WARHAMMER (7th edition) Magic
Magic Sequence1 / Generate Power & Dispel Dice
2 / Cast spells
3 / Attempt to dispel
4 / Spell fails or spell succeeds
5 / Repeat steps 2 to 4 (cast again)
6 / Dispel spells in play
1. Generate Power & Dispel dice
Power Dice generated as follows:
Army 2
Each Wizard Level 1 (for use by that Wizard)
Dispel Dice generated as follows:
Army 2
Dwarfs +2
Level 1 or 2 Wizard
or Runesmith +1
Level 3 or 4 Wizard
or Runelord +2
Fleeing or dead Wizards do not generate dice and cannot cast spells.
2. Cast spells
A Wizard may attempt to cast each of his spells once. Wizards who have rallied in the movement phase may cast spells as normal.
· Nominate a spell and target
· Roll as many power dice as you wish (up to 1 more than the Wizard’s level)
· If the total is equal to or greater than the casting value the spell is cast (a minimum dice result of 3 is required for all spells)
Rolling two or more 1s means the spell has been Miscast. Roll 2D6 and consult the miscast table.
Irresistible Force
Rolling two or more unmodified 6s means the spell has been cast with Irresistible Force - it cannot be dispelled. If a spell is cast with Irresistible Force and is a Miscast then the spell fails – miscast takes precedence.
3. Attempt to Dispel
The opposing player may make one attempt to dispel the enemy’s spell. Roll as many Dispel dice as you wish up to the maximum number you have. If the total is equal to or greater than the score rolled by the casting player then the spell is dispelled.
Double 1s and 6s
If two or more 1s are rolled, then the dispel attempt automatically fails. If two or more 6s are rolled then the dispel attempt automatically succeeds.
4. Spell fails or spell succeeds
Apply the affects of the spell as described in the spell description
5. Cast again
If you have more Power dice and spells to cast you may cast again
6. Dispel spells in play
If the player has any Power dice left he may attempt to dispel any spells that remain in play from a previous magic phase. Afterwards, his opponent may use any remaining Dispel dice to dispel any spells that remain in play from a previous magic phase.
Miscast Table2 / The Wizard is slain. All models in base contact with the Wizard (including chariots and mounts) suffer one strength 10 hit (no armor saves allowed).
3-4 / The Wizard and all models in base contact with him (including chariots and mounts) suffer one strength 6 hit (no armor saves allowed).
5-6 / The opposing player can immediately cast any one of his own spells as if it were a bound spell.
7 / The Wizard suffers one strength 2 hit (no armor saves allowed) and loses all remaining power dice for that phase.
8-9 / The Wizard suffers one strength 4 hit (no armor saves allowed), all spells currently in play are dispelled and the magic phase ends. All power and dispel dice stored in magic items are also lost.
10-11 / The Wizard suffers one strength 8 hit (no armor saves allowed) and loses a Wizard level (the spell lost is the one just attempted).
12 / The spell is cast with irresistible force, but the Wizard forgets the spell for the rest of the battle.
Lore of Fire (all spells in this Lore count as Flaming Attacks)
1 / 5+ / Fireball / Magic missile, range 24”, D6 strength 4 hits.
2 / 5+ / Flaming Sword of Rhuin / Remains in play. Wizard gains +1 attack as magic weapon, to hit on 2+ with +3 to strength. Cannot use other weapons.
3 / 8+ / The Burning Head / 18” direct path from caster, each model suffers one strength 4 hit. Any unit wounded must take a Panic test.
4 / 8+ / Fiery Blast / Magic missile, range 24”, 2D6 strength 4 hits.
5 / 11+ / Conflagration of Doom / One enemy unit visible to the caster (no range) takes D6 strength 4 hits. In addition, opposing players roll D6 until casting player’s roll is lower. The casting player’s rolls are added to the # of hits.
6 / 12+ / Wall of Fire / Remains in play. Range 24”. All units in front rank suffer one strength 4 hit. Treat as Fireball for units with 360 degree site.
Lore of Metal
1 / 5+ / Rule of Burning Iron / Flaming attack with 24” range cast at any one model (no targeting restrictions except line of site). One hit with strength based on target’s armor save (no armor = strength 1, 6+ armor = strength 2 … up to strength 7), no armor save.
2 / 6+ / Commandment of Brass / Cast on an enemy war machine or chariot within 24”. The machine cannot move or shoot until the end of its own following turn (unless forced to flee).
3 / 7+ / Transmutation of Lead / One engaged enemy unit within 24” of caster suffers -1 to hit, to wound and armor saves for the turn’s close combat phase.
