Kristi Haag, Geometry, Room 504
Conference Periods:
"A Days”: 1st Period, 8:45 – 10:15
“B Days”: 7th Period, 12:05 – 2:07 (includes my lunch)
Phone: 943-5100 Ext. 7087, e-mail:
Students and Parents:
Welcome to Geometry! On the back of these course expectations is a place for you to sign and date, verifying that you know the rules and are willing to abide by them. If you have any questions, feel free to call or e-mail me. This will be a great year!
Textbook: We will be using the book, Geometry, published by McGraw Hill.
Supplies: The following is a list of materials that you will need for this class.
· Binder or Folder to organize notes and assignments
· Notebook Paper, Pencils (with erasers)
· Graph Paper (1/4 inch squares)
· Compass, Ruler (cm. and in. measurements), Protractor (*note - these three items may be left at home)
· 8 AAA Batteries
· 1 Box Kleenex Tissues
We will be using the TI-83+ and/or TI-84+ extensively throughout the year. You will be assigned a calculator at the beginning of the school year to use throughout the year. This calculator is your responsibility while you are in my classroom. If it has been damaged, if the calculator is missing, or if you need batteries, you must let me know immediately! Any damage incurred will be treated as school vandalism. Please clear your calculator at the end of class before returning it. While it is recommended that all students have a calculator at home to practice skills taught in class, it is not necessary to bring your calculator to class. Only classroom calculators will be used during testing.
Classroom Rules:
1. RESPECT yourself, others, and property: Respect is the most important element of a great learning environment.
2. BE PREPARED: Be in your seat ready to begin with your completed homework and supplies when the bell rings.
3. MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION: This includes being on task at all times and following all school rules.
Leaving the classroom:
Being in the classroom during instruction is a major key to success. Leaving the classroom is at my discretion; if the destination or timing is inappropriate, or if you have abused pass privileges, you may not leave the classroom.
Course Topics:
Tools of Geometry, Reasoning, Lines, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Similarity, Trigonometry, Transformations, Circles, Area, Surface Area & Volume, Probability
Semester Grades: Each nine weeks grade is 40% and the semester exam is 20% of your semester grade.
Nine Week Grades:
Nine week grades will be determined as follows: Daily Work (Homework & Quizzes): 30%
Tests: 70%
Daily Work:
· Homework: Expect to have homework every night. Homework may be graded on a completion basis or may be graded for accuracy and is due at the beginning of class. Appropriate work must be shown before credit will be received!
· Quizzes: Expect a homework quiz on a regular basis. Quizzes will be administered after we have discussed problems and questions from the previous night’s homework. Quizzes will count as two daily grades.
We will have a minimum of three test grades each grading period. All tests will be announced at least one week in advance. We will adhere to the district retest policy. Optional projects will also be offered each nine weeks. Grades on these projects will count as an additional test grade.
Make Up Work:
It is your responsibility to pick up any work that you have missed. Makeup work will be accepted in accordance with the time frame set up in the district grading policy. If your absence is due to a school-related event, please pick up your assignment before you leave and turn it in upon returning to class if at all possible. Daily assignments can be found on my website. In the event of multiple absences, special arrangements will be made. Late work will be accepted according to the district grading policy.
Grade Reports:
· The gradebook can be accessed online at:
· Report cards will be mailed home at the end of each nine-week grading period.
I am available for tutorials every morning before school from 8:00 – 8:37 (exceptions may include dates of mandatory staff meetings, as well days I am assigned to duty). After school tutorials are available in Homework Haven (Room 500) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:45 – 4:45, and in the GHS Library (Library Nights) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15 – 6:16 pm. There is a late bus available to take you home that leaves at 5:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Do not wait until the last minute to get help!
Please feel free to contact me anytime. I will return e-mails and phone calls as soon as possible.
Student Name (print) Student Signature Date
Parent Name (print) Parent Signature Date
***Please keep these course guidelines in the front of your Geometry notebook!***