P2, Physics 12 Worksheet-7s Student Name ______

1. Which of the following experiments provided evidence that electrons exhibit wave properties?

I.  Millikan oildrop experiment

II.  DavissonGermer electrondiffraction experiment

III.  J. J. Thomson's measurement of the charge-tomass ratio of electrons

(A)  I only B) II only C) I and III only D) II and III only E) I, II, and III

2. Quantities that are conserved in all nuclear reactions include which of the following?

I.  Electric charge

II.  Number of nuclei

III.  Number of protons

A) I only B) II only C) I and III only D) II and III only E) I, II, and III

3. If the momentum of an electron doubles, its de Broglie wavelength is multiplied by a factor of

(A)  B) C) 1 D) 2 E) 4

4. Quantum concepts are critical in explaining all of the following EXCEPT

(A)  Rutherford's scattering experiments B) Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom

(C) Compton scattering D) the blackbody spectrum

(E) the photoelectric effect

5. The graph to the right shows the decay of a sample of carbon 14 that initially contained No atoms. Which of the lettered points on the time axis could represent the halflife of carbon 14?

(A)  A B) B C) C

(D) D E) E

6. The diskshaped head of a pin is 1.0 mm in diameter. Which of the following is the best estimate of the number of atoms in the layer of atoms on the top surface of the pinhead?

(A)  104 B)1014 C)1024 D) 1034 E) 1050

7. In an experiment, light of a particular wavelength is incident on a metal surface, and electrons are emitted from the surface as a result, To produce more electrons per unit time but with less kinetic energy per electron, the experimenter should do which of the following?

(A)  Increase the intensity and decrease the wavelength of the light.

(B)  Increase the intensity and the wavelength of the light.

(C)  Decrease the intensity and the wavelength of the light.

(D)  Decrease the intensity and increase the wavelength of the light.

(E)  None of the above would produce the desired result.

8. Which of the following imposes a limit on the number of electrons in an energy state of an atom?

(A)  The Heisenberg uncertainty principle B) The Pauli exclusion principle

(C) The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom D) The theory of relativity

(E) The law of conservation of energy

9. When 10B is bombarded by neutrons, a neutron can be absorbed and an alpha particle (4He) emitted, If the 10B target is stationary, the kinetic energy of the reaction products is equal to the

(A) kinetic energy of the incident neutron (B) total energy of the incident neutron

(C) energy equivalent of the mass decrease in the reaction

(D) energy equivalent of the mass decrease in the reaction, minus the kinetic energy of the incident neutron

(E) energy equivalent of the mass decrease in the reaction, plus the kinetic energy of the incident neutron

10. The nuclide 21482Pb emits an electron and becomes nuclide X. Which of the following gives the mass number and atomic number of nuclide X?

Mass Atomic

Number Number

(A) 210 80

(B) 210 81

(C) 213 83

(D) 214 81

(E) 214 83

11. A beam of gamma photons has an energy of 0.65 MeV. Determine the momentum of the gamma photons.

(A) 1.04x10-13 kgm/s B)1.04x10-7 kgm/s C) 3.47x10-22 kgm/s

(D) 3.47x10-16 kgm/s E) 3x10-8 kgm/s

12. An electron is in an excited state (n=3) in a fictitious atom, as shown in the diagram (E1= -5.0 eV, E2= -2.5 eV, E3= -1.0 eV,). When this electron returns to ground state, what are the possible energies of photons that will be released by the atom?

(A) only 4 eV (B) only 5 eV (C) 4 eV and 1.5 eV (D) 1.5 eV and 2.5 eV (E) 4 eV, 2.5 eV and 1.5 eV

13. Tungsten-188 decays with an alpha particle. The subsequent daughter particle decays with another alpha decay. What is the final product after these two decays?

14. Rutherford scattering was the first experiment to show which property of the atom?

A. The electron has a negative charge; B. The atom is electrically neutral

C. The nucleus of the atom contains the positive charge in a very small volume.

D. A Photon will scatter from a free electron in a metal.

E. A photon will release an electron from a metal if it has some minimum energy.

15. The wave function as derived by Schrodinger’s equation is best described as being a measure of which of the following?

A. photon beam frequency B. photon wavelength C. particle wavelength

D. probability E. particle wave number