Civitan International Heartland

District Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday August 7, 2008

Members Present-

Elaine Johns- Governor

Jack Fournier- Governor-elect/ LR Planning

Harold Connell- Area 1 Director/Treasurer

Fred Norman- Immed. Past Governor

Linda deReign- Secretary

Bill Buscher- Judge Advocate

Hank Janzen- Current Meeting Coord./ Elected Past Gov.

Laura Chapa – Area 5 Director

Kathy Allen- Area 4 Director.

Vivian Dail- Project Chair

Governor Elaine Johns called the meeting to order at 9:25pm.

Hank Janzen moved to accept the minutes of the 5/13/08 board meeting. The motion was

Seconded by Jack Fournier. Motion passed.

Governor Elaine Jones suggested Kathy Allen be officially appointed as Area 4 Director.

Hank Janzen motioned to accept Kathy Allen as Area 4 Director, which was seconded by Laura Chapa. Motion passed.

Harold Connell gave the treasurer’s report valid thru July 31st, 2008.. The current balance is $21,812.94. Harold mentioned postage has doubled from what was budgeted in the beginning of the year. The only club that is registered for the convention that will not have a voting delegate due to outstanding dues is Bluebonnet. Hank Janzen moved to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, this was second by Kathy Allen. Motion passed.

Fred Norman advised he will send his report in the next Heartland newsletter..

Area Director Reports-

Area 1- Harold Connell advised all club presidents and president-elect’s have attended training for the upcoming year


Area 2- No report at this time.

Area 3- No report at this time.

Area 4- Kathy Allen reported some clubs are in the process of rebuilding. All club officers have been trained with the exception of River City and Bryant.

Area 5- Laura Chapa reported Wichita Falls officers have not been trained. Some of the clubs are having money and membership issues and are trying to rebuild.

Area 6- No report at this time.

Area 7- No area director at this time.

Membership and Retention-

Roger Alexander will present goals to clubs this weekend. Weekly letters to push memberships will be sent for the remainder of the civitan year. Governor Elaine Johns advised overall membership is down 37 people.

New Club Building-

Roger Alexander is hoping to charter the Owasso club by the forth quarter. Governor Elaine Johns advised Roger is requesting funds to help with this club building. Bill Buscher asked why budgeted money isn’t being used. Budgeted money can be used to help sponsor a new club.

Old Business-

Compliance with District Policies-

Jacksonville has requested an adjustment by 5 members on dues. District policy is to follow international policy; since this adjustment has been made by international then the district will adjust accordingly.

New Business-

District Project- Extreme School Makeover-

Governor Elaine Johns advised the school will not have air conditioning due to copper wiring being stolen earlier in the week. She also said that Lowe’s helped with paint and supplies. Local news media will cover event. Meet in the lobby at 9am in the morning.


Fellow Awards-

There will be two fellow awards given at the banquet. The Citizen of the Year award will be given to Randy Snow.

Kathy Allen motioned that Fred Norman, Karla Fournier and Betsy Barnes be appointed as the new development team for Grand Prairie. Laura Chapa seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Policy 2.12 Breakdown of clubs and areas-

Cabot – area 3

Greenbriar- area 3

Grand Prairie- area 7

Cowtown is inactive, Waco (A6) will remain for now and Corsicana will remain in area 6. Areas 5 and 6 will each have 5 clubs.

Policy 3.16 Committee to review ’07-’08 financials.

Hank Janzen moved to check for an auditor in Hutchinson, Kansas. Committee members must not be a member of the home club of the district governor. Elaine Johns seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Policy 3.03 Dues billing

Harold advised he will be out of the country which will delay the first quarter dues being sent out by the 10th day of October. Fred Norman moved to wave the first quarter dues date, which was seconded by Kathy Allen. Motion passed.


Policy 3.09 Depositories and Signatures

Hank Janzen moved to accept Fidelity Bank of Wichita, Kansas as the official depositories for district funds and designate Elaine W. Johns, Gov.; John C. Fournier, Gov.-elect and Harold I. Connell, Treas. as officers to endorse, execute, and sign checks. Fred Norman seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Policy 3.13 Transfer of Funds

Harold Connell would like the board to approve the total of Admin.-Tele, Admin-Postage, and Admin Misc. which total $600 to be considered as one line item of $600 for

Administration. Fred Norman motioned to accept as presented, Hank Janzen seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Governor-elect Jack Fournier presented the leadership team for the 2008-2009 calendar year. A motion was made to accept the team, which was seconded by Laura Chapa. Motion passed.

Jack Fournier then presented the Heartland District Meeting dates for the 2008-2009 year. Leadership meeting dates will be via web cast over 4 days due to the number of clubs in the district. He stressed club leadership as well as area directors should attend the leadership meetings. Jack advised the governor and governor-elect will attend the area meetings instead of trying to attend individual meetings. Anyone can attend a different area meeting if they miss one. All meetings will strive for fellowship, service and knowledge. Jack motioned to accept the dates as presented, which was seconded by Fred Norman. Motion passed.

Jack Fournier then presented his club building challenge program and moved it be adopted. The goal is a minimum of 60 clubs that average 34 members.

1.  The Heartland District will provide up to $200 expense reimbursement to the first 10 club building teams provided:

A)  The club building team submitted a Club Building Plan to the Governor.

B)  The expense is incurred for the club building effort.

C)  Items will be reimbursed for only expenses incurred in the first eight weeks after the plan has been received and approved by the Governor and the Growth-Club Building Manager.

D)  The expected result is a newly chartered Civitan club; however that is not a requirement for the first $200 of an approved club building plan effort.

2) The Heartland District will reward an additional $300 to every successful club building team that meets the challenge of a new club with 40 charter members.

Kathy Allen seconded the challenge has presented. Motion passed.

Jack Fournier presented the 2008-2009 budget. Hank Janzen moved to accept the budget as presented, which was seconded by Elaine Johns. Motion passed.

Bill Buscher moved to change the wording of Policy 2.08 Area Directors for clarification of voting rights of Past Governors and current district staff when selecting area directors. Harold Connell motioned Bill Buscher write up the proposal and present at the next broad meeting. Hank Janzen seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The meeting adjoined at 1150pm.