Math Focus Lesson Planning Sheet

Focus Lesson Topic / Place Value of 3 digit numbers (adapted from EM lesson 3.1 Numeration and Place Value)


/ 2.NBT.2

Standards for Mathematical Practice

/ 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.


/ Slates, white board markers or place value mats (EM Math Masters p35), base ten blocks (hundreds, tens, and ones), blank paper or a page in student math notebook, EM Journal 1 pg. 51


/ Yesterday we reviewed place value of 2 digit numbers. Today we're going to expand and work with numbers with 3 digits. We'll be practicing how to say, write, display, and describe 3 digit numbers.
Whole group instruction that may include: presentation of problem solving scenario, explicit teacher modeling of skill or strategy application, development of anchor charts, etc. / Write the number 352 on the board. Explain how to say this number - three hundred fifty two to the students. Using the EM Math Master's sheet pg. 35, model how to display this number using base ten blocks. (Teacher draws or displays with blocks 3 hundreds, 5 tens, and 2 ones on their chart). Then the teacher describes this number to the students - The three in this number represents 300, the five represents 50, and the two represents 2 ones.
Repeat this process of saying, writing, displaying, and describing numbers with the following numbers 304 and 57.
Guided Practice / Now I'm going to divide you up into small groups. I will give each a different number to investigate. I want you to repeat the number, and work together to write the number, display the number with base ten blocks, and describe what each digit representswith your group. Possible numbers might include: 749, 567, 508, 430, 255
Send Off
[for Independent Problem Solving] / For independent practice today, I would like you to take a page in your math notebook and write and display your own 3 digit number. I will be walking around to confer with some of you and will ask a few of you to share your work at the end of independent problem solving time.
OtherIndependent Problem Solving activities might also include:
- EM Journal 1 pg. 51 practice sheet
- Base Ten game (as a while class or small group)
Group Share
Whole group discussion to share math learning, synthesize thinking about lesson’s “big ideas,” develop/add to anchor charts, etc. / Teacher asks 1-2 students to share their 3 digit page. Focus on having the student say their 3 digit number, checking their display, and encouraging the student to describe their number to the class.