Unsealed Invitation for Bids (UIFB)

UIFB # 09-10-16SM

Hillside Roller Hockey Court- Install New Separation Fence
Date: August 28, 2009

DATE: August 28, 2009

TITLE: Hillside Roller Hockey Court - Install New Separation Fence

ISSUING AGENCY:JamesMadisonUniversity, Attn: Susan W. Mathias,Rm 207E

181 Patterson Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia22801

Ph. (540)568-3002, Fax. (540)568-6181

QUESTIONS/INQUIRIES: E-mail all inquiries for information to:

Suan W. Mathias, VCCO/VCO, Senior Buyer,

MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING:September 3, 2009 @ 1:30PM EDTSharp.

A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, September 3, 2009 at JMU in the University Services Building, 181 Patterson Street, Conference Room 218, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 at 1:30 PM EDT SHARP. No one will be admitted after 1:30 PM EST. The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to allow potential bidders an opportunity to present questions and obtain clarification relative to any facet of this solicitation. Due to the importance of all bidders having a clear understanding of the specifications/scope of work and requirements for this solicitation, attendance will be a prerequisite for submitting a bid. Bids will only be accepted from those bidders who have visited the site. Attendance will be evidenced by the representative's signature on the attendance roster

DIRECTIONS: From Interstate 81, take Exit 245, Port Republic Road (go West – left if traveling 81-N, right if traveling 81-S), turn right onto Main Street, turn left onto Grace Street. Parking is available behind the UniversityServicesBuilding in the maintenance parking area.

questions/clarifications:Cut-off date is Friday, September4, 2009@ 12:00 PM.

Addenda will be posted on eVA following cut-off date.

uNSEALED BIDS ARE DUE:Monday, September 7, 2009 at 2:00 PM (faxed bids are acceptable) please use attached bid form and fax to #540-568-1673, no later than 2:00 PM.

specificationsshall be printed from (Virginia Business Opportunities Module) , Please bring a copy with you to the mandatory pre-bid meeting.

DRAWINGS may have been reduced to 11 X 14 and are posted at (Virginia Business Opportunities Module) for contractor‘s viewing. However, drawings shall not be used for bidding purposes for they may not be properly scaled or signed. Full size properly scaled drawings will be available at the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting for all general contractors. (For planning purposes, please email if planning to attend in efforts to ensure enough drawings are available.)

Procedures for submitting a bid, claiming an error, withdrawal of bids and other pertinent information are contained in the Commonwealth of Virginia Purchasing Manual for Institutions of Higher Education and Their Vendors, which is part of this Unsealed Invitation for Bids. (

The contract shall be awarded on a lump sum basis as follows: the Total Base Bid Amount including any properly submitted and received bid modifications plus such successive Additive Bid Items as the Owner in its discretion decides to award in the manner set forth in the Commonwealth of Virginia Purchasing Manual for Institutions of Higher Education. ‘Notice of Award in addition to the Bid Results’ or ‘Notice of Intent to Award’ will be posted on (Virginia Business Opportunities Module)

Contractor registration and licensing in accordance with Section 54.1-1103 of the Code of Virginia, is required. Refer to the General Terms and Conditions of this Unsealed Invitation For bid for additional qualification requirements.

eVA Vendor Registration: The bidder or offeror shall be a registered vendor in eVA. See the attached eVA Vendor Registration Requirements.

In compliance with this Unsealed Invitation For Bid and to all conditions imposed herein, the Bidder offers and agrees to complete the project at the price(s) indicated on the Bid Form. This bid is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Purchasing Manual for Institutions of Higher Education and Their Vendors.,

Note: This public body does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4300-or against a bidder or offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment.

If you are an individual with a disability with need of reasonable accommodations to participate in this activity, please notify Susan W. Mathias (Buyer). Individuals with hearing/speech disability are encouraged to use the Virginia Relay Service. TDD Users-800-828-1120.


UFIB #09-10-16SM,

Hillside Roller Hockey Court- Install New Separation Fence

Purpose...... 04

Scope of Work...... 04

Special Equipment and Material Requirements . . . .05

Installation...... 05

Superintendence by Contractor...... 05

Inspection...... 06

Listing of Subcontractors...... 07 Intent of Drawings and Specifications ...... 08

Product Submittals...... 08

Workmanship ...... 09

ADA Accessibility ...... 09

General Conditions...... 09

Asbestos ...... 10

Hazardous or Restricted Materials ...... 11

Hot Work ...... 11

Excavation...... 13

Erosion Control ...... 14

Rock Removal...... 14

Concrete...... 14

Keys/Access Cards...... 15

Temporary Facilities...... 15

Parking...... 16

Fire Protection...... 16

Site Cleanup...... 16

Completion Procedure...... 16

Method of Payment...... 17

General Terms and Conditions...... 18

Special Terms and Conditions ...... 25

Attachment A: Bidders Data Sheet...... 32

Attachment B: Question/Clarification Forms. . . . 33

Attachment C: Bid Form...... 34

Attachment D: Contractor Change Order Request . 35

Attachment E: List of Subcontractors Form . . . .36

Drawings, if applicable,are posted on eVA
available at the mandatory pre-bid meeting.. . .

