Private Sector Liaison Officer (PSLO) Network Retreat

Johannesburg, South Africa

March 27-31, 2006

Sunday, March 26 Lobby, Rosebank Hotel

19:00 Get together in the Rosebank hotel lobby followed by dinner for those interested.

Monday, March 27 WBG office, Johannesburg

8:30 Meeting at the WBG office in Johannesburg.

9:00 Welcome by Ritva Reinikka, World Bank Country Director for South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland and presentation of the :

-  World Bank’s strategy for Africa

-  Africa Action Plan with a focus on HIV/AIDS and Corruption

-  South Africa country program, including the recently concluded South Africa Investment Climate Survey.

10:45 Coffee break

11:15 Business Environment in Africa

Nigel Twose, Manager, Foreign Investment Advisory Services

-  Doing Business in Africa 2006 : Regional Profile

-  Foreign Investment Advisory Service

-  Investment Climate Assessments

The example of Mozambique by Gilberto de Barros, Senior Private Sector Development Specialist

13:00 Lunch at the office

14:00 How the Private Enterprise Partnership (PEP) program is supporting SME development in Africa

Rubin Japhta, Deputy General Manager, Private Enterprise Partnership (PEP) program for Africa:

-  SME business linkages

-  PEP synergies with IFC investments

-  PEP support to business organizations on advocacy and business development

15:45 Coffee Break

16:15 Financing Africa’s Infrastructure Needs

Kogan Pillay, Director Business Development Public Private Partnership Unit, National Treasury, South Africa

18:00 End of the day’s sessions

20:00 Dinner at Wandi’s restaurant in Soweto

Tuesday, March 28 WBG office, Johannesburg

9:00 Project Financing in Africa: a Review of Business Opportunities in the Region

Richard Ranken, IFC Regional Director

10:45 Coffee break

11:15 Investment risk mitigation in Africa and how the PSLO Network can work with MIGA in Africa

David Bridgman, Operations Team Manager, MIGA

-  WBG political risk guarantees

-  Investment Marketing Services

-  SME Trade Facility

13:00 Lunch at the office

14:00 Sharing of best practices among PSLOs (session 1)

-  WBG “business club” concept (i.e. Intoba) : Alan NG, PSLO for Singapore

-  Investors’ Forums : Krzysztof Czaplicki, PSLO for Poland

-  Business delegations to Washington : Rasoul Mikkelsen, PSLO for Denmark

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Sharing of best practices among PSLOs (session 2)

-  Business delegations to field countries : Johan Malin, PSLO for Belgium

-  Procurement seminars : Wilfried Maus, PSLO for Germany

-  Private Sector Consultations on WBG policies / reports : Mike Timmermans, PSLO for the Netherlands

18:00 End of the day’s sessions; Free Evening

Wednesday, March 29 SACOB, Johannesburg

9:00 South Africa in a Global World : a program of meetings with representatives of the South African business community jointly organized by Deidre Penfold of the South African Chamber of Business (SACOB) and Nwabisa Matoti of the Business Unity of South Africa (BUSA).

11:00 Transfer to the airport : South Africa Airways flight #144 leaving Johannesburg at 13:50 and arriving in Maputo at 14:55.

Wednesday, March 29 Maputo, Mozambique

18:00 Networking gathering with leading representatives of Mozambique’s private sector jointly organized by Sergio Chitara, PSLO for Mozambique based at the Confederation of Mozambique Industry (CTA) and Rafique Jusob, Director of the Mozambique Investment Promotion Center (CPI). The focus will be on the following sectors :

-  food, agri-business, fishing and forestry

-  energy and minerals

-  tourism

-  infrastructure

Thursday, March 30 WBG office, Maputo

9:00 Mozambique’s past progress and future challenges, and the role of the World Bank Group and the donor community in meeting these challenges Michael Baxter, World Bank Country Director for Mozambique, Angola, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Zambia

10:45 Coffee break

11:15 Business Opportunities in Mozambique and IFC’s role in helping investors seize these opportunities

Tunde Onitiri, IFC Country Manager for Mozambique and Angola

13:00 Lunch and afternoon at Mozambique Aluminum (Mozal) with WBG teams (Tunde Onitiri& Issufo Caba)

-  visit of the Mozal facility

-  discussion with Mozal management on challenges and lessons learned from Mozal project

-  SME business linkages achieved with Mozal

18:00 End of the day’s sessions

19:00 Donor Harmonization and Alignment with Mozambique’s development objectives: reception with representatives of the Private Sector Working Group organized by the World Bank on behalf of the Private Sector Working Group.

Friday, March 31 WBG office, Maputo

9:00 Procurement opportunities in WB-financed projects in the Southern Africa region

Slaheddine Ben-Halima, World Bank Senior Procurement Specialist

-  portfolio description

-  analysis of competitors

-  key issues facing bidders

10:45 Coffee break

11:15 How can business organizations contribute to SME development in Mozambique

Issufo Caba, Business Development Officer, Private Enterprise Partnership (PEP) program for Africa

12:00 Wrap up of the Africa PSLO retreat and visit of a citrus or banana plant organized by Sergio Chitara of CTA, PSLO for Mozambique

20:00 Farewell dinner at Costa Da Sol


Johannesburg: Maputo:

Rosebank Hotel Polana Hotel

Corner Tyrwhitt & Sturdee Avenues 1380 Julius Nyerere Ave.

Rosebank, P.O. Box 52025 Maputo P.O. Box 1151

Rosebank Gauteng Johannesburg 2132 tel: +258 21 491 001/7

tel: +27 11 447 2700

World Bank Group Offices

Johannesburg: Maputo:

14 Fricker Road Avenue Kenneth Kaunda, 1224

Illovo 2196 Maputo

Johannesburg tel: +258 21 482 324

tel: +27 11 731 3087

Gilles Garcia : portable tel # : 33-6 1001 7480