BUILDING UPDATE:Walls are going up!! Please make sure that money donated to the building is MARKED. If they are not marked, that money will go into the general fund. PLEASE REMEMBERNO ONE TALKS TO THE CONTRACTORS! ALL QUESTIONS (suggestions/ comments) HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE BUILDING TASK FORCE! The members are Paul Alexander, Denny Miller, Roger Pabst, Pete Weis, and Russ Rohlik.
CE VOLUNTEER TRAINING on Monday, March 20th we will have a volunteer training time for ALL those that help with kids, either Sunday morning and/or Wednesday evenings. It will be at 6pm with pizza. If you have any questions, please contact Jackie or Betsy. THANK YOU!
MICHAEL CARD will be here Palm Sunday weekend, April 7-9, 2017. If you want tickets, but don’t want to do it yourself please let Kera, Julie or Diane know. THANKS!
POTLUCK ON MARCH 26TH following the missionary service(see insert for more info about missionaries). We ask that each family bring a main dish to share AND either a salad or dessert, along with that main dish. If you have any questions, please contact Pat or Esther.
YFC SPRING BANQUET AND ALUMNI GATHERING will be Sunday, April 23rd at 12:30pm at the RACC. Redwood Falls Youth for Christ Annual Fundraiser is celebrating 35 years in our community! with a catered meal. RSVP by April 12th – See bulletin board for more info.
BLOOD DRIVE IN APRIL:The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive at the National GuardArmory on Monday and Tuesday, April 10th and 11th, 12:30-6:30p.You can schedule an appointment at or walk in.Redwood Falls is in need of a new coordinator, beginning July 2017.Please call Laura, the current coordinator at 507-641-8131.
Choices Pregnancy Center is looking for a new Executive Director!For More Information or to request an application please contact Karen Bootsat Choices Pregnancy Center 507-637-2534 or by email at .
Salvation on the brink of Jerusalem: Sin & Salvation
Luke 18:18-34
243 East 2nd Street / PO Box 97Redwood Falls, MN 56283
PRAYER TIME: 9am in the Barber Shop
CHILDREN’S CHURCH: kids 3yrs old through 2nd grade
Please sign the guest registration COMPLETELY when passed to you.
TODAY’S MESSAGE by Pastor Brian Swedburg
HAPPY BIRTHDAY toMarvel Dahmes (22nd), Patrice Arfsten (22nd), Rich Giles(25th), and Bud Robertson (26th)this week!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Mark & Brenda Dressen (26th).
PipestoneEvangelical Free Church
Redwood Alliance Church
Youth for Christ
The Evangelical Free Church of Redwood Falls seeks to be restored and lovingly help others be restored, from the brokenness of sin in our lives, to the life God has for us, trusting the Gospel of Jesus.
Sunday (3/19): Prayer time meets at 9am in the barber shop. The Celebration Service will gather at 10am.
COFFEE & CONVERSATION after the service
Monday (3/20):6pm supper for the CE Volunteer Training, with the meeting to follow.
Tuesday (3/21):Women’s Bible Study on Luke at the MC at 9:30am. Body & Soul 4:30pm at MC.
Wednesday (3/22): Bible Blast 5:45-7:30pm at the MC with supper.
Thursday (3/23): Thursday Morning Men’s Group meets at 6am. Body & Soul 4:30pm at MC.
Next Sunday (3/26): Prayer time meets at 9am in the barber shop. The Celebration Service, with Luke and Emily Olsen as our guest speakers, will gather at 10am. After the service, we will have a potluck meal with the Olson’s for a time of question and answer.
Today (3/19) / Next Week (3/26)Platform Host / Russ / Matt
S Door Greeter/Usher / Rohlik / Goblirsch
N Door Greeter/Usher / Hagen / Cochran
Children’s Church / Heather G / Amber
Music / Friese/Latterell / W/A Junker
Hospitality / C&C / Barb
Nursery / Chris/Owen / Jackie/Myra
Building a church Means Building Lives
SUBMITTING PRAYER REQUESTS SUNDAY MORNING: There are prayer cards available at each entrance. Please fill out and hand to the platform host. As a reminder, the list of prayer items following is meant to be used by you as you intercede for one another during the week. PRAYER REQUESTS DURING THE WEEK OR UPDATING REQUESTS can be sent to the church email: or call Diane 507-249-2635.
