International Civil Aviation Organization



Paris, France 17 – 25March 2011

Agenda Item xx: / Xxx

Status of Efforts to Obtain Radio Frequency Spectrum for Wireless Avionics Intra Communications (WAIC)

(Aerospace Vehicle Systems Institute)

This paper provides the status of future Agenda Item proposals under Agenda Item 8.2 regarding Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications. It also provides the proposals in the Annex.
To request that ICAO support the efforts to obtain an Agenda Item for the 2015/16 World Radio Conference, particularly to request ICAO Working Group F to forward to the ACP its recommendation that ICAO include in its position for WRC-12 Agenda Items its support for an Agenda Item to study and make necessary changes to the radio regulations for WAIC applications if necessary.


It is anticipated there will be numerous proposals at the 2012 World Radio Conference under Agenda Item 8.2, Future Conference Agenda Items. This Agenda Item is responsible for future World Radio Conference efforts to change the radio regulations to generally obtain additional radio frequency spectrum for various types of Services and applications. One important proposal under Agenda Item 8.2 specifically impacting aviation will be to consider spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including allocations, to support wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC) systems.

This contribution is intended to inform ICAO WG-F of Agenda Item 8.2 proposals on the WAIC topic and to request that ICAO add to its position, for WRC-12, specific support for an Agenda Item for WAIC systems.


Several Administrations have submitted proposals to their respective regional organizations supporting a future Agenda Item to study and possibly change the radio regulations to permit the use of WAIC systems. These proposals are discussed below and are provided in the Annex to this document.


The Annex to this document provides the Administration proposals to date. Contributions by Brazil, Germany, New Zealand and the United States have been finalized. There is at least one proposal before CITEL, CEPT, and the APT. Although there are differences in the Resolutions, it is anticipated that the differences can be overcome.


The Aerospace Vehicles Systems Institute members request Working Group F to forward to the ACP a recommendation supporting a WRC-15/16 Agenda Item on Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications; and to include such support into the ICAO position for WRC-12. Proposed language is provided below:

WRC-12 Agenda Item 8.2

Agenda Item Title:

To recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution 806 (WRC-07).


The aerospace industry is developing new commercial aircraft to provide airlines and the flying public more cost-efficient, safe, and reliable air transportation. One important way of accomplishing these aims is to reduce aircraft weight while providing multiple and redundant methods to transmit safety-related information within and on an aircraft. The utilization of wireless technologies can accomplish these goals while providing environmental benefits and cost savings to manufacturers and operators.

Installed Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) systems are one way to derive these benefits. WAIC systems consist of radiocommunications between two or more transmitters and receivers on a single aircraft. Both the transmitter and receiver are integrated with or installed on the aircraft. In all cases, communication is part of a closed, exclusive network required for aircraft operation. WAIC systems will not provide air-to-ground or air-to-air communications. WAIC systems will be limited to safety and regularity-of-flight related applications.

New Report ITU-R M. 2197 provides findings on the technical characteristics and operational requirements of WAIC systems for a single aircraft. Current aeronautical services allocations may not be sufficient to permit the introduction of WAIC systems due to the anticipated WAIC bandwidth requirements.

Therefore, ICAO supports a WRC-15 agenda item to conduct studies and take appropriate regulatory action to accommodate WAIC systems.

ICAO Position:

To support a future WRC-15 Agenda Item to make necessary regulatory changes to the ITU-R Radio Regulations for Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) systems.

German Proposal to CEPT


Consideration of regulatory actions, including allocations, for Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC)

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2012),


a)that the future generation of commercial aircraft is being designed to become more cost-efficient, safe, and reliable as well as environmentally friendly;

b)that WAIC systems are restricted to radiocommunications between two or more points integrated into or installed on a single aircraft;

c)that WAIC systems are intended to improvethe safety and regularity of flight of an aircraft;

cbis)that suitable allocations for the implementation of WAIC systems have to ensure safety and regularity of flight of an aircraft, such as aeronautical mobile (route) serviceallocations.

d)that WAIC systems will be operated during all phases of flight as well as on the ground;

e)that aircraft equipped with WAIC systems will be operated globally and will cross borders;


a)that WAIC systems are being developed to operate safely and efficiently in one or more non-contiguous radio frequency bands, with emphasis on those allocated to the aeronautical mobile service and aeronautical radionavigation service;

b)that WAIC systems operating inside an aircraft will obtain the benefits of fuselage attenuation and other aircraft surface attenuation in order to facilitate sharing with other services;

c)that studies will be required to provide a basis for considering regulatory changes, including additional allocations, designed to accommodate justified spectrum requirements of WAIC systems consistent with the protection requirements of systems operating in accordance with existing allocations,


that WRC-15 consider, based on the results of ITU-R studies, spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including allocations to support the implementation of WAIC systems.

invites ITU-R

1to conduct in time for WRC-15 the necessary studies to determine the spectrum requirements and regulatory actions needed to support WAIC systems,

2that the studies in invites 1 should, in priority, consider spectrum below 6 GHz within existing aeronautical mobile or aeronautical radionavigation services allocations,

3that the studies referred to in invites 1 and invites 2 should include sharing and compatibility studies with existing allocations in potential candidate frequency bands identified for WAIC systems,

4to bring the results of these studies to the attention of WRC-15

further invites

the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to contribute to these studies.

