COPMOBA Meeting Notes 04/23/2013

  1. Jenn Winkler- Admin for new GV website. Email-
  2. Soliciting content for GV website (photos, vids, events, eventually bios)
  3. Open to suggestions for content and updates cause all we have is Bio profiles for top sponsors right now.

c.  If you want your facebook photos/vids/content used on the site, email Jen

  1. 18 Rd. signs are posted except for two.
  2. Landon is coordinating and can’t complete the last two due to injury and is soliciting volunteers to complete the last two.
  3. Last two signs to install are Joes Ridge and Frontside.
  4. Would be great to finish the installs this week before the FFTF.

i.  Mike Hogan offered to install on Friday 4/26 AM

  1. Max @ OTE volunteered to help.
  2. Signs are at OTE

3.  Tool distribution to other chapters

  1. Ridgway has theirs
  2. Montrose will get theirs soon. Kris C. will coordinate

4.  REI donated 4 first aid kits

  1. FA kits are for crew leaders for trail events
  2. Larger kit to keep in trailer in the works (Kris)
  3. Dave Antonelli suggested developing a protocol for keeping track of FA resources so that the kit stays complete.
  4. David Withers suggested using a notepad to track use
  5. To keep kits complete, project lead should check use log before event to ensure the kit is complete. Otherwise, chapter director is responsible for maintenance of kit.

5.  Chapter Logo

  1. No development has been done, yet.
  2. Still open to suggestions.

6.  Irrigation for LL Bike Park

a.  Grassroots Cycles/Mesa County coordinated install, complete!

  1. Waiting on a irrigation house for pump and water for be flowing!
  2. Irrigation house coming from All Metals Welding Fabrication

7.  18 Rd. Signs for Parking Lot

  1. Matt Bolig @ Grassroots volunteered to develop, busy with Ranchstyle. Will follow-up when Ranchstyle is over.

8.  NFD 18 Rd. Focus Group

a.  Trail ethics outreach pilot program

b.  NFD/Highline L./Kokopelli planning group

  1. To benefit BLM (kokppelli) as well
  2. Focus group will begin meeting/brainstorming late May and June
  3. Scott Winans mentioned that public outreach and comment is important to include as a part of the focus group
  4. Open invitation to promote new trail development in NFD
  5. Dave Grossman highlighted that the process needs to focus on overall zone planning rather than individual trails.
  6. Take a step back and look at the big picture.

vi.  Thoughts and comments should be developed by end of BLM-RMP comment period (6/24/2013)

  1. “Big broad brush stroke” comments
  2. ex- “We want to be able to connect from 18rd. to Highline Lake…” or “Retain the emphasis of bike industry in NFD”
  3. Dan A. mentioned that the quiet use groups are very concerned about connecting trails. Especially in areas of “Wilderness Character”
  4. Dave G. and Ben J. talked about the potential for a “Grand Loop” circumnavigating trail that links all zones in the valley.
  5. Chris M. mentioned the interest from City of Rangely to link Rangely to Loma over the Baxter Pass/Douglas Pass area using old Uintah RR lines and other fun thoroughfares. Another Epic Trail for COPMOBA/Western CO
  6. Noted that N. of Baxter Pass isn’t a part of GJ BLM RMP

vii.  Need for Press Release or Outreach efforts from COPMOBA to general public for suggestions/talking points on RMP public comments

  1. Ben J.- COPMOBA pay somebody to create forms for users to complete, individualize , and submit to BLM
  2. Scott W.- Mentioned the BLM considers duplicate comments as one so need to be mindful of that.
  3. Chris M.- COPMOBA needs to develop multiple forms that leaves room for individualism. Suggested following the example of Cimarron from Hurricane, UT. “Do 90% of the work for them”
  5. Gotta put in the work otherwise risk being forgotten
  6. Develop key bullet points for dissemination to community for the construction of masses of comments
  7. THE FUTURE. Where do we want to develop from here? THIS needs to be the focus of RMP commentary –Chris M.
  8. Protecting Zones
  9. Route by Route
  10. Suggestion: share comments with COPMOBA on Facebook or GV-COPMOBA website
  11. Suggestion: Volunteers to create target regional bulletpoints (trails, future, thank yous) for each focus area
  12. Debeque- Kris C.
  13. Gateway- Dan A.
  14. Bangs Canyon- Ben J.
  15. Palisade- Scott W. & Randy M.

5.  NFD- Giselle

a.  1 week deadline on Bullets (Tues, May 1st)

New News

  1. Kevin Foote and Carl Quist received awards from the BLM for over 250 hours of volunteer service over the last 5 years.
  2. Received recognition and a free pass to all National Parks for the year.
  3. Upcoming Events
  4. Monday Nights Maint.
  5. Previous nights got rained out

ii.  April 22nd

  1. developed markers for Mary’s uphill
  2. cleaned up lookout trails
  3. Rustlers Maint.
  4. Wranglers Maint.
  5. Tried to close illegal trails
  6. This needs to be an agenda item for next mtg.
  7. April 26-28- FFTF THIS WEEKEND!
  8. Volunteers Needed!
  9. Pancake B-Fast @ 7-10:30am on Sat.
  10. Friendly face for COPMOBA
  11. Clunker Hunt
  12. Needs two more VT bodies
  13. 1-3:30pm on Sat
  14. fun and frivolity!
  15. Open solicit to poor beer for COPMOBA at Rotary Club Beer Tent.

iv.  April 29th

  1. Moto Trail Monday Night Maint. Reschedule

v.  May 3-5th

  1. Sarlac Trail Build

vi.  May 16-19th

  1. Tour De Bloom
  2. Still Open Spots Available

vii.  June 1st

  1. Cerro Summit

viii.  June 7th & 8th

  1. RAT Fest in Ridgeway, trail building, beer fest
  2. Organizing GVCC group to attend.

3.  New Tradition- Adam W.

  1. COPMOBA high country mid-summer weekends

4.  Horsethief Bench – Re-Route

  1. Endoholics (Ben J.) has complaints with HT re-route
  2. COPMOBA answer-
  3. Catherine Robertson (Former BLM Field Manager), said that old HT section was not acceptable
  4. New trail was built during Monday Night Maint. last year
  5. Old trail was fall line and fun
  6. New trail is more sustainable and ruins the flow to the opening of a classic trail.

v.  Lets find the right (COPMOBA) line!

1.  Armoring the old line?

5.  Grand Junction Off-Road Event

  1. Labor Day Weekend 2013
  2. Save your volunteer hours to help out!