A.PURPOSE:The purpose and intent of this Unsealed Invitation for Bid (UIFB) is to establish a contract with one (1) qualified source having a minimum of five (5) years experience in performing this type of work as described below.


1.Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, supervision, disposal and documentation necessary to install 150’foot of separation fence at the Hillside Roller Hockey Court on the James Madison University Campus. Project shall include but not limited to, core drilling holes for post, Install fence post, rails, fabric and all related items necessary to complete the work per these specifications.

2.Project shall begin upon notice to proceed and be completed and ready for use within 14 calendar days.

3.Failure to submit the following requested items with your bid shall be a cause for rejection of the bid.

a.Attachment A to the UIFB, Bidder’s Data Sheet

b.Attachment C to the UIFB, Bidder’s Bid Form

4..Project Manager, Gary Thayer, shall be the primary contact person for all issues regarding the contract after the contract has been awarded. Mr. Thayer may be reached at, P-540.568.6720, C-540.830.0180, F-540.568.3547 or ..

5.Contractor's hours of work shall be Monday through Friday 7:00am to 4:30pm. Additional work hours may be granted at the sole discretion of the JMU project manager.

6.These specifications are in a standard format to show the type of material and quality of work required by JMU. Parts of these specifications may not apply to this project. Contractor shall adhere to all applicable sections or subsections.

7.Contractor’s Personnel—Criminal Background Investigations: The University reserves the right to require that the Contractor and his/her employees successfully complete a criminal background check prior to the start of their services.

The criminal background investigation shall include a review of the Contractor and his/her employee’s records to include Social Security Number Search, Credit Report (if related to potential job duties), Criminal Records Search (any misdemeanor convictions and/or felony convictions are reported) in all states in which the employee has lived or worked over the past seven (7) years, and the National Sex Offender Registry. In addition, the Global Watch list (maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of Treasury) should be reviewed.


1. 8’ foot tall fence fabric, #6 gauge wire, vinyl coated, color to match existing, 8’ foot fence to match existing 12’ foot fence.

2.Post and rails- schedule 40 piping.

3.Gate- 3’ foot wide, 7’ foot tall.


1. Install fence fabric on both sides of fence post.

2.Install rails at top and bottom of fence.

3.Install gate as close as possible to the parking lot side of Roller Blade Court.

4.Install post 10’ foot apart.

5.Core drill holes for post and fill with non- shrink grout.


1. The contractor shall have a competent foreman or superintendent, satisfactory to the owner, on the job site at all times during the progress of the work. The contractor shall be responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures, for coordinating all portions of the work under the contract except where otherwise specified in the contract documents, and for all safety and worker health programs and practices. The contractor shall notify the owner, in writing, of any proposed change in superintendent including the reason therefore prior to making such change.

2. The contractor shall, at all times, enforce strict discipline and good order among the workers on the project, and shall not employ on the work any unfit person, anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him, or anyone who will not work in harmony with those employed by the contractor, the subcontractors, the owner or the owner’s separate contractors and their subcontractors.

3. The owner may, in writing, require the contractor to remove from the work any employee the owner deems to be incompetent, careless, not working in harmony with others on the site, or otherwise objectionable.


1.All material and workmanship shall be subject to inspection, examination, and test by the owner and its project inspector at any and all times during construction. The project inspector shall have authority to reject defective material and workmanship and require its correction. Rejected workmanship shall be satisfactorily corrected and rejected material shall be satisfactorily replaced with proper material without charge therefore, and the contractor shall promptly segregate and remove the rejected material from the premises. If the contractor fails to proceed at once with replacement of rejected material and/or the correction of defective workmanship, the owner may, by contract or otherwise, replace such material and/or correct such workmanship and charge the cost to the contractor, or may terminate the right of the contractor to proceed, the contractor and surety being liable for any damages.

2.Job-site inspections, tests conducted on site or tests of materials gathered on site, which the contract requires to be performed by independent testing entities, shall be contracted and paid for by the owner. Examples of such tests are the testing of cast in-place concrete, foundation materials, soil compaction, pile installations, caisson bearings, and steel framing connections. Although conducted by independent testing entities, the owner will not contract and pay for tests or certifications of materials, manufactured products, or assemblies which the contract, codes, standards, etc. require to be tested and/or certified for compliance with industry standards such as Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual, or ASTM. If there are any fees to be paid for such tests and certifications, they will be paid by the contractor. The contractor shall also pay for all inspections, tests, and certifications, which the contract specifically requires him to perform or pay, together with any inspections and tests, which he chooses to, perform for his own quality control purposes. The contractor shall promptly furnish, without additional charge, all reasonable facilities, labor, and materials necessary and convenient for making such tests. Except as provided in (c) below, whenever such examination and testing finds defective materials, equipment, or workmanship, the contractor shall reimburse the owner for the cost of reexamination and retesting.