Reason:This resolution details the scope and required studies related to future spectrum requirements of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications systems. This resolution will enable the required analysis to determine the spectrum requirements and potential frequency bands to take place in the appropriate ITU-R Study Group(s).

New Zealand Proposal to APT


Agenda Item 8.2: to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution 806 (WRC 07).


The aerospace industry is developing the future generation of commercial aircraft to provide airlines and the flying public more cost-efficient, safe, and reliable aircraft. One important way of accomplishing these aims is to reduce aircraft weight while providing multiple and redundant methods to transmit information on an aircraft. Wireless technologies can be employed to accomplish these goals while also providing environmental benefits and cost savings to manufacturers and operators.

Installed Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) systems are one way to derive these benefits. WAIC systems consist of radiocommunications between two or more transmitters and receivers on a single aircraft. Both the transmitter and receiver will be integrated with or installed on the aircraft. In all cases, communication is part of a closed, exclusive network required for aircraft operation. WAIC systems will not provide air-to-ground or air-to-air communications, and will only be used for safety-related applications.

ITU-R Working Party 5B has developed a Draft New Report (ITU-R M.[WAIC], Document SG05/212) that provides findings on the technical characteristics and operational requirements of WAIC systems for a single aircraft.

Because WAIC systems are intended to improve the safety and regularity of flight of an aircraft, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has indicated that WAIC systems should operate in a safety service allocation, such asallocations for the Aeronautical Mobile (Route) Service,AM(R)S, or another service with similar regulatory status. However, because of the ICAO recommendation and anticipated WAIC bandwidth requirements, existing AM(R)S spectrum allocations may not be sufficient to permit the introduction of WAIC systems and additional allocations may be required.

A resolution will be required to set out requirements for compatibility and coexistence studies since WAIC systems will be required to share bands currently used by other systems as well as identifying any requirements for a regulatory framework to facilitate the implementation of WAIC systems on-board aircraft. Particular regard will need to be given in these studies to the role of WAIC systems in supporting safety and regularity of flight requirements. The resolution will also invite ICAO to participate in the ITU-R studies.

New Zealand proposes a WRC-15 agenda item on WAIC that would instruct the ITU-R to conduct the appropriate studies, to bring the matter to the attention of ICAO and for WRC-15 to take the appropriate regulatory action to satisfy the spectrum requirements of WAIC systems and to provide the appropriate regulatory framework for the implementation of WAIC systems on-board aircraft.


Proposed agenda item on WAIC systems for WRC-15



Preliminary agenda for the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference

2.WAICto consider spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including allocations, to support wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC) systems, based on ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution [WAIC-X] (WRC-12);

Reasons:Agenda item 8.2. WAIC is submitted as an agenda item for WRC-15 to enable the appropriate studies on the spectrum requirements and regulatory actions for wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC) systems.



Consideration of regulatory actions, including allocations, for Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC)

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2012),


a)that the future generation of commercial aircraft is being designed to be more cost-efficient, safe, and reliable as well as environmentally friendly;

b)that WAIC systems are restricted to radiocommunications between two or more points integrated into or installed on a single aircraft;

c)that WAIC systems willbe operated onboard aircrafton the ground and duringall phases of flight;

d)that because WAIC systems are intended to improve the safety and regularity of flight of an aircraft, such systems should operate in spectrum allocated to the aeronautical mobile (route) service;

e)the potential bandwidth requirements of WAIC systems, there is a possible need for additional aeronautical mobile (route) service allocations to support the implementation of WAIC systems;

f)that in identifying any spectrum for use by WAIC systems, there is a need to take due account of the protection requirements for existing systems,


a)that WAIC systems are being developed to operate safely and efficiently in one or more non-contiguous radio frequency bands, with emphasis on those currently allocated to the aeronautical mobile service and aeronautical radionavigation service;

b)that WAIC systems operating inside an aircraft will obtain the benefits of fuselage attenuation and other aircraft surface attenuation in order to facilitate sharing with other services;

c)that studies will be required to provide a basis for considering regulatory changes, including additional allocations, designed to accommodate justified spectrum requirements of WAIC systems consistent with the protection of systems operating in accordance with existing allocations,


that WRC-15 consider, based on the results of ITU-R studies, spectrum requirements and possible regulatory provisions to support the implementation of WAIC systems, including specific allocations, while taking into account protection requirements for systems operating in accordance with existing allocations.

