy and send to neighborhood. Vote 4-0 in favor (Tom absent)

Finance Committee: Robert Shaw

·  No report

Social Committee: Diane Pearson

·  Absent. No report

Nominating Committee: Ben Ford

·  No report

Old Business:

  1. List of board members and committee member sent to residents
  2. Detachable front sign attachment announcing gates open form 12-6 on Sat and Sun for house shoppers. Sign has not been completed.

New Business:

  1. Review and discuss submitted requests for waiver of the parking restrictions

·  Loyds waiver was granted contingent upon no occupants parking across the sidewalk. All three occupants are on the deed.

·  Choi waver vote was held off due to insufficient information. Once more information is provided we will call a vote.