Minutes of meeting held
At Lansbury Complex, Lansbury Gdns, Tilbury
Thursday 7th June 2012
Present: Apologies:
Trevor Martin Barnie
Ron Eacott Steve Quick
Lorraine Fugl Sue Clark
Terry Brown Jack Doodes Michelle Warman
June Brown D Ryan Robert Baker Terry Stevens Jim Bennet
J Merrigan Molly Arnell
Vicky Morgan Les Morgan
Debbie Quick Louise Pope
Rita Copeman Pam Lawrence
Colin Elliott Abraham Bamgbose
Cllr Steve Liddiard Cllr Worrall
Cllr Okunade A Barber
P&J Jennings S Barnes
Richard Hatter PC Hardingham
PCSO Freeman Natalie Warren
1.Welcomes and apologies- Noted.
2.Minutes of last meeting – Minutes of last meeting read and agreed.
3.Matters arising – June noted that the Financial report for 2011/2012 stated that the Forum had payed for the Christmas Lights. This should have stated contributed and is how the statement was meant.
June also reported that she had attended the Bus Users Group on 18th April and had a number of issues to feedback on. Please see attached report.
Trevor asked to express his thanks to the Forum for all the support shown during his time as Chair and for the Card and Flowers he had received.
4.Police Update – PC Hardingham introduced herself and apologised for arriving late. PC Hardingham read out the Crime Figures for the last 5 weeks:
Burglary dwellings = 2. This is down on the previous months figures and could be due to a couple of recent arrests and the increase in the issuing of Warrants.
Burglary other = 10
Robberies = 2
Robberies from motor vehicles = 9
Criminal Damage = 8
Stray Horses = 0. PC Hardingham reported they had attended/had no incidents reported and also the PCSO’s had now been trained in correctly rounding up any horses to be returned to their fields.
Motorbikes are still an ongoing issue and Thurrock are currently liasing with Kent Police in tackling this issue. PC Hardingham did confirm that they have seized a number of bikes recently and after 7 days these can be auctioned.
PC Hardingham stressed the importance of residents trying to get descriptions of the bikes/riders and where they are coming from to assist them in issuing warnings under section 59 or seizing the bikes particularly if they are not insured. PCSO Freeman also reported that Officers would soon be receiving Laser Speedgun Training, which they can then use. Around the borough
Cllr Worrall asked about the Blueprint for Tilbury and what impact this will have on our Officers. PC Hardingham reported that Officers are split into 3 teams, that PCSO’s now operate between 8am-12pm over 3 shifts and that PCSO numbers have remained the same across Thurrock with Tilbury having one extra.
Vicky asked if any Tilbury Officers would be deployed for the Olympics. PC Hardingham reported no.
Cllr Liddiard asked if Tilbury Police Station was being fully used. PC Hardingham reported that there were areas of the building not utilised. Les reported he had heard the site could be built on. Les also asked if the Dispersal order was still in operation. Yes it is but if there are specific problem areas please let the Police know.
Many residents raised concerns regarding the lack of Leisure opportunities for young people in Tilbury.
Cllr Worrall is aware that there are a number of issues namely the Leisure Centre and Tilbury Football Club that need to be put to Public Consultation at present.
5. Speaker – Richard Hatter from Strategic Planning, Thurrock Council apologised for being late and explained that he had been asked to attend the meeting to outline plans for Tilbury under Thurrock’s Local Development Framework (LDF). As the Forum hadn’t had a meeting in May and April had been the AGM this was the soonest he had been able to attend. The Consultation is due to finish tomorrow but Richard would be happy to extend the response period for another 4 weeks.
Richard displayed a map of areas under LDF in Tilbury over next 10-20 years.
June reported that she had already seen the plans and the lengthy document that goes with it but had managed to get a copy of a list of the areas in Tilbury directly affected which is more helpful.
Many residents were concerned regarding the amount of areas identified for housing development and also that any new housing should be affordable and available to existing Tilbury residents.
Action: Richard to liase with Tilbury Library to display the Map and have feedback forms available. Richard will also try and arrange that Planning staff could be available on a set day to answer residents questions. Richard will feedback to Debbie/Chair to distribute this information.
