University of Regina Faculty of Education EPE 215 (010)
Physical Education in the Elementary School
Winter 2007
Instructor: Mr. Buryl Bernard
Office: ED 325 Phone: 585-4526
E-mail: buryl.bernard*
Class Schedule :
Location : Gym 1 and Education 310
Dates: Tues/Thurs. Time: 10-11:50 am
Course Description:
An overview of teaching methods, curriculum content and materials, and their application in elementary physical education. Appropriate use of supplies and equipment.
Course Aim & Objectives:
This course is designed to aid prospective classroom teachers in recognizing the integral role Physical Education plays in the elementary school curriculum. This course will assist in the development of effective teaching techniques and strategies which are necessary for the implementation of a quality elementary Physical Education program. Students will:
1. Demonstrate active involvement in course material while engaging in an array of Physical Education learning and teaching experiences.
2. Identify and utilize effective teaching strategies in elementary Physical Education. These instructional skills include planning, managing, and evaluating the Physical Education environment.
3. Employ effective strategies needed to establish a Physical Education environment which meets a multitude of student and societal needs including students from culturally diverse backgrounds, students of both genders, and students with special needs.
4. Develop an understanding of current issues pertaining to the instruction of Physical Education including; adapted Physical Education, equity issues, First Nation education, safety and liability, and subject integration.
5. Understand that learning in Physical Education occurs in all three learning domains and demonstrate this knowledge in lesson development.
6. Foster an understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of the Saskatchewan Physical
Education curriculum and the implications for elementary programming.
7. Develop Physical Education activities which apply the tenets of kinesiology and growth and development principles.
8. Understand and utilize the diverse array of instructional styles available in Physical Education and apply them to learning experiences.
Required Text:
Saskatchewan Education. (1999). Physical education 1-5: A curriculum guide for the elementary level. Regina, SK: Saskatchewan Education.
*Can be found in the library, bookstore, or on-line
Reference Texts:
Graham, G., Holt, S., & Parker, M. (1998) (2001). Children moving: a reflective approach to teaching physical education (4th or 5th Ed.). Mt View, Cal: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Hellison, D. (2003). Teaching responsibility through physical activity (tad Ed.). Windsor, Ontario: Human Kinetics.
Hellison, D. & Templin, T. (1991). A reflective approach to teaching physical education. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Pangrazi, R. & Dauer, V. (2003). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children (Canadian Ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon Publishers.
Rink, J. (1993). Teaching physical education for learning. St Louis, Missouri: Mosby Publishing.
Russell, K., Schembri, G., & Kinsman, T. (1996). Up down all around. Saskatoon, SK: Ruschkin Publishing.
Activity Sessions:
Activity sessions will be held frequently in Gymnasium 1 located in the KHS Building. Come prepared for activity with appropriate athletic wear. A notebook/binder for activity sessions may be beneficial.
Lockers and Towel Service:
Classes will involve physical activity and you are expected to dress in appropriate gym attire. You may rent a locker, towel, and lock from the equipment room at your convenience. Wearing of jewellery is discouraged.
Health Concerns:
If you have any health concerns please share them with your instructor. Modifications and adaptations will be made to accommodate all learners in this class
1. Assignments will be completed in a timely and professional manner. Failure to attain this standard may result in academic penalty allocated to the project.
2. Papers are due at the start of the class period on the due date. Late papers will be penalized 10% per day.
3. Effective writing skills are normal expectations of students in the Faculty of Education, marks will not be allotted for effective writing but rather marks will be deducted for ineffective writing. The maximum deduction possible for term papers, examinations, and written assignments is 30%.
Course Requirements:
1. Personal Information Sheet:
Complete the attached personal information sheet with all the information required.
Value: Complete/Incomplete Due Date: January 16th, 2007
2. Course Evaluation Contract:
Complete the attached contract which will indicate how you would like to distribute the value of assignments for this class. The marks allocated to each assignment must be within the ranges prescribed and rounded to, the nearest 5% totalling 100%.
Value: Complete/Incomplete Due Date: January 30th, 2007
3. Daily Marks:
Students will receive daily marks based on Hellison's Levels of Personal and Social
Responsibility. This is a practical application of strategies identified in TPSR and a major underlying philosophy of the course.
Marks will be assigned daily on a scale from 0-10 based on attendance, participation, leadership, cooperation, enthusiasm, preparation for class, and overall contribution to the class environment.