invites ITU-R

1to conduct in time for WRC-15 the necessary studies to determine the spectrum requirements, candidate frequency bands and regulatory actions needed to support WAIC systems,

2 in conducting the studies in invites 1,to first consider spectrum within existing aeronautical mobile service and aeronautical radionavigation service allocations

3in conducting the studies referred to in invites 1 and invites 2, to include sharing and compatibility studies with systems already having allocations in potential candidate frequency bands identified for WAIC systems,

further invites

all members of the Radiocommunication Sector and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to contribute to these studies.

instructs the Secretary-General

to bring this Resolution to the attention of ICAO.

Reasons:This resolution details the scope and required studies related to future spectrum requirements of wireless avionics intra-communications systems. This resolution will enable the required studies to be conducted to determine the spectrum requirements and potential frequency bands as well as identifying any changes that may be required to the Radio Regulations to facilitate the implementation of WAIC systems on-board aircraft.

Additional information required under Resolution 804 (WRC-07)

(as prepared at APG2012-4 meeting in response to the NZL contribution)

Radio Services concerned:

Aeronautical Mobile, Aeronautical Mobile (Route), Aeronautical Radionavigation (for additional allocations)

Indication of possible difficulties:

Identifying appropriate frequency spectrum suitable for WAIC applications and preparing appropriate sharing conditions with existing applications.

Previous/on-going studies on the issue:

During the study period 2008–2012 Question ITU-R 249/5 has been adopted and Report ITU-R M.[WAIC] on WAIC applications and requirements has been prepared by ITU-R WP 5B and approved by SG 5 (November 2010).

Studies to be carried out by:
ITU-R SG5 WP 5B / with participation of:
Administrations and Sector Members.

ITU-R Study Groups concerned:

SG 5

ITU Resource Implications; including financial indications (refer to CV 126)


APT Position:

Position of other Regional Bodies/Administrations:


APT Common Proposal:


Multicountry Proposal:




Brazil Proposal to CITEL

Agenda Item 8.2: to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, taking into account Resolution 806 (WRC 07).


The aerospace industry is developing the future generation of commercial aircraft to provide airlines and the flying public more cost-efficient, safe, and reliable aircraft. One important way of accomplishing these aims is to reduce aircraft weight while providing multiple and redundant methods to transmit information on an aircraft. Wireless technologies can be employed to accomplish these goals while also providing environmental benefits and cost savings to manufacturers and operators.

Installed Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) systems are one way to derive these benefits. WAIC systems consist of radiocommunications between two or more transmitters and receivers on a single aircraft. Both the transmitter and receiver will be integrated with or installed on the aircraft. In all cases, communication is part of a closed, exclusive network required for aircraft operation. WAIC systems will not provide air-to-ground or air-to-air communications, and will only be used for safety-related applications.

ITU-R Working Party 5B has developed a Draft New Report (ITU-R M.[WAIC], Document SG05/212) that provides findings on the technical characteristics and operational requirements of WAIC systems for a single aircraft.

Because WAIC systems are intended to improve the safety and regularity of flight of an aircraft, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has indicated that WAIC systems should operate in a safety service allocation, which could include the Aeronautical Mobile (Route) Service or another service with similar regulatory status.

Because of the ICAO recommendation and anticipated WAIC bandwidth requirements, the Brazil believes that current AM(R)S spectrum allocations may not be sufficient to permit the introduction of WAIC systems. Accordingly, a WRC-15 agenda item is sought to conduct studies and take appropriate regulatory action to accommodate WAIC systems.

Therefore, the Brazil is proposing a new item for the preliminary agenda for the next World Radiocommunication Conference together with a draft resolution as shown in the attachment.


Preliminary Proposal




Preliminary agenda for the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference

2.WAICto consider spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including allocations, to support wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC) systems, based on ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution [WAIC-X] (WRC-12);

Reasons:Agenda item 8.2. WAIC is submitted as an agenda item for WRC-15 to enable the appropriate studies on the spectrum requirements and regulatory actions for wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC) systems.


Consideration of regulatory actions, including allocations, for Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC)

The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2012),


a)that the future generation of commercial aircraft is being designed to be more cost-efficient, safe, and reliable as well as environmentally friendly;