Roland/Margaret Jahnke; Jeanne Leith; Menno Buller (loss of wife); Doris Lammers; Lily Smith; Connie Lindeman (peace/comfort/pain relief); Rose Moore; Michelle Lammers (mom); Sawvell (Ron’s health/2 cousins-cancer/nephew & family in cult/Noreen Allenspach); India Schmidt; Angie Krause; Kera Latterell; A/J Hillestad’s daughter Aleeah (special needs); Clay Arends (cancer); Pete/Michele Petermann; Weis (daughter Tara-Pete’s health); Paul Lueck’s dad; Jeff Brown & Family; Gayle S (niece); Michele P’s sister Claude (cancer); Hagg Family; Kathy’s bro Denny (cancer); Don Petermann (broken hip-recovery); Josh F’s grandma; Quinn Lueck (recover from burns); Giles niece-Michelle (home, but still very sick); JL niece’s husband Matt & daughter Evie (recover car crash); Pastor Tom (Congestive Heart Failure/recover eye surgery); Barb Robertson (complete & quick recovery); Dorothy Miller (complete & quick recovery); Junker’s 2 ½ yr. old grandniece (leukemia); Dan’s cousin (Lynette); Brian & family with loss of aunt
Pastor Brian & Julie (selling home in Hackensack); Miller’s need to sell a house in Marshall; Barb Robertson’s sister Geri, husband John (salvation); Planning & funding to remodel our new facility.
Our central ministry focus is discipleship. Together and individually we seek to know and trust Jesus, grow through His restoration in our lives, and go with His restoration to others.
SUBMITTING PRAYER REQUESTS SUNDAY MORNING: There are prayer cards available at each entrance. Please fill out and hand to the platform host. As a reminder, the list of prayer items following is meant to be used by you as you intercede for one another during the week. PRAYER REQUESTS DURING THE WEEK OR UPDATING REQUESTS can be sent to the church email: or call Diane 507-249-2635.
Roland/Margaret Jahnke; Jeanne Leith; Menno Buller (loss of wife); Doris Lammers; Lily Smith; Connie Lindeman (peace/comfort/pain relief); Rose Moore; Michelle Lammers (mom); Sawvell (Ron’s health/2 cousins-cancer/nephew & family in cult/Noreen Allenspach); India Schmidt; Angie Krause; Kera Latterell; A/J Hillestad’s daughter Aleeah (special needs); Clay Arends (cancer); Pete/Michele Petermann; Weis (daughter Tara-Pete’s health); Paul Lueck’s dad; Jeff Brown & Family; Gayle S (niece); Michele P’s sister Claude (cancer); Hagg Family; Kathy’s bro Denny (cancer); Don Petermann (broken hip-recovery); Josh F’s grandma; Quinn Lueck (recover from burns); Giles niece-Michelle (home, but still very sick); JL niece’s husband Matt & daughter Evie (recover car crash); Pastor Tom (Congestive Heart Failure/recover eye surgery); Barb Robertson (complete & quick recovery); Dorothy Miller (complete & quick recovery); Junker’s 2 ½ yr. old grandniece (leukemia); Dan’s cousin (Lynette);Brian & family with loss of aunt
Pastor Brian & Julie (selling home in Hackensack); Miller’s need to sell a house in Marshall; Barb Robertson’s sister Geri, husband John (salvation); Planning & funding to remodel our new facility.
Our central ministry focus is discipleship. Together and individually we seek to know and trust Jesus, grow through His restoration in our lives, and go with His restoration to others.
PALM SUNDAY: We will be on April 9th at 10am. Please remember that Michael Card will be here then as well.
MAUNDY THURSDAY: Our Maundy Thursday will be on April 6th at 6pm here at the MC.
GOOD FRIDAY: Our Good Friday Service will be at the Cornerstone Christian Church with the service at 12:05pm to 12:50pm. A number of churches will be participating in this event. The purpose of the time is so you have time to return to work and still make the service.
EASTER SUNDAY: is on April 16th at 10am. There will be some type of a breakfast offered at 9am. More details will be added as more information is available.
PALM SUNDAY: We will be on April 9th at 10am. Please remember that Michael Card will be here then as well.
MAUNDY THURSDAY: Our Maundy Thursday will be on April 6th at 6pm here at the MC.
GOOD FRIDAY: Our Good Friday Service will be at the Cornerstone Christian Church with the service at 12:05pm to 12:50pm. A number of churches will be participating in this event. The purpose of the time is so you have time to return to work and still make the service.
EASTER SUNDAY: is on April 16th at 10am. There will be some type of a breakfast offered at 9am. More details will be added as more information is available.