Check one: Biology 2082 [ ], Biology 3082 [ ], Biology 4291 [ ], Biology 4391 [ ], Biology 4591 [ ]
Complete the form - scan and e-mail to or drop off completed form in the Biology office – BioLife 255. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Sheffield ()
NOTE – This is a 2-page form - both pages must be complete to be approved by the Biology Department Research Committee. A recent course transcript is also required.
All Forms are due by Wednesday, September 6th, 2017
Student Information
Name ______Signature ______Date ______email: ______
9-digit TUID ______CST Major ______Phone Number ______
Have you ever been on Temple Payroll? Yes _____ No _____
Faculty Sponsor Information
Name ______Signature ______email ______
Department/School ______Phone Number ______Date ______
Project Title ______
Faculty Research Account ______(required)
Please see page 2 for additional required research project information
Research Course Information – To be completed by the Biology Research Committee
Dept # ______Course # ______Section # _____ CRN ______Credits hours ______
Hours per week spent in lab for course contact hours (must be at least 3 times the credit hours) ______
Departmental Faculty Liaison (if needed)______
Department Approval Signature (required)
Faculty Advisor in CST Department where the student is taking the course must approve the research course
Name ______Signature ______Date ______
Please indicate the number of credit hours the student will be registering for. (Generally Speaking 3 hours in the lab would equal 1 credit hour) ______Will this student be taking this course for a grade or pass/fail? ______
What additional requirements will the student have in terms of their course grade? (For example: Paper, poster, exam)
Are there any materials which the student will be working with or health hazards which the student will be exposed to, which require special safety training prior to starting their research in the lab? (yes or no) Please circle.
If so, will you provide the training or will the student need to contact EHS? ______
Is the student required to have any particular vaccinations or boosters prior to starting in your lab? (yes or no)
Project Title:
Project Description
1) A short paragraph describing the most important background information about your project:
2) One or two references to the most current literature dealing with the problem to be undertaken:
3) Describe the contributions to the research project that you, the student, expect to make during the semester. Please state a hypothesis and outline your planned experiments or research approaches to test the hypothesis, being as specific as possible. If your project is more discovery-based, please state the overall research goal instead of a hypothesis:
Hypothesis or research goal:
Outline your planned experiments or research approaches to test the hypothesis:
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