5S/5L Newsletter

Spring 2 –2017

Year 5 topic this termwill continue as Anglo Saxons and Vikings, including discussing The Battle of Benfleet.

Our English and topic work is called ‘significant learning’which means that there will be lots of cross curriculum links, giving children opportunities to develop their learning further by using the skills they learn in all aspects of their development.

During daily reciprocal reading children will be learning and consolidating skills including drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justifying their answers with evidence. Children will continue with daily Read Write Inc Spellings.

During our topic on Vikings and Saxons we will be researching and drafting work and then presenting our findings by selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary.We will be using further organisational devices to structure text and to guide the reader (for example headings and bullet points) during our non-chronological report writing.

Maths: Times tables will be given as homework every week and tested on a Friday.

We will be consolidating and extending our knowledge of place value. We will also be working on both written and mental addition and subtraction skills, using the inverse and estimation to check our answers.

We will also be focussing on decimals, including rounding decimals to the nearest tenth and solving worded problems. We will also be calculating percentages of amounts.

PE: will be on a Wednesday and swimming will continue as last term. Please ensure children have their full PE kit which consists of plimsolls, shorts, trousers, T-shirt and a jumper. As we will be trying to do our PE outside if it is not raining an old and warm sweatshirt and trousers would be ideal. Children with medium-long hair must be tied back. Earrings need to be removed on this day otherwise they are unable to take part.


This year children will have a purple homework book where their sheets will be stuck in and completed on the next page. Homework will continue to be given out on a Wednesday and returned on a Monday. There will be a homework club which will be explained in the club letter to follow.

This year children have a plastic zippy folder. This must be in school every day and include their reading diary/book, spelling book and homework. The excitingreading challenge/reward scheme for the year will be continuing.


Please ensure children always have their book bags/wallets in school with their reading book and reading diary inside. This way comments can be written in their diary which can help you to support your child at home. Children are expected to read a minimum of three times a week with an adult at home to maximise their development. Please always sign/comment when your child has read so we can monitor and reward when necessary.


A great site to use at any time is

At 8:45 am children will be working on their Literacy/Maths learning/next steps therefore we would ask that your child arrives at school promptly.

If you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to come and ask.

Mrs Stratton and Miss Lake