HEADER - Full Name—18 pt font, Bold—center
Mailing Address, City, State, Zip
Telephone, Cell #( both with area code) & Email--9pt font, bold--center

A one or two sentence of your area of expertise & career interest that demonstrates what YOU can do for the company

Name of SchoolGraduation Date:
City, State, Zip
List GPA, if good

  • Relevant Course Work:
    List course or activities that would interest the employer

Bullet several columns of transferrable, content or job skills you possess that would interest the employer

List most recent work/volunteer experience first, then work backward (reverse chronological)If you have never worked a day in your life, you may want to look at the life experience resume example or the school experience resume.When listing date, give start and end dates you were employed.If you are still employed there, state “date-present.”

Job Title Date:
City, State, Zip

  • List your duties and responsibilities (use sizzle & buzz words)
  • List another duty or responsibility (up to three or four)

List any activities, awards, or honors here.List date of activity/award/honor.

  • Give an example of what you accomplished in detail or use dates
  • Give another example of what you accomplished

Available Upon Request

On this second page, list three references with names, titles, phone numbers, and e-mail if possible. Put the same exact header located on your resume at the top of the reference page also. Make sure you contact your references

FirstName LastName
6 Pine Street, Arlington, VA12333
home: 555.555.5555
cell: 566.486.2222

ArlingtonHigh School, Arlington, Virginia
2002 - 2006

Pet Sitter
2004 - Present
• Provide pet sitting services including dog walking, feeding and yard care.
Child Care
2002 - Present
• Provide child care for several families after school, weekends and during school vacations.


• National Honor Society: 2004, 2005, 2006

• Academic Honor Roll: 2002 - 2006

Volunteer Experience

• Big Brother / Big Sisters
• Arlington Literacy Program
• Run for Life

Interests / Activities

• Member of ArlingtonHigh School Tennis Team
• Girl Scout
• Piano

Computer Skills

• Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Internet

OakesCollege, Box 100
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA95064
(831) 205-1234 •

Objective: / To obtain an internship that will enhance my skills in community service
Education: / Bachelor of Arts - Psychology, Expected Graduation - June 2004
University of California, Santa Cruz
Qualifications Summary
  • Ability to write clear, comprehensive and grammatically correct documents.
  • Demonstrated skill in managing change and maintaining flexibility in a variety of challenging environments.
  • Experience in using the library and the internet to locate and retrieve valuable information for both academic and community service projects.
  • Ability to work in diverse teams and to communicate well with others.
  • Experience in fund raising and recruiting volunteers for fund raising events.

Computer Skills
Experience with both PC and Macintosh computers
Proficient in Word and Internet Applications
Pre-Professional Experience
  • Volunteered to assist in an all campus awareness campaign on violence
    against women issues.
  • Led group discussions at UC Santa Cruz on the pros and cons of various issues: teen intervention, abortion, etc.
  • Initiated outreach to local migrant farm workers and their families to
    encourage them to attend Higher Education.

  • Compiled community outreach data into a concise report, presented to the Community Awareness Group at UC Santa Cruz.
  • Planned and scheduled siblings’ responsibilities when parents were working.
  • Helped coordinate the SalinasHigh School food drive

