
Issues of the Tibet.

For many years people of Tibet struggling for their fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms. Peace movement called “International Campaign for Tibet” seeking recognition of these rights and freedoms for the people of Tibet. The issue of Tibet is very serious to China but it can not be divorced from the policy which the Chinese government adheres to the entire country. Religious and mystical glories of Tibet known throughout the world, but far fewer people are aware of how things work in Tibet at the moment.To be more clear the problem is necessary to give some historical facts.

In March 1959, Tibetans rose up against the Chinese occupiers. This uprising was brutally crushed and after it, the Tibetan leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, escaped to India.Around 80,000 Tibetans followed with him. Thousands of remained Tibetans were killed or imprisoned by Chinese military forces. Untold numbers, but at least hundreds of thousands, of Tibetans have died as a direct result of China's policies since 1949 - through starvation, torture and execution.Unfortunately, these disasters affected not only the Tibet, all China’s population faced with it, during the Mao’s period.Ten years ago and fifty years after China's invasion, Beijing is intensifying its control over Tibet and its approximately six million Tibetans.[1]

Tibetans are facing increasing marginalization as their economy becomes integrated with China. They lose in the strategy of western development, the massive campaign was launched in 1999 to improve infrastructure in the thinly populated western China, including Tibetan areas of China. The Chinese government built a railway across the Tibetan plateau in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, which will increase the number of Chinese business migrants to Tibet, as a result of the further militarization of the region and accelerate the exploitation of natural and mineral resources of Tibet. Moreover, Chinese government claims that it invests in health care and education for Tibetans. But the majority of Tibetans living in rural areas have no access to adequate or affordable health care and continue to suffer from easily treatable conditions such as malnutrition, diarrhea, pneumonia, or even the plague.

Educational institutions and opportunities for Tibetan children are minimal and many Tibetan parents can not afford the training so they send their children into exile, to study at Tibetan schools in India. Moreover, even the minimal study of children is carried out without any intention to preserve the unique Tibetan culture and the apparent denial of the values of Buddhism.

Antireligious policies in Beijing the most serious contemporary threats to the survival of the unique religious, cultural and linguistic identity of Tibet. This policy includes prohibition of any religion, not only Buddhism. For example, for sixty years the period of China's control over Tibet, about 6000 monasteries, convents and churches and their contents were completely or partially destroyed by repression Tibetan culture and religion even today. Tibetan Buddhism is an integral part of Tibetan national identity and the measures used to implement the Chinese government's religious policies were harsh. China, which promotes atheism, is seeking to undermine the influence of the Dalai Lama in Tibet, and maintains strict control over monasteries and nunneries. Political campaigns or "patriotic re-education" require forced denunciations of the Dalai Lama, and there are restrictions on religious pilgrimage. Religious education remains extremely difficult or impossible in Tibet.

Religious heritage of Tibet made a major impact throughout the world and has a unique relevance. The Dalai Lama has initiated a dialogue with scientists on human consciousness, based on ancient Buddhist texts and Tibetan Buddhist lamas are taught worldwide.Tradition of peaceful coexistence in the pre-occupation of Tibet and among Tibetan Buddhists, Muslims, serves as a model of religious tolerance, and the efforts of the Dalai Lama to promote interfaith understanding and to this day.

The Chinese government strictly limits the rights of Tibetans to exercise rights, as stipulated in the Chinese Constitution, including freedom of speech, press, assembly and religion. Reading the autobiography of the Dalai Lama or speak of freedom friends in Tibet can be classified as a "threat to national security."

According to the data of International Campaign for Tibet, Tibetan political prisoners endure harsh prison conditions, including torture, deprivation of food and sleep, and long periods in solitary confinement. Human rights violation is common situation in Tibet, especially if you want to protest against something. "When they were torturing us it was literally as if they were trying to kill us. Prison guards would hit and beat with all their strength. Once after we all shouted 'Long live the Dalai Lama' they started to kick and beat us so much that the ground was covered inblood."[2]- said Ngawang Sangdrol, woman who imprisoned for 11 years for peaceful protest.

Obviously, the issue of Tibet can not be resolved locally and there are several international movements united under the idea of preserving culture and religion of Tibet, as well as providing the rights and freedoms to Tibetans, which they denied for a long time. But while these campaigns succeed only occasionally, solving problems requires a more serious intervention and resources. Unfortunately, in today's world, any influence to China is difficult, and therefore the struggle for Tibet is facing difficulties and soon overcome of it is practically impossible.

