The Belfry

Of the Gouldsboro & Thornhurst United Methodist Churches

Pastor Peg Knapich

Charge Office: 570-842-7139

United Methodist Church

Gouldsboro - Thornhurst Charge

495 Main Street

Gouldsboro, PA 18424


Web Address:

Belfry Editors: Ronda Powell/Debbie Buchanan

Charge Office Hours:Ronda Powell, Charge Secretary, 570-842-7139
Wednesday and Friday, 9 AM to 12 PM

Pastor’s Office Hours:

Gouldsboro Church: Friday, 9 am – 12 pm

Call 570-842-7139 for an appointment

Thornhurst Church: Thursday, 12 pm – 3 pm

Call 570-842-1434 for an appointment

Gouldsboro Sunday School: Sunday, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM (Children)

Every Thursday @ 10:00 AM (Adult)

Thornhurst Bible Study: Sunday, 10:15 AM

Thornhurst Sunday School: Sunday, 9 AM

Deadline next Belfry: September 20, email


Gouldsboro Mission Statement: To welcome all who long for more meaning in their lives, to be a fellowship of those who seek to follow Jesus, and to encourage and support each other in discipleship.

Thornhurst Mission Statement: To strengthen and support and help each other grow as disciples of Jesus Christ and, by the power of God’s love, to help transform the world around us.


It is the time of year when school begins again, the temperature begins to dip and it seems that a new year begins. Fall is around the corner and with it comes Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Take time to enjoy each day as it comes – too often we skip past everything to get to Christmas. I am looking forward to the fall colors with all the forestry and foliage around. It is exciting to me to learn new traditions and expectations. Enjoy each day as it comes – learn how to participate in the moment instead of anticipating the next thing. JUST BE! If you have a winter address please be sure to let the office (Ronda – 570-842-7139) know the address (mailing and e-mailing) so that we can keep you updated of what is happening in the church while you are away. I encourage everyone to consider a spiritual discipline as a daily and/or weekly routine. Spiritual disciplines include praying, reading a devotional, reading portions of the Bible, Bible study and accountability or covenant groups. If you have ideas or suggestions for the Belfry – please contact Debbie Buchanan or myself.

Pastor Peg

We are adding some new things to the Belfry this month, such as recipes, book reviews, some games, etc. The Pastor has also included a bible challenge game and you can win a prize if you answer them correctly and are the first to call her. There will be one winner from each church. There is also a fun quiz about the month of September for fun. If anyone would like to add something for October, please send email to .


Sept 16 – 10:30 AM – Disciple Fast Track – 24 week study of Genesis to Revelation. Study book may be purchased at Cokesbury for $33.95. More information below. See Pastor Peg for more info.

Sept 22 – Worship & Discipleship Meeting – 6:30 PM Gouldsboro UMC – All welcome

Sept 26 – 4 Fs – Fourth Friday Food & Fun – 6 PM – Thornhurst UMC (monthly potluck supper and time of games and fellowship

For additional meetings in September, see calendar attached.

Oct 1 – Hymn Sing and potluck dinner – 6 PM - Thornhurst UMC (Covered dish and favorite songs sing-a-long)

Oct 7 and 8 – LifeTouch Photo Directory photos – Schedule your family portrait time from 2:00 – 9:00 each day at the Gouldsboro UMC. Our goal is to get as many family photos of members and friends as possible.

Ø  If you are not able to get your photo taken on these dates – PLEASE submit a photo to Pastor Peg to be included in the directory.

Ø  Photos can be taken with your pet, your favorite sports equipment, a generational photo.

Ø  There is NO OBLIGATION to purchase any additional photos.

Ø  Every family (family is a single person or multiple persons in one photo) who gets a photo taken will receive a FREE 8X10 photo and photo directory book.

Ø  Every family who schedules an appointment with an email address will receive a $10 coupon towards a purchase (the email can be yours, your grandchild’s, your child’s, your neighbor – any valid address – where LifeTouch can send a reminder notice).

Ø  Every senior citizen, military person (active or retired), first responder (fire, police, EMT, etc) will receive a 20% discount coupon towards a purchase (one 20% coupon per family).

Ø  Everyone who brings a canned good or dry goods item to their photo shoot will receive a $5 coupon towards a purchase (one $5 coupon per family).

