Handling Skills Declarations for Horses
SKILL OR MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE / Aware of / Observed / Done / CompetentIdentification of common breeds / √
Identification of rare breeds / √
Estimate live weight of an animal in kg (accuracy+/-50kg) and height (+/- 1HH) / √
Assess normal condition & behaviour / √
Assess age of horses each year up to 8 years / √
Approach to individual animal in paddock / √
Approach to individual animal in stable / √
Haltering / √
Leading / √
Tying up / √
Grooming / √
Washing / √
Rugging / √
Bridling / √
Saddle a horse / √
Prepare a horse for transport; leg, tail bandages / √
Loading of horse into transport / √
Restraint of foal / √
Restraint of horse with a twitch / √
Restraint of forelimb, hindlimb / √
Identification: -freeze branding / √
Feet examination and clean out hoof / √
Remove foreshoes, hindshoes / √
Dress and trim feet / √
Nail on shoes / √
Bandage fetlock, knee / √
Apply mouth gag / √
Floating of teeth / √
Use a stomach tube / √
Foaling / √
Feed horse in stable / √
Muck out and bed down a stable / √
Declaration: I declare that I have attained the indicated level of proficiency in the above skills/techniques.
Student Name Signature Date
Handling Skills Declarations for Beef and Dairy Cattle
SKILL OR MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE / Aware of / Observed / Done / CompetentIdentification of common breeds / √
Identification of rare breeds / √
Estimate live weight of an animal in kg (accuracy+/-50kg) / √
Estimate body condition score / √
Mustering / √
Droving / √
Counting / √
Drafting / √
Approach to individual animal in paddock / √
Approach to individual animal in yard or bail / √
Use of cattle crush / √
Restraint using ropes, nosepliers / √
Casting with ropes / √
Assess age (dentition) / √
Identify the following common body faults:
- Post legs & sickle hocks
- Scissor claws
- Udder faults / √
-fire branding
-freeze branding
-ear tagging
-tail tagging / √
Feet examination and trim / √
Calf castration - knife, rings, etc / √
Vaccinate / √
- oral
- intraruminal / √
De-horn calves, adults / √
Oestrus detection in cows, heifers / √
Observe calving / √
Feed hay and concentrates in paddock/bail / √
Hand milk; strip milk sample for mastistis test / √
Machine milking:
-operation and maintenance of machines / √
Declaration: I declare that I have attained the indicated level of proficiency in the above skills/techniques.
Student Name Signature Date
Handling Skills Declarations for Sheep
SKILL OR MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE / Aware of / Observed / Done / CompetentIdentification of common breeds / √
Identification of rare breeds / √
Estimate live weight of a sheep in kg (10kg) / √
Mustering / √
Droving / √
Counting / √
Drafting / √
Approach to individual sheep in paddock / √
Approach to individual sheep in yard or pen / √
Catch and tip up sheep / √
Restrain sheep in sitting position / √
Restrain sheep in standing position / √
Restrain in handling cradle or race / √
Lift sheep over fence / √
Condition score of sheep / √
Assess age of sheep (dentition) / √
Identify the following common body faults:
- overshot and undershot jaw
- “sway” or “swampy” backs & “Devil’s grip”
- coloured wool
- foot problems including “down on pasterns”
- skin wrinkles / √
Earmark / √
Eartag / √
Branding (with fluid) / √
Feet trim / √
Feet bath / √
Lamb castration - knife / √
Lamb castration - rings / √
Lamb tail dock / √
Mules / √
Sheep dagging and simple flystrike treatment / √
Crutch / √
Wig / √
Ring / √
Shear / √
Pick up a shorn fleece and toss onto wool table / √
Skirt and roll a fleece / √
Open and examine fleece on animal / √
Class shorn fleece - objective1 / √
Class shorn fleece - subjective2 / √
Vaccinate / √
Drench / √
Jet / √
Dip / √
Pour-on applications / √
Affix harness and crayon to ram or teaser / √
Trim ram horns / √
Humanely exsanguinate, skin and gut a sheep / √
Observe lambing ewes / √
Feed hay and grain in the paddock / √
1 identify five important objectively measured characteristics of raw wool.
2 visually identify a fleece as fine, medium or strong Merino wool, British short or long wool, and carpet wool.
Declaration: I declare that I have attained the indicated level of proficiency in the above skills/techniques.
Student Name Signature Date
Handling Skills Declarations for Pigs
SKILL OR MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE / Aware of / Observed / Done / CompetentIdentification of common breeds: / √
Identification of rare breeds / √
Approach in paddock and pen / √
Moving pigs between pens and for transport / √
Restraint of older pigs / √
Estimate liveweight and carcass weight ± 10kg / √
Determine backfat thickness / √
Mating supervision / √
Pregnancy diagnosis / √
Farrowing supervision / √
Catch and holding piglets / √
Injecting piglets and older pigs / √
Intensive care of piglets / √
Treatment for external parasites / √
Branding / √
Castration / √
Tail docking / √
Clipping of eye teeth / √
Ear marking/tattooing / √
Cleaning, disinfection, fumigation / √
Declaration: I declare that I have attained the indicated level of proficiency in the above skills/techniques.
Student Name Signature Date
Handling Skills Declarations for Poultry
SKILL OR MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE / Aware of / Observed / Done / CompetentDistinguish between broiler & layer types / √
Distinguish between laying hens and cockerels / √
Identification of rare breeds / √
Catch a bird in a pen / √
Remove a bird from a cage / √
Restrain a bird / √
Physically examine a bird / √
Wingband chickens / √
Measure respiration rate of a hen / √
Determine body temperature of a hen / √
Handle and store eggs for market / √
Candling of eggs / √
Measure yolk colour and egg white quality / √
Declaration: I declare that I have attained the indicated level of proficiency in the above skills/techniques.
Student Name Signature Date