CH 11 Study Guide

1) Why were farmers against a high tariff?

Farmers wanted to sell their food overseas, afraid a high tariff in US would result in high tariff against US food in Europe

2) What did farmers and others want the US dollar to be backed with?

Silver because it would expand the money supply (easier to get loans and cash) and cause inflation (meaning higher prices for food)

3) What was US money backed by in the late 1800’s? Who supported that?

Gold (Rich, bankers, and Industrialists) because they did not want their money to lose value

4) Identify 4 factors that hurt farmers after the Civil War(P.220)

1) Grain elevators (stored food before sold) were charging high prices

2) RR were charging excessive prices (Long vs. Short Haul routes)

3) Bankers increased interest on credit- farmers could never pay back loans

5) Identify the importance of Munn v. Illinois

Stated Gov. could set limits on how much RR’s and grain elevators could charge

6) Identify the importance of Illinois v. Wabash

Only Gov. can regulate interstate trade (open door for Gov. regulation of industry)

7) Who were the populists and identify 4 ideas of their platform that are seen today.

Populists wanted the Gov. to not be laissez-faire and help the people over business

Omaha Platform- Populist ideas

1) Gov. should own all major utilities (like RR)

2) Graduated Income Tax- rich pay more in taxes (16th Amendment)

3) Eight Hour workday and collective bargaining (allow unions to help workers)

4) More Democracy (17th Amendment- direct election of Senators by people not corrupt state governments)

8) Who was Coxey’s Army and why were they protesting?

Depression of 1893- wanted Gov. aid for poverty and unemployed (Gov. denied any help)

9) Identify two factors that lead to the populists decline?

Ideas were adopted into Rep. and Dem. Parties

Success- their ideas were incorporated into law

10) What is the most important lasting legacy of the Populist in regards to their view on the role of the government?

That the gov. should get involved and help Americans in need, not be laissez faire

Allows for

Square Deal- TR (8 hr workday, workers comp, fair pay)

New Deal- FDR, alphabet agencies, social security, min. wage

Fair Deal – Truman increases minimum wage and Social Security

Great Society- Medicare, Medicaid, HUD, Head Start