Ø  These 3 coupons can be combined towards a photo (an 8X10 photo costs $25 – use all 3 coupons and you can purchase that 8X10 for $8 – this is in addition to the free photo you will receive).

Ø  Friends and family (not related to the church) are invited to get a photo taken also. (They can use the coupons but will not receive the free photo or directory).

Oct 11 – Pork and Kraut dinner at Thornhurst UMC

Oct 19 – Steamtown Train to Gouldsboro – 12:00 Lenoxville Band concert

Oct 23 – 7 PM - Chi Rho Concert - the clergy choir of Susquehanna Annual Conference - in concert at Lakeland High School, Scott Twp. Sponsored by the Carbondale Cluster of United Methodist Churches. Free will offering taken.

Nov 16 – 7 PM – Charge conference meeting – at Moscow UMC with cluster group

Nov 30 – Steamtown Train to Gouldsboro

Dec 6 – Christmas in Gouldsboro – 7:00 SPARK Gospel Singers

Dec 7 – Steamtown Train to Gouldsboro

A great big thank you to all those that helped at the Chicken BBQ @ GUMC on Saturday.

Labor Dayin theUnited Statesis aholidaycelebrated on the first Monday in September. It is a celebration of theAmerican labor movementand is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of their country.

Labor Day was promoted by theCentral Labor Unionand theKnights of Labor, who organized the first parade inNew York City. U.S. PresidentGrover Cleveland in 1887, established Labor Day as an official holiday in September to support the Labor Day that the Knights favored.

September facts

1.  The name September comes from the Latin septem for seven, since this was the seventh month of the Roman calendar. The month was named during a time when the calendar year began with March, which is why its name no longer corresponds with its placement in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It had 29 and 31 days but it later was changed to 30 days by Emperor Augustus.

2.  Shakespeare did not mention September in any of his plays.

3.  In 1752 in Britain, September had only 19 days as we changed from Julian to Gregorian calendar.

4.  September is the only month in which share prices have more often fallen than risen.

5.  The only US president to have had a September birthday was William Taft (president 1909-13).

6.  Richard Saunders, the 17th century English astrologer and physician, said it was good to eat pomegranates and goats’ milk in September.

7.  September starts on the same day of the week as December each year, but does not end on the same day of the week as any other month in the year.

8.  “My favorite poem is the one that starts ‘Thirty days hath September’ because it actually tells you something” (Groucho Marx).

9.  At least six films have had the title ‘September’, which is more than any other month.

10.  The zodiac signs for September are Virgo (August 23 - September 22) and Libra (September 23 - October 22)

11.  September has three birth flowers: the forget-me-not, the morning glory and the aster. Forget-me-nots represent love and memories, asters represent love as well, and the morning glory represents unrequited love. These are all very passionate flowers.

12.  The birth stone for the month is the sapphire. The sapphire represents clarity of thought, intuition, and peacefulness. In traditional medicine it is used to treat fevers and reduce inflammation. Sapphire reduces anxiety and procrastination and gives the wearer luck.

13.  Band-Aids were invented in the month of September.

14.  George Eastman got his patent for the roll-film camera, in September of 1888 and the Eastman-Kodak company soon was off to becoming one of America's major corporations.

15.  September is National Chicken Month

16.  September is National Potato Month

17.  September is National Rice Month

18.  September is National All-American Breakfast Month

19.  September is also Cholesterol Awareness Month in America.

20. September is also 'Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month.'

Read the Bible from start to finish in 1 year, from Genesis to Revelation – Each month we will add the readings to the Belfry for the following month.


ð  Sep 1:Gen 1-3

ð  Sep 2:Gen 4-7

ð  Sep 3:Gen 8-11

ð  Sep 4:Gen 12-15

ð  Sep 5:Gen 16-18

ð  Sep 6:Gen 19-21

ð  Sep 7:Gen 22-24

ð  Sep 8:Gen 25-26

ð  Sep 9:Gen 27-29

ð  Sep 10:Gen 30-31

ð  Sep 11:Gen 32-34

ð  Sep 12:Gen 35-37

ð  Sep 13:Gen 38-40

ð  Sep 14:Gen 41-42

ð  Sep 15:Gen 43-45

ð  Sep 16:Gen 46-47

ð  Sep 17:Gen 48-50

ð  Sep 18:Ex 1-3

ð  Sep 19:Ex 4-6

ð  Sep 20:Ex 7-9

ð  Sep 21:Ex 10-12

ð  Sep 22:Ex 13-15

ð  Sep 23:Ex 16-18

ð  Sep 24:Ex 19-21

ð  Sep 25:Ex 22-24

ð  Sep 26:Ex 25-27

ð  Sep 27:Ex 28-29

ð  Sep 28:Ex 30-32

ð  Sep 29:Ex 33-35

ð  Sep 30:Ex 36-38


NP Dry Goods Assignment – Sept 14

Tooth paste (TUMC) – Laundry Detergent (GUMC)

