Intermediate Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: Pink and Say
Author: Polacco, Patricia
Publisher: Philomel Books
ISBN: 0-399-22671-0 / Genre:
Historical Fiction / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level:
Literacy Core Objective: 5th Grade
S7/O2 – Apply strategies to comprehend text.

Social Studies Core Objective:.5th Grade
S4/O2 - Assess the geographic, cultural, political, and
economic divisions between regions that
contributed to the Civil War.
S4/O3 - Evaluate the course of events of the Civil
War and its impact both immediate and
long-term. / Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading
Students will read and learn about the Civil War, one of the most critical eras in our nation's history, and will also explore more basic issues about the nature of human life and society.
ELL Strategies:
Do a picture walk of the book before reading, and tell the story in your own words, using the pictures. / “I Can Statements” - Essential Questions:
·  What are some of the social, political, and personal issues that confronted Americans during the time of the Civil War?
·  What was the perspective of both sides, North and South during the Civil War?
·  What was it like to be a slave during the War?
·  What was life like for a soldier during the War?
·  What was it like to be an older child during the War?
Before Reading
Vocabulary: Use the graphic organizer for the vocabulary. Word, Kid friendly definition, and sketch. You may want to do the vocabulary in sections each day.
reckoning (p1) outfits (p.14) quartered (p.23) ransacked (p.29)
mahogany (p.5) vittles (p.16) inconsolable (p.24) jarred (p.35)
hands (p.13) spectacles (p.23) deserter (p.27) cleaved (p.39)
Activate/Build Prior Knowledge:
Use the following site to learn about events and important people from the Civil War. Then answer the questions at this site (also attached below). This idea was taken from
Comprehension Strategy: Connections
During Reading
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Suggested Pacing:
Day 1 – p.1-13 Day 2 - 14- 27 Day 3 – p. 28-44
As you read, think about and make Text to Self, Text to Text, and Text to World Connections and record them on the attached Text Connections workmat from Teaching Eventures 2008.
After Reading
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
As a group, share connections and feelings that students had as they red this story.
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.)
Write a Book Talk for this story to leave your listeners with a compelling reason for checking out the book.
Think about what was interesting or exciting to you while reading this book; the characters, setting, plot, theme, personal connection you have with the story, etc.? Then include the following in your book talk:
-interesting hook
-describe the setting and main characters,
thoroughly and vividly
-describe how the themes address problems
that your listeners are facing
-retell an exciting part of the story without
revealing the ending
-Restate title and author at the end
/ Activities:
· Take an online quiz about the book at
· Pretend you are the character, Say, from the story, and write a letter home to your mother from the Andersonville Prison
· Pretend to be a TV or magazine reporter. Write interview questions as well as responses for either Pink or Say. Then act out the script with a partner.

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.

Imagery Form

Name ______

Look through this site to find the following:

* What women did in the Civil War

* What Abraham Lincoln did in the Civil War

* What Robert E. Lee did in the Civil War

Look through the site to help you remember important pictures and images that tell the story of the civil war. List three things that stand out in your mind that represent the war. What images left impressions on you? What information surprised you?

Write a few sentences explaining why the pictures or images you chose are important to you. What interested you about the pictures and images?

Name ______Date ______


Word: ______

Definition: ______



Word: ______

Definition: ______



Word: ______

Definition: ______



Word: ______

Definition: ______

