1.(a)Some cars have air bags fitted.

Look at the picture.

Air bags reduce injury if there is a crash.

Write down one other safety feature that reduces injury in a crash.



(b)Some safety devices such as electric windows make driving safer.

They make it easier for the driver to concentrate.

Write down one other example of a safety feature that helps the driver to concentrate.



[Total 2 marks]

2.This question is about gravitational potential energy.

(a)Look at the information in the table.

planet / gravitational field strength in N / kg
Earth / 10
Jupiter / 25
Mercury / 4
Neptune / 11
Pluto / 1
Venus / 9

Oliver calculates the gravitational potential energy for a 1 kg mass at a height of 2m above the surface of each planet.

Where will the 1 kg mass have the greatest gravitational potential energy?

Choose from







answer ......


(b)Oliver is weight training.

Look at the diagram.

He wants to increase the gravitational potential energy of the weights.

To do this he could add more weights to the bar.

What other thing could he do to increase the gravitational potential energy?

answer ......


(c)Look at the graph.

It shows how the potential energy of a roller coaster car changes as it moves along the track.

The car is pulled to the top of the roller coaster and starts with a speed of 0 m / s at point A.

Complete the table to show how the energy of the car changes as it moves along the track.

position on track / potential energy / kinetic energy
A → B / decreases
B → C
C → D / decreases / increases


[Total 4 marks]

3.This question is about forces, motion and terminal speed.

Vehicles can reach a maximum speed.

Several factors affect this maximum speed.

Look at the table.

factor / increases maximum speed / decreases maximum speed / has no effect on maximum speed
wedge shaped car (instead of box shaped car)
putting a roof box on a car
towing a caravan /
putting an air deflector on a lorry
painting a car a brighter colour /

(a)Put a tick () in each of the rows to show the correct effect on the maximum speed.

Two have been done for you.


(b)Frictional forces can be a problem in car engines.

Write down one way that frictional forces are reduced in car engines.



[Total 3 marks]

4.Penny drives her car up a hill.

(a)Look at the diagram.

Her car climbs 4 m for every 100 m that it moves along the road.

The car weighs 7000 N.

(i)Show that the work done is 28 000 J.

The list of equations may help you.





(ii)It takes 8 seconds to do 28 000 J of work.

Calculate the power the engine needs to climb the hill.

The list of equations may help you.




answer ...... W


(b)As Penny drives along the road she drives past a speed camera.

(i)There are lines marked on the road in front of the camera.

Suggest a reason for these lines on the road.





(ii)The police need to know the speed of Penny’s car.

They have information from the lines on the road.

What other information is needed to calculate the speed of the car?




[Total 5 marks]

5.Look at the sketch graphs. Some are distance-time graphs, some are speed-time graphs.

(a)(i)Which two graphs show an object moving at a steady speed?

Choose from:ABCDE

answer ...... and ......


(ii)Which graph shows an increase in speed?

Choose from:ABCDE

answer ......


(iii)Which graph shows something that is stationary (not moving)?

Choose from:ABCDE

answer ......


(b)At a speed of 25 m / s the stopping distance is 53 m.

This is made up of

•the thinking distance (15 m)

•the braking distance (38 m).

What does braking distance mean?





[Total 6 marks]

6.This question is about gravitational potential energy.

(a)Look at the information in the table.

planet / gravitational field strength in N / kg
Earth / 10
Jupiter / 25
Mercury / 4
Neptune / 11
Pluto / 1
Venus / 9

Oliver calculates the gravitational potential energy for a 1 kg mass at a height of 2m above the surface of each planet.

Where will the 1 kg mass have the greatest gravitational potential energy?

Choose from







answer ......


(b)Look at the graph.

It shows how the potential energy of a roller coaster car changes as it moves along the track.

The car is pulled to the top of the roller coaster and starts with a speed of 0 m / s at point A.

Complete the table to show how the energy of the car changes as it moves along the track.

position on track / potential energy / kinetic energy
A → B / decreases
B → C
C → D / decreases / increases


(c)Rosalind drops a ball from the edge of a cliff.

Look at the drawing.

The ball will reach its terminal speed.

(i)Explain how the ball reaches its terminal speed.

In your answer, use ideas about







(ii)At the terminal speed

•the kinetic energy of the ball is at its maximum

•the potential energy of the ball is decreasing.

What happens to this potential energy?




[Total 6 marks]

7.(a)There are large forces in a high speed crash.

Air bags change shape in a crash and absorb energy.

This reduces the forces on the driver.

Explain how air bags reduce the forces in a collision.

In your answer, use ideas about









(b)Some safety devices make driving safer.

They do not reduce injury in a crash.

Adjustable seating is one of these safety devices.

Explain how this makes driving safer.





(c)Drivers who have been drinking alcohol are more likely to have accidents.

This is because their reaction time and thinking distance have increased.

Write down one other factor that can increase thinking distance.




(d)Braking distance increases in certain conditions.

Write down one factor that can increase braking distance.




[Total 5 marks]

8.Penny drives her car up a hill.