Throughout the semester students will be asked to respond to issues raised in class, experiences, assignments, and readings. These responses may take a multitude of formats including; presentations, discussions, exit slips, and journal entries. This data will be used to paint a complete picture of the student's commitment and involvement within the course.
Value: 20-30%
Due Date: Ongoing/Daily
4. Professional Development Videotape:
Students will plan a twenty five to thirty minute, developmentally appropriate, skill theme lesson that will be videotaped and taught either in their pre-internship placements or to their peers during
class. This assignment can be done either individually or with your pre-internship partner.
This assignment will allow students to experience:
a) The practical usage of videotaping/technology to aid in professional development and instructional capability.
b) The application of developing a quality lesson for instruction.
c) The opportunity to apply the basic tenets of instruction to a practical setting.
d) The reflective process involved in instructional analysis.
Prior to the teaching experience:
a) A videotaped introductory segment in which the student identifies self, production date, episode topic, and school.
b) An observation/target sheet for data collection.
c) A detailed lesson plan as outlined in the context of the course.
d) Equipment needs (including video equipment) ready for use. Check availability well in advance.
You will submit:
a) Videotape with introduction and teaching episode
b) Copy of completed observation sheet (partner or coop)
c) A copy of the lesson plan (signed and dated by coop)
d) A comprehensive analysis of the teaching experience. (criteria will be discussed in class)
* Alternative settings can also be utilized, however must be agreed upon by the instructor. * This assignment is designed to be completed individually. However, due to time constraints students can teach in pairs. Remember that each person is required to create a lesson plan, target sheet, and an analysis of the teaching episode.
* The written product and the videotape will be submitted to the instructor. The written product and videotape will provide evidence of the student's professional development over the duration of the course. The focus of the assignment is to assist pre-service teachers in developing professional capabilities NOT on the degree of success within the lesson. The goal is for you to recognize areas which are strengths, areas for improvement, along with strategies/solutions to improve for the next experience.
Value: Lesson Plan (15%) Analysis (25-35%) Due Date: No later than April 1 1 th
5. Professional Development Project:
The Professional Development Project is an opportunity to explore areas of interest both personally and professionally. This Project begins on January lld' and requires students to examine an area of professional growth within Physical Education. This assignment is designed to assist in the process of internalizing and integrating ongoing learning, personal goal setting, and professional development.
The intention of this assignment is to encourage each student to develop an aspect of their personal wellbeing as it relates to the instructional area of Physical Education. Further, this commitment needs to have a professional component which links your personal involvement to the instruction of Physical Education.
This assignment is designed with a great deal of flexibility and personal responsibility. It is recommended students reflect and critically examine what they would like to commit to over the course of the semester. Consider these questions: What will you personally commit to doing within the physical realm of wellness? How will you assess your progress? Setbacks? What
have you learned from the experience? How will you demonstrate this new knowledge? What you have gained professionally from this experience? What tangible evidence will you provide as to this growth?
This Project is about personal and professional growth as a physical education teacher, so
please chose something of merit and importance for yourself!
You will submit your Professional Development Project Contract by January 18th, 2006. This contract is an initial step to determining your Project for the semester. Be explicit, succinct, and clear with your Contract details.
a) Student's name
b) Topic identification and goal.
c) Nature of the permanent product (What will you commit to? Provide significant detail with regards to what you will be doing throughout the semester.)
d) Outline of the permanent product content (What will you submit? Record keeping, progress charts, check-in dates, statistics, journals, reflections, papers, video, pictures, etc.)
e) Professional connections. (What product will you create or develop to demonstrate a connection between your personal involvement and your professional growth?)
f) Resource references (Research which supports your plan? Print, Video, Personal, Internet?)
g) Date that project will be submitted.
h) Percentage allocated to the project
* A peer must take responsibility for your work and sign your Contract prior to submitting it. Submit original copy of contract with peers recommendations and suggestions for revisions.
* The approved and signed Professional Development Project Contract must be submitted with the final product.
* Remember contracts can be revised. Circumstances throughout the semester may force you to re-examine initial contract. If you revise your contract, resubmit revisions along with original contract and draw attention to the revisions in this document. In addition, include a component within your project to discuss this part of the experience.
* The Professional Development Project will be evaluated employing criteria related to the hierarchical levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Value: 25-35%
Due Date: (No later than April 136)