4 / 8+ / Distillation of Molten Silver / Magic missile, range 24”, 2D6 strength 4 hits as a flaming attack.
5 / 8+ / Law of Gold / Cast on an enemy unit within 24” of caster. Opposing player nominates one magic item carried by the unit, caster rolls 1D6, on 1-3 the item cannot be used until the end of the enemy’s next turn, 4-6 the item cannot be used for the rest of the game.
6 / 12+ / Spirit of the Forge / Same as Rule of Burning Iron except 2D6 hits distributed like shooting.
Lore of Shadow
1 / 5+ / Steed of Shadows / The wizard or a friendly character within 12” (no line of site required) can make a flying move of up to 20”, potentially charging (normal charge reactions). Can fly out of close combat but in this case the character cannot charge.
2 / 6+ / Creeping Death / Magic missile, range 24”, 3D6 strength 1 hits (no armor saves).
3 / 8+ / Crown of Taidron / All units (friend or foe, excluding the caster) within 12” take D6 strength 4 hits, distributed as shooting.
4 / 9+ / Shades of Death / Remains in play. One friendly unit (may be in combat) within 12” of Wizard causes Fear (or Terror if already Fear causing).
5 / 11+ / Unseen Lurker / One friendly unit within 12” of Wizard may make an immediate move (normal charge reactions allowed).
6 / 12+ / Pit of Shades / Cast on one unengaged enemy unit within 24” and visible to Wizard. Using small template (partially covered models hit on 4+), any models failing an initiative test are slain (no special rules or magical protection apply).
Lore of Beasts
1 / 4+ / The Bear’s Anger / Remains in play. May be cast on the wizard or a single friendly character (unit strength 1) within 12” (no line of site is required). The target gains +3 attacks, +2 strength, +1 toughness but cannot wield any weapon or use a shield.
2 / 5+ / The Oxen Stands / Cast on a fleeing friendly unit. Unit rallies immediately.
3 / 7+ / The Crow’s Feast / Magic missile, range 24”, 2D6 strength 3 hits.
4 / 7+ / The Beast Cowers / Cast on enemy cavalry unit, swarm, chariot or single monster on the battle field (may be in combat). Creatures will not attack in close combat and may not move (but may flee) until end of their next movement phase.
5 / 8+ / The Hunter’s Spear / Magic missile, range 24”, strength 6 hit with no armor saves, penetrating ranks like a bolt thrower.
6 / 9+ / The Wolf Hunts / Cast on a friendly cavalry unit, swarm, chariot or single monster within 24” of the caster. The unit moves 2D6” towards an enemy that it can see. If it reaches the enemy then all charge rules apply as normal.
Lore of Heavens
1 / 5+ / Portent of Far / Cast on a friendly unit within 12” (may be in combat). All roles of 1 to hit or wound can be re-rolled that turn.
2 / 5+ / Second Sign of Amul / Gives the player D3 re-rolls for his own turn.
3 / 7+ / Celestial Shield / Remains in play. One friendly unit within 24” and visible to caster has 4+ ward save to all normal and magic missiles.
4 / 6+ / Forked Lightning / Cast on any enemy unit within site of the caster. Causes D6 strength 4 hits.
5 / 9+ / Uranon’s Thunder Bolt / Cast on any enemy unit within site of the caster. Causes D6 strength 4 hits with no armor save.
6 / 12+ / The Comet of Casandora / Remains in play. Cast on any fixed point on the table top. Player rolls a D6 at start of each player’s turn. On a 1-3 a marker is added. On a 4-6 the spot is hit by a comet. All units within D6” x number of markers take 2D6 strength 4 hits. May be dispelled completely.
Lore of Light
1 / 5+ / Burning Gaze / Flaming magic missile, range 24”, D6 strength 4 hits. Undead and Daemons take D6 strength 6 hits.
2 / 5+ / Pha’s Illumination / Remains in play. Cast on the Wizard or any single friendly character within 12” (no line of site required). Affected model has 3 attacks and strength 5 (no weapon used). Magical weapons attack him as mundane.
3 / 5+ / Healing Energy / Cast on the Wizard or any friendly model anywhere on the table top (no line of site required). Model regains 1 wound. Has no effect on Undead, Daemons, war machines or chariots.
4 / 6+ / Dazzling Brightness / Cast on enemy unit engaged in combat within 18” of caster (no line of site required). Weapon skill characteristic is reduced to 1 for the duration of that turn’s combat phase.
5 / 8+ / Guardian Light / Remains in play. Affects all friendly units within 12” of the caster (no line of site required). All units are immune to psychology and fleeing units rally immediately.