(a)Look at the diagram.

Her car climbs 4 m for every 100 m that it moves along the road.

The car weighs 7000 N.

(i)Show that the work done is 28 000 J.

The list of equations may help you.





(ii)It takes 8 seconds to do 28 000 J of work.

Calculate the power the engine needs to climb the hill.

The list of equations may help you.




answer ...... W


(b)(i)Look at the graph.

It shows how the driving force produced by Penny’s car engine increases with speed.

The fuel consumption at 70 mph is much larger than Penny expected.

Use the graph to explain why.




(ii)Apart from speed, write down one other factor that affects fuel consumption in Penny’s car.



(c)Penny is concerned about polluting the environment.

She is thinking of buying an electrically powered car.

The salesman says that it does not cause pollution.

Is he really correct?

Explain your answer.






[Total 7 marks]

9.This question is about motion.

The diagram shows speed-time graphs in the first column.

There is a list of statements in the second column.

Draw a straight line to join each speed-time graph with its correct statement.

[Total 2 marks]

10.This question is about measuring speeds.

(a)David and Jo measure the speed of cars as they go past their school.

(i)What equipment do they use to measure distance?



(ii)What equipment do they use to measure time?



(b)A speed camera uses radar to detect when a car is speeding.

There are lines painted on the road in front of the camera to measure distance.

The camera takes two photographs of a speeding car as it passes over the lines to confirm the speed.

Mr Green is accused of speeding. The speed limit is 13.5 m/s (30 mph).

He is shown the two photographs taken by the speed camera.

The time between the photographs is 2 s.

The distance between each of the lines on the road is 4 m.

The photographs show that his car passed over 9 lines in the time between when the two photographs were taken.

Calculate the speed of his car.

The list of equations may help you.




answer ...... m/s


[Total 5 marks]

11.Mark rides on a roller coaster.

The roller coaster car is lifted to the top of the ride.

It is then released at point A.

The diagram shows the roller coaster with the car at the end of the ride.

not to scale

(a)Where does the car have the most gravitational potential energy?

Choose from:ABCDEF

answer ......


(b)Where is the car moving fastest?

Choose from:ABCDEF

answer ......


(c)At maximum speed the kinetic energy of the car is 200 kJ.

More people then get into the car.

The total mass doubles.

The maximum speed stays the same.

What is the maximum kinetic energy now?

answer ...... kJ


[Total 3 marks]

12.Mrs Brown is driving her car slowly because she is near a school.

A child runs out into the road.

The car stops safely.

The chart shows typical stopping distances when a car is travelling in a town.

(a)At 20 mph, Mrs Brown’s thinking distance is 6 metres.

Her braking distance is also 6 metres.

(i)What is meant by thinking distance?



(ii)What is meant by braking distance?



(iii)Calculate the car’s stopping distance.



(b)Mrs Brown continues her journey.

The car changes speed from 0 m/s to 8 m/s.

(i)What do we call a change in speed? ......


(ii)Look at the graphs.

Which graph, A, B, C or D, shows this change in speed?

answer ......


[Total 5 marks]

13.Modern cars have air bags and seat belts.

A car is in a crash.

Describe how both the airbag and the seat belt reduce injuries.




[Total 2 marks]

14.Steve is a member of the Red Devils free fall display team.

(a)What happens to Steve’s speed when he first jumps out of the aeroplane?



(b)What force causes him to fall to the ground?



(c)Air resistance (drag) acts on Steve as he falls.

(i)What effect does air resistance have on Steve as he falls?



(ii)How can Steve change the position of his body to reduce air resistance?



(d)Steve gets nearer to the ground.

He needs to slow down.

What does Steve do to slow down?



[Total 5 marks]

15.A speed camera uses radar to detect when a car is speeding.

There are lines painted on the road in front of the camera to measure distance.

The camera takes two photographs of a speeding car, as it passes over the lines, to confirm the speed.

Mr Green is accused of speeding. The speed limit is 13.5 m/s (30 mph).

He is shown the two photographs taken by the speed camera.

The time between the photographs is 2 s.

The distance between each of the lines on the road is 4 m.

The photographs show that his car passed over 9 lines in the time between when the two photographs were taken.

Calculate the speed of his car.

The list of equations may help you.




answer ...... m/s

[Total 3 marks]

16.Mark is riding on a roller coaster.

The roller coaster car is lifted to the top of the ride.

It is then released at point A.

The diagram shows the roller coaster with the car at the end of the ride.

not to scale

(a)Where does the car have the most gravitational potential energy?

Choose from:ABCDEF

answer ......


(b)Where is the car moving fastest?

Choose from:ABCDEF

answer ......


(c)At maximum speed the kinetic energy of the car is 200 kJ.

More people then get into the car.

The total mass doubles.

The maximum speed stays the same.

What is the maximum kinetic energy now?

answer ...... kJ


[Total 3 marks]

17.Mrs Brown is driving her car slowly because she is near a school.

A child runs out into the road.

The car stops safely.

The chart shows typical stopping distances.