3.Should it be considered necessary or advisable by the owner at any time before final acceptance of the entire work to make an examination of any part of the work already completed, by removing or tearing out portions of the work, the contractor shall on request promptly furnish all necessary facilities, labor and material to expose the work to be tested to the extent required. If such work is found to be defective in any respect, due to the fault of the contractor or his subcontractors, he shall defray all the expenses of uncovering the work, of examination and testing, and of satisfactory reconstruction. If, however, such work is found to meet the requirements of the contract, the actual cost of the contractor’s labor and material necessarily involved in uncovering the work, the cost of examination and testing and contractor’s cost of material and labor necessary for replacement shall be paid to the contractor and he shall, in addition, if completion of the work has been delayed thereby, be granted a suitable extension of time.

4.The project inspector will recommend to the owner that the work be suspended when in his judgment the drawings and specifications are not being followed. Any such suspension shall be continued only until the matter in question is resolved to the satisfaction of the owner. The cost of any such work stoppage shall be borne by the contractor unless it is later determined that no fault existed in the contractor’s work.

5.The project inspector has no authority to and shall not:

  • Authorize deviations from the contract documents;
  • Enter into the area of responsibility of the contractor’s superintendent;
  • Issue directions relative to any aspect of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or in regard to safety precautions and programs in connection with the work;
  • Authorize or suggest that the owner occupy the project, in whole or in part;
  • Issue a certificate for payment.


1.Where it is practicable for any portion of the awarded contract to be subcontracted to other suppliers, the contractor is encouraged to offer such business to small, minority and/or women-owned businesses. Names of firms may be available from the buyer and/or from the Division of Purchases and Supply. When such business has been subcontracted to these firms and upon completion of the contract, the contractor agrees to furnish the purchasing office the following information: name of firm, phone number, total dollar amount subcontracted (includes change orders), type of project/service provided and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).

2.Attachment E, which is the “Listing of Sub-Contractors, to include, Disadvantaged Businesses for this Contract”, form shall be submitted within five (5) days of Receipt of Contract.

3.Change Order Proposals—All change order proposals shall include subcontractor(s) andtheir portion of the proposed change order request. Change order proposals shall be submitted using Attachment D, Contractor Change Order Request.

4.Retainage on construction contracts—In any public contract for construction that provides for progress payments in installments based upon an estimated percentage of completion, the contractor shall be paid at least ninety-five percent of the earned sum when payment is due, with no more than five percent being retained to ensure faithful performance of contract. All amounts withheld may be included in the final payment.

5.Any subcontractor for a public project that provides for similar progress payments shall be subject to the provisions of this section.


1.The drawings, when included, are diagrammatic intending to show general runs and locations of piping, wiring, equipment and specialties, and not necessarily showing all required offsets, etc. Carefully study the various items and make such adjustments in exact routing as may be necessary to fit into space available and to avoid conflicts with other trades. The drawings shall be accurately followed where they are definite and provided such procedure causes no objectionable conditions or does not conflict with other trades. If the drawings are not clear regarding location, arrangement, etc., of all piping and equipment, obtain additional information from project manager before proceeding.

2.These specifications are intended to complement the drawings. Any conflict between drawings and specifications shall be brought to the attention of the project manager. The contractor has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring safe, adequate, and proper installation of all equipment and materials as necessary to meet existing site conditions and compliance with the latest edition of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code.

3.All equipment and material shall conform to the standards of Underwriters Laboratory (UL), and bear the appropriate label.

4.General contractor or primary contractor shall provide all subcontractors with drawings and specifications at no expense to JMU. Drawings and specifications shall be maintained on site for the duration of the project. Sub-contractors that do not have a complete set of drawings and specifications shall be directed to leave the work site until the appropriate documents are secured.


1.Product submittals or manufacturer's descriptive data shall be submitted to the project manager within ten (10) days of Receipt of Contract for approval of product, if product is bid as specified.

2.When contractor chooses to substitute an “or equivalent” product, product submittal shall accompany sealed bid so that product can be evaluated prior to award of contract. Do not include submittal in sealed bid envelope.

3.Submittals shall include, but not limited to, the items of equipment listed below. Project manager reserves the right to request additional information. Provide sufficient copies so that two (2) copies can be retained by the project manager.



c.Access doors.

d.Acoustical ceiling systems.

e.Flooring systems to include floor coverings.

f.Cabinetry and countertops.

g.Mechanical equipment, i.e., air handling units, condensers, air compressors, fans, controls, instrumentation, gauges, insulation and other equipment related to the heating, ventilating and air conditioning trade.

h.Plumbing equipment, i.e., bath fixtures, water heaters, pumps, valves, controls and other equipment related to the plumbing trade.