6 / 10+ / Cleansing Flare / All enemy units within 12” of caster (may be in combat) take D6 strength 5 hits. Undead Daemons take D6 strength 6 hits.
Lore of Life
1 / 4+ / Mistress of the Marsh / Cast on enemy unit (may be in combat) within 12” of caster or water feature. Unit moves at half speed (including fleeing) until end of its own following turn. Has no effect on flyers or ethereal creatures.
2 / 6+ / Master of the Wood / Cast on enemy unit visible to caster and within 12” of caster or wooded feature causing D6 strength 4 hits (D6 strength 6 hits if partially or wholly within the wood).
3 / 7+ / Gift of Life / Cast on Wizard or friendly model within 12” (may be in combat, no line of site required). Model regains all wounds (monster OR rider, not both). Has no effect on Undead, Daemons, war machines or chariots.
4 / 7+ / The Howler Wind / Remains in play. Cast on Wizard. No shooting below strength 5 can be targeted at units within 12” of the Wizard. No affect on war machines.
5 / 8+ / The Rain Lord / Affects last for entire game. Cast on enemy unit visible to caster and within 24”. Models suffer -1 on shooting to hit (-2 if armor piercing), if unit does not use BS then unit may only shoot if a 4+ is rolled on a D6 each turn.
6 / 8+ / Master of Stone / Cast on enemy visible caster and within 12” of Wizard or rocks or hills. Causes D6 strength 4 hits (D6 strength 6 hits if partially or wholly within rocky feature).
Lore of Death
1 / 5+ / Dark Hand of Death / Magic missile, range 24”, D6 strength 4 hits.
2 / 8+ / Steal Soul / One enemy model within 12” (no targeting restrictions) loses 1 wound (no armor save). The Wizard gains 1 wound for the duration of the battle (cumulative).
3 / 8+ / Wind of Death / Magic missile, range 24”, 2D6 strength 4 hits.
4 / 9+ / Walking Death / Remains in play; one friendly unit (may be engaged) within 12” of caster causes Fear (or Terror if already Fear causing)
5 / 9+ / Doom & Darkness / One enemy unit within 24” (may be engaged) and not immune to psychology suffers -3 to any leadership test for the rest of the turn. At the start of the unit’s next turn it must pass a Leadership test (at -3) or the spell continues for that turn as well.
6 / 10+ / Drain Life / Each enemy unit within 12” of Wizard (may be engaged) suffers D6 strength 3 hits (no armor saves) as per shooting.
Warhammer (7th edition) Race Lores
Warriors of Chaos - Lore of Nurgle1 / 5+ / Magnificent Buboes / One enemy model within 24” and in line of site takes a wound, no armor saves.
2 / 7+ / Fleshy Abundance / Friendly unit within 18" gains Regenerate until beginning of next friendly magic phase.
3 / 8+ / Plague Squall / Target unit as a stone thrower using large template, misfire relocates template over the caster; each unit touched takes 3D6 S1 hits with no armor saves including friendly units and units in combat; units of Mark of Nurgle are unaffected.
4 / 9+ / Cloying Quagmire / One enemy unit within 24" and in line of sight must pass Initiative test, those that fail take an armor save, those that pass the armor test are destroyed; does not affect Fly or Amphibious or Ethereal units.
5 / 10+ / Curse of the Leper / Remains in play. One enemy unit (may be engaged) within 18” looses 1 strength and 1 toughness at the beginning of each friendly magic phase; models reaching 0 strength or toughness are destroyed.
6 / 12+ / Rot, Glorious Rot / Each enemy unit within 18" (may be engaged) takes D6 S6 hits, no armor saves.
Warriors of Chaos - Lore of Tzeentch
1 / 4+ / Flickering Fire of Tzeentch / Magic missile; range 18"; D6+1 hits at Strength D6+1; flaming attacks
2 / 7+ / Baleful Transmogrification / An enemy unit within 24" must pass a leadership test or suffer wounds equal to the amount by which the test was failed; no armor saves allowed.
3 / 8+ / Pandaemonium / Remains in play; enemy units may not benefit from characters' leadership; enemy spell casters miscast on any roll of a double.
4 / 9+ / Treason of Tzeentch / All models in an enemy unit within 24" and not Immune to Psychology must make one attack against the unit; the caster may choose the weapon type; hand weapon and shield bonus does not apply; characters and mounts not affected.
5 / 12+ / Call to Glory / Remains in play; one friendly rank and file infantry model (may be engaged) is replaced with an Exalted Hero model (Chaos armor; sword; shield worth 100 victory points if killed).