(a)The speed limit in towns is usually 30 mph.

Explain why the speed limit outside schools is often 20 mph.





(b)(i)Mrs Brown drives at 50 mph.

Her braking distance is 38 m.

What is her thinking distance?

answer ...... metres


(ii)Write down two factors that could increase her thinking distance.

1 ......

2 ......


(c)Mrs Brown drives faster on a motorway.

Her speed is now 70 mph.

The chart shows that the braking distance increases to 75 metres.

Explain two situations which could increase the braking distance for her car at 70mph.

Link your answers to



1 ......


2 ......



[Total 6 marks]

18.(a)Modern cars have air bags and seat belts.

A car is in a crash.

The airbag and seatbelt change shape and absorb energy in the crash.

Airbags and seat belts reduce injuries to drivers and passengers.

Use ideas about forces to explain how.





(b)Many cars now have the controls for the cd-player mounted on the steering wheel.

How can this make driving a car safer?



[Total 3 marks]

19.Steve is a member of the Red Devils free fall display team.

(a)Steve jumps out of the plane.

His speed increases until he reaches terminal velocity.

Use ideas about forces to explain how Steve reaches terminal velocity.





(b)As Steve falls, he loses gravitational potential energy and gains kinetic energy.

After he has reached terminal velocity, he continues to lose gravitational potential energy but does not gain kinetic energy. Use ideas about energy transfer to explain why.




(c)Steve and his parachute have a mass of 85 kg.

His maximum gravitational potential energy is 2 720 000 J.

Calculate the height he jumps from.

The list of equations may help you.

(g = 10 N / kg)




answer ...... metres


[Total 5 marks]

20.Four swimmers have a race. They swim two lengths of the swimming pool.

Dave measures the time each swimmer takes to swim two lengths.

Look at the information about the swimmers.

swimmer / time for 1st length in seconds / time for 2nd length in seconds
Daly / 22 / 20
Gita / 24 / 24
Sam / 21 / 22
Duncan / 26 / 30

(a)Who swims fastest for the first length?

Choose fromDalyGitaSamDuncan



(b)Who increases their speed for the second length?

Choose fromDalyGitaSamDuncan



(c)Who has the shortest time for the whole race?

Choose fromDalyGitaSamDuncan



(d)Daly swims 25 metres in 20 seconds.

Calculate Daly’s speed. Write down the unit used to measure speed.

The list of equations may help you.



answer ...... unit ......


[Total 6 marks]

21.Look at the information about road vehicles.

type of vehicle / van / car / people carrier / 4X4 / motorbike
average fuel consumption in km per litre / 7 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 20

(a)Which vehicle has the worst fuel consumption?

Choose from



people carrier





(b)The car and van have the same power, mass and engines.

But the car has a higher top speed than the van.

Look at the diagrams.

Why does the car have a higher top speed?

In your answer write about

•shape of the vehicles

•drag forces.





(c)All these vehicles use a fuel made from fossil fuel.

Name one fuel these vehicles could use.



(d)Some vehicles can use solar power instead of fuels.

Explain how some vehicles use solar power.





[Total 6 marks]

22.This question is about road safety.

(a)Look at the diagram.

It shows the stopping distance for a car travelling at 6 m / s (15 miles per hour).

(i)Calculate the total stopping distance for the car.

answer ...... m


(ii)When the car goes faster the thinking distance increases.

What will happen to the braking distance when the car goes faster?



(iii)Write down one other thing that increases thinking distance.



(b)The car brakes. Look at the diagram.

The braking force is 2000 N. The braking distance is 4 m.

Calculate the work done by the brakes on the car.

The list of equations may help you.



answer ...... J


(c)The brakes on the car absorb the kinetic energy.

What happens to the temperature of the brakes when braking?



(d)Cars are fitted with safety features.

(i)Seatbelts are one safety feature.

Why must seatbelts be changed after a crash?




(ii)Name one other safety feature fitted to cars.



[Total 8 marks]

23.This question is about road safety.

(a)Look at the diagram.

It shows the stopping distance for a car travelling at 13 m / s (30 miles per hour).

(i)Cars travel into the city along a busy road.

They travel at 13 m / s.

One car travels less than 3 m behind the car in front.

This is very dangerous.

Explain why.

Use the information in the diagram to explain your answer.





(ii)When the car goes faster the thinking distance increases.

What will happen to the braking distance when the car goes faster?



(iii)Write down one other thing that increases thinking distance.



(b)The car brakes. Look at the diagram.

The braking force is 2000 N. The braking distance is 4 m.

Calculate the work done by the brakes on the car.

The list of equations may help you.



answer ...... J


[Total 6 marks]

24.Daly is in the swimming pool. He starts to swim and increase his speed.

Look at the graph of his speed.

(a)Daly accelerates steadily for the first 4 seconds. He reaches a speed of 1.1 m / s.

How far does he travel in the first 4 seconds? Use the graph to help you.



answer ...... metres


(b)When Daly swims there are forces acting on him.

Two of these forces are

•a forward swimming force

•a backward drag force.