Bibliography on Globalization

Amin, Samir.

1997 Capitalism in the Age of Globalization: The Management of Contemporary Society, London : Zed Books.

Bauman, Z.

1998 Globalisation: the Human Consequences. Polity Press, Cambridge.

Best, Steven and Kellner, Douglas.

2001 The Postmodern Adventure: Science, Technology, and Cultural Studies at the Third Millennium New York: Guilford Press.

Castells, Manuel

2000 End of Millennium Oxford; Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.

Courchene, Thomas J.

2002 Embedding Globalization: A Human Capital Perspective Montreal : Institute for Research on Public Policy.

Featherstone, Mike. (ed.)

1990 Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization, and Modernity: A Theory, Culture & Society London ; Newbury Park : Sage Publications, 1990.

Friedman, T.

2000 The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization, New York: Vintage Anchor Publishing

Giddens, Anthony

2000 Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives New York : Routledge.

Held D. and McGrew, A. (eds.)

2000 The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Malden, Mass.: Polity Press, 2000.

Held, D. et al.

l999 Global Transformations, Politics, Economics and Culture. Polity Press, Cambridge and Oxford.

Kitching, Gavin.

2001 Seeking Social Justice Through Globalization: Escaping a Nationalist Perspective University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Langhorne, Richard.

2001 The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution and Contemporary Consequences Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, London; New York: Palgrave.

Laxer, James.

1993 False God: How the Globalization Myth has Impoverished Canada Toronto: Lester Publishing.

Lechner, Frank J. and Boli, John. (eds)

2000 The Globalization Reader Malden, MA ; Oxford, England : Blackwell.

Levitt, T.

1984 “Globalization of Markets”, Harvard Business Review.

McBride, Stephen and Wiseman, John. (eds)

2000 Globalization and its Discontents New York: St. Martin's Press.

McMichael, P.

1996 “Globalization: Myths and Realities.” Rural Sociology 61(2):25-55.

Scholte, Jan Aart.

2000 Globalization: A Critical Introduction New York: St. Martin's Press.

Sklair, Leslie

1991 The Sociology of the Global System. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf

Other Resources:

The International Forum on Globalization

The International Forum on Globalization (IFG) is an alliance of sixty leading activists, scholars, economists, researchers and writers formed to stimulate new thinking, joint activity, and public education in response to economic globalization.

Globalization Issues website by Keith Porter

Contains a wealth of information about globalization – both for and against.

Globalization website of the American Prospect

Globalization website of the American Prospect, a new liberal American review. Most articles are critical of globalization

Globalization: Threat or Opportunity?

Website on globalization maintained by the International Monetary Fund. Most articles tend to stress the positives of globalization.