Mr. Jensen/Mr. Kahl/Mrs. Tautges

Office Phones 320-468-6458 ext. 1439, 1440 or 1441


The physical education seeks to promote and improve the five levels of physical fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and agility through introduction and participation of a wide range of activities and movements. We hope to provide life-long fitness experiences that you would choose to participate in for the rest of your life.


5 points daily for participation & effort

94-100% A80-82% B-67-69% D+

90-93 A-77-79% C+63-66% D

87-89 B+73-76% C60-62% D-

83-86 B70-72% C-0-59% F

Points Lost

-5Unexcused non-dress or non-compliance to the dress code (unable to make up)

-5 Unexcused absence, removal from class activity

-2 Tardy

-1 to -5 Violations of rules (profanity, behavior, misuse of equipment, etc)

Start and End of Class

Class starts 5 minutes after the bell. Class will end approximately 5 minutes before the end of the hour. Students must stay in the locker room or gym area until the bell rings.

Dress Code: Student will be provided a combination lock

  1. gym shoes (tied throughout class)
  2. athletic shorts, sweat pants, or wind pants.
  3. t-shirt with sleeves, NO spaghetti strap tops, sleeveless shirts or cut off shirts.
  4. Teacher’s discretion for hats and sunglasses during outside activity.
  5. Outside wear – bring appropriate coat/jacket or sweatshirt
  6. No jewelry of any kind is allowed.

Classroom Rules and Safety:

  1. No gum in gym.
  2. No profanity.
  3. No hanging on nets/baskets or climbing/running on bleachers.
  4. Students must submit a written note from a parent/guardian when unable to participate for the day of the non-participation. No note = unexcused.
  5. A written note from a physician must be obtained for anything over 2 consecutive days not participating due to an injury or illness.
  6. If injured, student will be assigned to a study hall.
  7. Excused absences on an exam day will result in a make-up exam.
  8. No students are allowed to leave the group or the area of supervision, allowed in the equipment room, or allowed to handle equipment without permission. Note: rules and safety will vary per unit.