Cllr Liddiard also reported that he would be happy to assist residents with any questions and could be available in the Labour Office in Tilbury on 16th July if anyone would like to discuss the issue further.
6.Chairs report – Unfortunately Barnie had sent his apologies after being involved in a Traffic accident but was OK.
Trevor gave some feedback on Barnie’s behalf from the Cleaning and Greening meeting they had attended where local drainage, potholes, allotments and Tilbury Station parking had been among the issues raised. Trevor had also met with Natalie Warren from Thurrock Council Community Development who is here this evening and following this the potholes in Calcutta Rd had been repaired.
Les reported that potholes are also an issue in Brennan Rd and Hume Ave
Cllr Liddiard reported that residents could ring the 652652 number to report this type of issue.
Action: Bill will also pass this on to Gary Shilling at the Council.
7.Funding Applications – There have been no applications this month.
8.Community Projects/Community First – Natalie Warren introduced herself and reported how she had been working alongside Debbie, Annie O’Brien (Tilbury Riverside Project), Yewande (One Community) and Pastor Abraham (RCCG,Anchor) regarding local community issues and also the Community First Funding initiative which will be discussed at future meetings and will also be advertised at the Centenary event 15th July.
The Community Regeneration Strategy and LDF give a plan for Thurrock and the opportunity for residents to give views. The Council are making a commitment to follow up on issues that concern local residents and help to make them achievable.
A number of residents raised the issue of parking around Tilbury Town Station and what the outcome had been regarding residents Parking and what the way forward was.
Action: Natalie to look into this and feedback.
Natalie also gave out information regarding Thurrock Councils current survey and had copies for residents to take away.
9.Local Office update – Bill reported that the Local Schemes Budget is now available. £10-15,000 is available to small projects in Tilbury.
Bill is also aware that the Council are trying to catch up with grass cutting around the area, which has been delayed by the weather.
Jack raised that the Parking Bays outside the maisonettes in Montreal Rd were not marked out correctly and therefore couldn’t accommodate the correct number of vehicles.
Vicky also raised the issue of overgrown trees in the area of no 3 Parkside. Vicky had spoken to Liz Wood at the Council but wasn’t sure of the outcome.
Cllr Worrall also raised concerns regarding the double roundabout between Feenan Highway and Brennan Rd.
Action: Bill to follow up on these three issues.
June also brought up that two prominent local residents, Buddy Goyette and Pat Moores who had been local volunteers and carried out a lot of good work around Tilbury over the years had passed away within the last few months and it would be good to remember them in some way. Cllr Worrall reported that she and Michelle were looking at something for Buddy in Canberra Square. June wondered if a bench/plaque could be considered for Pat.
Jack reported that he was meeting with Michelle on the 13th re Buddy and also that Buddy’s son had cut the grass in Canberra Square and has the shrubs ready for planting.
Another resident raised a concern re litter and particularly broken glass, which ho noticed had been on the floor outside Boots for at least 3 days. Colin also reported issues with the Scarabs used by the Street Cleansers creating a lot of dust. Bill suggested maybe a rep from Street Services could attend a Forum meeting.
Action: Debbie to contact Street Services.
10. AOB –. Louise from One Community announced that they have started a 6 week Zumba course Mon/Wed mornings at the Anchor. See the Poster, Forum Notice Boards or One Community Shop, Dock Rd.
Annie had been asked by ngage to publicise the Olympic Torch relay and announce volunteers are needed. Contact ngage for more information.
Les reported that following the meeting with John Speakman from the Port he had received a letter, which Les read out. The Port will be following up on Lighting issues and grass cutting around the Promenade and they are looking at the possibility of a mural depicting 10 years of Tilbury on the hoarding around the Hyundai parking bays, Fort Rd.
Annie reported that she would be happy to work with Les on this.
Lorraine from the Gateway Academy gave information regarding their Arts Festival from 25th June. More info can be found in the Library or on their website.
11.Next Meeting – Thurs 2nd Aug 2012 7pm Crown Ct, Newton Rd, Tilbury