Universal Secondary School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Module 2 Agenda

Welcome and Overview of the Day
Slides 1-4

Why Use Data for Decision Making

Slides 5-18

Explore the reason school teams should be making decisions about programs and resource allocation based on data or quantitative information rather than more qualitative information.

Data Based Decision Making and its Role in a School Wide approach to Behavior

Slides 19-27

On both a building and a student level, teams will explore how to best collect, analyze and share data. Only when these systems are in place can a building ensure they making decisions based on data.

HANDOUT: 2.1 Mapping Data Sources

Documenting and Defining Majors and MinorsSample ODR forms
Slides 28-32

Look at their office discipline form and a SWIS compatible form and begin to revise their ODR form to match SWIS-if the school is not using SWIS, the information collected on the ODR form must match SWIS compatible form to monitor the effectiveness of tier 1 and identify tier 2 and 3 students.

Review SWIS compatible definitions and from those, create their own behavioral definitions to use in their school. Retrieve most updated definitions from:

Create Major vs. Minor glossary of definitions. (Participants can choose to adopt the SWIS definitions as their own.) Review current office discipline referral form. Make modifications as necessary.
HANDOUT 2.2 Sample Office Discipline Referrals

Classroom vs. Office Managed Behaviors

Slides 33-41

Using post its, teams brainstorms problem behaviors, then categorizes behaviors into classroom managed vs office managed behaviors
Teams will transfer post its to T Chart under appropriate heading.
Teams will define a variety of consequence strategies for teacher managed behavior. For office managed behavior consequences, review the district’s code of conduct.

Action Step 23-24

HANDOUT 2.3 Blank T-Charts

HANDOUT 2.4 Sample HS Handbook Excerpt

Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behavior

Slides 42-47

Create a flowchart for procedures for dealing with problem behavior. (Provide flowchart samples to teams.)
Action step 25-26

HANDOUT 2.5 Flowchart template

Crisis Plans, Team To Do List / Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)

Slides 48-49

Review the role of crisis plan development in a universal system.

•Update current action plan

•Define major / minor behaviors

•Office Discipline Referral form


•Discipline Flowchart

•Determine slides to share with staff – include data from the Self Assessment and Safety Surveys, as appropriate.