DISCIPLE Fast Track- The beloved Bible Study enjoyed by millions -NOWavailable in a time frame that fits your busy life! It is scheduled for 24 weeks of 75 minute class sessions. Genesis to Revelation in a 12 week Old Testament, 12 week New Testament format.

Classes begin on Sept 16th. Tuesday mornings from 10:30 - 11:45 am at Gouldsboro UMC. Contact Pastor Peg for more info at 570-842-7455 .

Disciple Fast Track book - $33.95

Order from Cokesbury (

ISBN # 9781630886356

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (by Nancy Frantz):

·  Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit I their pews.

·  People are funny; they want to be in the front of the bus, the middle of the road, and the back of the church.

·  Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn’t belong.

·  I don’t know why some people change churches. What difference does it make which one you stay home from.

·  Don’t put a question mark where God put a period.

·  He who angers you, controls you!

·  If God is your co-pilot, swap seats.

·  Don’t wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.


Parmesan Baked Pork Chops
4 boneless pork chops 1 T. olive oil
1 C. parmesan cheese (I used Kraft) 1 C. Italian bread crumbs
1 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. garlic powder

On a plate combine the last 4 ingredients. Rub the pork chops with olive oil and then dip (coat) each one in the cheese mixture. Press the mixture over the pork chops to make sure they are well covered in it. Line a pan with tin foil and spray with cooking spray. Place the pork chops on the pan and bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Red Bird Shoe Box Mission

It is hard to believe that Christmas is only five months away reminding us it is time to start thinking about the Red Bird Adult Shoebox Mission Project. Plans are being made to make delivery the first week in December.

The area in Kentucky that the Red Bird Mission serves has been hit economically harder this past year and the need is even greater. The three counties are some of the poorest in the United States. Average income is less than $7,000. a year. Last year we took 739 boxes and we would like to make that our goal again. Let’s pray we can do it.

The list for the shoeboxes has changed. Please give FULL size containers. The list includes: Toothbrush, Tooth Paste, Comb and/or Brush, Shampoo, Deodorant, Hand Lotion, Chap Stick, Nail Care Supplies,Razors and Shaving Cream, Soap,Wash Cloth, Work Gloves or Mittens, Hat and Scarf, and Socks. Please do not put candy in the boxes. Candy can be sent in a separate bag.

None of this is possible without your prayers and support . This will be our 9th year doing this project, and about the 15th year this mission has been in service. We feel this is an important mission and needs to be continued. We are hoping someone will be willing to take this mission over in 2015. If any questions please call Paulette Towner, 570-853-809 or .

We also take used, but not abused, clothing, shoes as well as cleaning supplies and toilet paper. Red Bird also has a need for large plastic storage containers.


One Light Still Shines: My Life Beyond the Shadow of the Amish Schoolhouse Shooting
By Marie Monville
“My story is not about my past, but about your future,” says Marie Roberts Monville. In the startling tragedy of the Amish schoolhouse shooting at Nickel Mines, one story has never been told; Marie Roberts Monville, the wife of the man who created such horror, tells her story for the very first time. It is a story of sorrow and destruction, but also one of majestic deliverance, unending compassion, breathtaking forgiveness, and grace-filled redemption.
The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears
By Mark Batterson
“Drawing prayer circles around our dreams isn’t just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God. It’s a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.” Do you ever sense that there’s far more to prayer, and to God’s vision for your life, than what you’re experiencing? It’s time you learned from the legend of Honi the Circle Maker—a man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not budge from inside it until God answered his prayers for his people. What impossibly big dream is God calling you to draw a prayer circle around? Sharing inspiring stories from his own experiences as a circle maker, Mark Batterson will help you uncover your heart’s deepest desires and God-given dreams and unleash them through the kind of audacious prayer that God delights to answer.