/ VoteCal Statewide Voter Registration System Project
Use Case: UC06.01.01 / Generate Election Roster

Use Case: UC06.01.01 / Generate Election Roster

Attribute / Details /
System Requirements: / S17.1 VoteCal must provide the ability to generate the official list of eligible registered voters with respect to any given election based on business rules configurable by SOS administrators (i.e., 18 years of age on election day, effective date of registration at least 15 days prior to election day, registration status active or inactive).
S17.2 VoteCal must provide the ability for authorized independent county users to export the official list of registered voters with respect to any election.
S17.4 VoteCal must provide the ability for counties to generate and locally print precinct rosters (and supplemental rosters) either as indices or as roster indices for each voting precinct from VoteCal. Each roster must be printed in one or more (up to 3) accepted formats as defined by the SOS administrator, and must include the following information for each voter:
§  Voter full name
§  Voter residence address
§  Voter telephone number
§  Voter UID (in bar-coded format only)
§  Indication if the voter is required to provide identification as a first-time voter who registered by mail
§  Voter status (active or inactive);
§  Ballot style
§  Partisan affiliation (primary elections only)
§  Indicator if voter has already voted or been assigned a ballot (early or vote-by-mail voting)
S17.5 VoteCal must provide the ability for counties to extract the required data to locally generate and print precinct rosters and supplemental rosters in an alternate format, or to import into an electronic poll book application.
[ This use case presents one of two options for transmitting the extract]
S17.6 VoteCal must provide the ability to record when voters have been included in a printed roster so that they may be excluded from the subsequent generation of supplemental rosters.
Description: / The purpose of this use case is to enable a Uuser to generates a polling place roster (or supplemental roster) list of voters eligible for an upcoming election, or to initiate an extract that can be used to generate a roster in the local EMS.
Actors: / SOS User, County User (SOS User as necessary)
Trigger: / A list of eligible voters is needed for an upcoming election.County is ready to generate/print rosters or supplemental rosters for an upcoming election.
System: / VoteCal Web Application
Preconditions: / §  All global preconditions apply.
Post conditions: / §  A report is created in three different preferred PDF formats that is ready to be downloaded and printed.
§  Each voter’s record is appended with a voter activity indicating his inclusion on a roster.
§  All global post conditions apply.
Normal Flow: / 1.  Follow UC07.18.01 Generate Report or Correspondence through Step 4
2.  System prompts user to configure the following parameters:
§  Election – this corresponds to the election for which the list is being generated. The drop down should only be populated with elections pertaining to the county selected.
§  County – the report can only be generated for a single jurisdiction.
§  Political Party – for primary elections only.
§  Voter Status (Active/Inactive only) – whether or not to include Inactive voters in the rosterInclude Inactive Voters?.
§  List is Supplemental – a checkbox that when checked will add the word “Supplemental” to the report’s name in various places so that it may be easily differentiated from the initial list that was created.
§  Format: PDF(3 options available for different layouts), Delimited File (Readable by ePoll books, other systems, spreadsheet),
3.  User configures the parameters and continues.
4.  Follow UC07.18.01 Generate Report or Correspondence steps 6 – 9. Because the extract may be created as an Excel file or tab delimited text, this file can be extracted locally to generate and print precinct rosters and supplemental rosters in an alternate format, or to import into an electronic poll book application.
5.  System generates Election Roster. The report is generated as configured by the user. .
§  A voter is eligible to be placed on the list if the following criteria are met:
§  The voter is 18 years of age on the date of the election.
§  The voter’s effective date of registration is at least 15 days prior to the date of the election.
§  The voter’s current registration status is Active or Inactive.
§  The precinct is NOT mail-only.
§  For supplemental rosters, Tthe voter’s record is without a voter activity item”Printed on Roster” flag. This indicates that the voter indicating he has either not already been included on a list for the election that this particular list is being created for, or has a data change requiring re-inclusion.
§  Follow UC07.18.01 Generate Report or Correspondence step 10.1.
§  Each voter’s record is appended with a Voter Activity record to indicate his inclusion on the list.
§  Each voter’s record is appended with a “Printed on Roster” flag that will exclude the voter from the next time asubsequent supplemental rosters is generated for that election. This flag should be removed each time a voter record is subject to: party change, address change, name change, ID required, status change, precinct assignment, ballot issues, and affidavit number change.
Alternate Flows: / 2.2a For a county user, this field is automatically populated and cannot be changed.
Exceptions: / N/A
Includes: / N/A
Business Rules: / §  An SOS Administrator has the ability to configure business rules around the generation of the official list of eligible registered voters with respect to any given election (i.e., 18 years of age on election day, effective date of registration at least 15 days prior to election day, registration status active or inactive).
§  A county user can only create a roster for the county to which he belongs.
§  The following data is included on the report:
§  Voter full name
§  Voter residence address
§  Voter telephone number
§  Voter UID (in bar-coded format using local EMS ID numberonly)
§  Indication if the voter is required to provide identification as a first-time voter who registered by mail
§  Voter status (active or inactive);
§  Ballot styleRegular/Home Precinct
§  Partisan affiliation (primary elections only)
§  Indicator if voter has already voted or been assigned a ballot (early or vote-by-mail voting)
§  The “Printed on Roster” flag will be subsequently removed each time a voter record is subject to: party change, address change, name change, ID required, status change, precinct assignment, ballot issues, and affidavit number change. This will enable the voter record to be included in subsequent Supplemental Roster printings.
Frequency of Use: / TBD
Assumptions: / Although SOS Users have access to this function, it is not anticipated that they would perform this function independently or on behalf of a county except in emergencies.
Notes and Issues: / What are the different formats referred to in requirement S17.4?N/A

Revision History

Date / Document
Version / Document Revision
Description / Revision Author
12/30/2009 / 0.1 / Initial Draft / Chad Hoffman
01/12/2010 / 0.2 / Document Revisions / Chad Hoffman
01/27/2010 / 1.0 / Release to Client / Maureen Lyon
02/12/2010 / 1.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback / Chad Hoffman
2/15/2010 / 1.2 / Document Revisions / Chad Hoffman
03/19/2010 / 1.3 / Incorporate Client Feedback from Discovery Sessions / Kimanh Nguyen / Kalyn Farris
03/25/2010 / 1.4 / QA and Release to Client for Review / Don Westfall
mm/dd/yyyy / 1.x / Update with client feedback / Only if needed
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.0 / Submit to Client for Review (Deliverable 2.3 Draft) / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.2 / Submit to Client for Approval (Deliverable 2.3 Final) / {Name}
Version: 1.342 / Page 3