
St. John is a Stewardship Parish *********************************************

August 9, 2009

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, August 8

4:00 - Jeannette Lavoie – 4th Anniversary

Sunday, August 9

8:00 – Julia Lombardi – 1st Anniversary

10:30 - Parishioners of St. John

Wednesday, August 12

9:00 – John & Marguerite Flaherty – Memorial

Sunday, August 16

8:00 – Anna Biagi – 14th Anniversary

10:30 – Parishioners of St. John

Banns of Marriage

I - Peter Robillard & Heather Flaherty

III – Ryan Marini & Katilyn O’Keefe

CD News

CCD registrations are due now! The deadline for registering was August 1st. Many classes are already full. The CCD office is open Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10:00 to 4:00. If you are unable to pay the full amount, we do offer payment plans. Please call the CCD office at 508-378-1521 for more information.

We are in need of help for the following:

Tuesday 4:30 – 5:30 Thursday 4:30 - 5:30

Grade 1 – Teacher & Aide Grade 2 – Teacher & Aide

Grade 2 – Aide Grade 3 – Teacher & Aide

Grade 3 – Teacher & Aide Grade 4 – Teacher & Aide

Grade 4 – Teacher Grade 5 - Aide

Grade 5 – Aide Thursday 6:00 – 7:00

Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30 Grade 7- (3) Teachers

Grade 1 – Teacher & Aide Grade 8 – (3) Teachers

Grade 3 – Teacher & Aide Saturday 9:00 -10:00

Grade 4 – Aide Grade 2 - Aide

Grade 5 – Teacher & Aide Grade 5 – Teacher

Wednesday 6:00 – 7:00 Grade 6 - Teacher

Grade 6 – (5) Teachers Sunday 6:00 – 7:00

Wednesday 7:15 - 8:15 Grade 9 - Teacher

Grade 8 - Teacher

If you would like to teach or help out in any way, please call Lorraine or Nancy at 508-378-1521.

Our Shared Treasure

August 2, 2009 Collection: $5,395.

Thank you for your continued generosity.

Next weekend, August 15/16, Father Henry Camacho, O.P. from Saint Mary’s Priory in New Haven, CT. will preach for the annual Mission Cooperative Plan Appeal at our parish. The Dominican Friars of St. Joseph Province preach in Kenya, Solomon Islands, Philippines, and Pakistan. In order for their work to continue and expand, they need your help. Please bring a generous contribution for the Mission Collection next Sunday.

St. Vincent de Paul

We would appreciate spaghetti sauce, mac and cheese, canned fruit and vegetables, tuna, assorted cereal, and ketchup, mustard or mayo. Toilet paper and paper towels are always welcome too!

We also appreciate cash donations or checks made out to the “Society of St. Vincent de Paul”. Donations may be placed in the collection boxes at the doors of the church.

The families and individuals we all serve thank you for your generosity! Without your help, we would be unable to provide this service to the town!

Back to School Giving Tree

Our “Back to School Giving Tree” is up. Would you please take a tag and purchase a gift card from the store indicated on the tag. Please bring the gift cards and place them in the basket in front of the altar next week so we can get them to the families in time for shopping while the sales last. Remember to write the $ amount on the card. Thank you!

Parish Pictorial Directory

Olan Mills has begun making phone calls on behalf of St. John Parish in order to schedule portrait appointments. The caller ID number will begin with a 423 area code and read "Church Directory."
You may call Olan Mills to schedule/make additions to/ or change your appointment at 1-800-866-2263.
Other questions may be directed to Missy Schrader at 508-350-0017 or .
Please be a part of the St. John Parish Directory and schedule an appointment! It won't be complete without you.

Cleaning Help is needed

We are grateful to the ladies who have generously responded to our recent appeal for help and to the few dedicated parishioners who have come in every week to clean the upper church. Could you/would you consider give just two and a half hours of your time once a month to clean the church? If you are willing to do so, please call us at the 508-378-4207 or email us at .

Candlelight Rosary Procession

Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish will host the fourth of this season’s Candlelight Rosary Processions on Thursday, August 13th at 8 pm. The guest speaker will be Rev. Joseph Raeke, Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas.

The processions, held on the 13th of the month, are in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. Families are urged to come – to pray for peace in our troubled world and for our service men and women in the Armed Forces. The church has ample parking and is handicapped accessible.

300 Club Winners for July

Our congratulations to the lucky winners . . .

Mr.& Mrs. James Butler Leila & John Curley

Danny Lovell Bill & Jackie Monahan

1st Annual Golf Tournament

(Please mark this date on your calendar)

Our 1st Annual St. John Open will take place at the

Easton Country Club on Monday, September 28th. The Entrance Fee is $125 which includes: Golf and Cart, Entrance into JetBlue Challenge (Hole in One and CTP events) Player Gifts, Unlimited Range Balls, Continental Breakfast, Box Lunch, BBQ Chicken Dinner, Entrance into Long Drive and Accurate Drive contests and more. The registration forms are in the pews.

Dear Friends,

The past week at the Craigville Beach Conference Center on the Cape, the annual Junior/Senior Leadership Retreat was held. It was an incredible experience for eighteen of our young people and for the adult leaders. Everyone in attendance met the Lord in a profound way. Through the many witness talks and small group sessions, the various Masses, Penance Service and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, our students were exposed to the richness of the Catholic Tradition in a wonderful way.

Among the many wonderful experiences was to have Fr. Moses come and celebrate Mass for the students, alumni and the adult teams.

That coupled with a good deal of time at the beach and volley ball court made for an exciting, fun-filled and spirit-filled five days.

I am so proud of our young people, and their openness and willingness to engage in all that we asked of them is an indication of their maturity and commitment to the role of being a Peer Minister.

Finally, I am happy to announce to the Parish family that I have hired Deacon Joseph E. MacDonald of Braintree as a Pastoral Associate. Deacon Joe’s appointment begins in September and will consist of a part-time position on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Deacon Joe comes to us with a great deal of experience, having served in parishes in Milton and Somerville and currently at St. Ann Parish in Quincy where he will remain for the weekends.

God Bless,

Fr. Wally

Request Volunteer Tutors

The Literacy Place in Bridgewater is a volunteer organization which offers one-on-one literacy tutoring for adults who have a huge gap in their education and who are seeking help in reading, writing and conversational skills. There is a great need for tutors for people seeking this help.