A Stellar Resume - With Little or No Experience

I’ve often heard young job seekers complain that most jobs require an applicant with experience – and yet they can’t obtain the requisite experience if no one will take a chance and give them a position. Hand-in-hand with this problem is another well-known dilemma faced by new graduates and those new to the workforce: how can an applicant create an impressive resume when they have little or no experience? Below are a few tips that an inexperienced applicant can use to spruce up a sparse-looking resume and demonstrate their skills to a potential employer – even if they haven’t been previously employed.
1. Reduce white space.
Your resume won’t look quite as sparse if you reduce the amount of glaring white space it contains. One way to do this is to take a two-column approach to your resume. Try creating a vertical line two to three inches from the left margin. On the right side, you resume should appear in a standard format. On the left side of the page, neatly spaced, create a list of your skills. If you have absolutely no job experience, you can include soft skills here, particularly those that pertain to the job for which you are applying. Soft skills include the ability to be a team player, the ability to communicate effectively, and leadership ability. If you include these items on a resume, be certain that you can back them up in an interview by referring to your experiences in school, clubs or volunteer activities.
2. Include more information about your education.
For experienced applicants, resumes usually include the name of the school you attended, the name of the degree conferred, and the date of graduation. Younger applicants may also include a grade point average and any special honors received at graduation, such as Summa Cum Laude. However, for those who are brand new to the workforce, details from school may help applicants to demonstrate abilities that they haven’t yet had the opportunity to prove in a place of employment.
While your entire class schedule should not appear on a resume, it is perfectly appropriate to include the names of a few selected classes if they pertain directly to the prospective position, especially if the classes were elective and not required for graduation. For example, if you took extra finance classes, these may be of interest if you hope to work for an accounting firm.
Special, long-term projects that you completed in school can also be mentioned on a resume. For instance, a semester-long project that you completed in a group demonstrates the ability to manage your time, the ability to work in a collaborative group environment, the ability to organize and delegate tasks, and the ability to meet long-term deadlines. These are all qualities that employers look for in prospective applicants.
Also, in addition to listing your extra curricular activities, consider listing particular accomplishments that you completed as a part of your extra curricular activities. For instance, if you belonged to a group that successfully completed a fundraising activity, this experience can be included on a resume.
3. Include any volunteer work.
Think about any activities you’ve completed in the past few years that could be considered volunteer work. Did you run a church festival or help build houses for the homeless? Did you volunteer at a local animal shelter or work in a soup kitchen? Although these time commitments came from the heart, they can also help you in your job search. Volunteer experience can develop your workplace skills just as much as any paying job, so be sure not to leave these experiences off of your resume.
4. Include any self-employment.
Think about any activities you’ve performed to make money. Did you provide babysitting services in your home, walk dogs in your neighborhood, or provide piano lessons for children? If you did so regularly, you weren’t unemployed at all – you were self-employed instead. Under these circumstances, it is entirely appropriate to list yourself as your own employer on your resume as job experience, as long as you are sufficiently detailed in your description of job duties so that this addition to the resume does not seem disingenuous.
Creating a resume can be stressful work, especially when you have little or no work experience and seemingly little information to include. However, by giving careful thought to your experiences while in school and while you were out of the general workforce, useful experiences may be uncovered that can convince a hiring manager of your skills. By using some of these strategies, you can create a resume that will increase your chances of catching the eye of a hiring manager and landing that all-important interview.


R. Louis Green
847 University Blvd., Apt. 3, Syracuse, NY13244
Phone: (315) 555-3214 -- Cell: (315) 555-3834
Email Address:
Profile /
  • Creative problem-solver and marketer, who can see big picture while never losing sight of details that deliver results.
  • Motivated team player with demonstrated talent for deploying research and organizational skills toward analyzing, upgrading, and streamlining complex marketing processes for improvement opportunities.
  • Enthusiastic self-starter who can boost productivity, cut costs, foster efficiency, and ensure profitability.
  • Goal-driven achiever with strong organizational skills, detail orientation.

Education / Bachelor of BusinessAdministration
SyracuseUniversity, Syracuse, NY
Graduation Date: May 2007
Major: Marketing
Minor: Information Technology
Overall GPA: 3.89 Minor GPA: 4.00
Experience / Computer Lab Manager
SyracuseUniversity, Division of Information Technology, August 2007 - present
  • Manage team of five assistants in 30-desktop lab.
  • Develop solutions for all aspects of lab usage.
  • Ensure safety and security in the lab.
  • Serve as key member of IT management solutions team.
Marketing Specialist
Manlius Temporary Services, Manlius, NY, May 2004 - May 2007
  • Functioned as versatile team player with ability to quickly assess, comprehend, and manage new business scenarios, customer groups, and product types.
  • Played key role in the development, rollout, and management of numerous marketing campaigns for a variety of employers, including:
  • Carrier Corporation: Marketing Assistant in brand development department
  • University Hospital Home Care Services: Marketing Assistant in public relations department
  • Orangemen Products Company: Marketing Assistant in marketing department

Awards and Honors /
  • SyracuseUniversityBusinessSchool Foundation Merit Award in Marketing
  • Dean's List
  • Who's Who Among AmericanCollege Students
  • Phi Eta Sigma - Freshman Honor Society
  • Dean's Scholarship Award

Sample Resume



One Opportunity Highway, Anytown, US 00000

Tel: (000) 000-0000

OBJECTIVE: Seeking entry-level position in retail sales

EDUCATION: 1990; Diploma, My High School, Anytown, US 00000

?Courses: Public Speaking, English, Math, Computers


ABILITIES: Communication:

?Delivered 45 minute speeches to 160 people in Public Speaking


?Taught English teacher to jump-start her 1978 VW Microbus

?Taught woodworking class to 38 kids as camp counselor


?Sold my car, negotiated with customers, got my asking price

?Convinced 14 businesses to sponsor ads in high school


?Generated $467.35 for SADD fundraiser


?Solid “B” average in all four years of high school.

?Computed own 1040EZ tax return, received $340 federal rebate

?Constantly use fractions, decimals, percentages in



?Proficient in IBM and Apple computers (high school computer


?Assisted uncle in understanding how to operate his new IBM


?Enjoy the challenge of learning new programs.


INFORMATION: Reliable: Missed only two days of school in senior year.

Honest: Returned $20.00 check cashing error to bank.

Friendly: Mow elderly neighbor’s lawn every Saturday without pay.

Athletic: Played second-string varsity basketball.

Hobbies: Automobiles and woodworking.

REFERENCES: Available on request.