Summary of Changes to
Keys to Soil Taxonomy
May, 2006
Chapter and page numbers refer to
Keys to Soil Taxonomy, ninth edition, 2003.
Chapter 3 – Horizons and Characteristics Diagnostic for the Higher Categories
- Anthropic epipedon, P. 13 – Revised the definition so that it now stands on it’s own rather than referring to the mollic epipedon.
- Plaggen epipedon , P. 15 – Definition expanded to include a list of required characteristics.
- Mollic and Umbric epipedons, P. 14 & 15. Minor edits for clarification of criteria with no change in intended meaning.
- Calcic and Gypsic horizons , P. 17 & 19 – Revised to more clearly describe the degree of cementation allowed.
- Anhydrous Conditions – P. 22 - Definition expanded to include a list of required characteristics.
- Andic Soil Properties, P. 22 - Revised and expanded the introductory paragraph. Edits made to required characteristics section for clarification (no change to meaning), and corrected error in syntax of equation.
- Volcanic Glass, P. 26 – This is a new item added to the list of “Other Diagnostic Soil Characteristics” section (after “Spodic Materials”).
- Ustic Moisture Regime, P. 33 – Corrected error in definition that prohibited it’s use with the cryic soil temperature regime.
Chapter 5 – Alfisols
- Mollic & Umbric subgroups. – References to Ap horizons in the keys are changed to specify mixing to 18 cm.
Chapter 6 – Andisols
- Duricryands – P 87, Add 2 new subgroups:
- Eutric Oxyaquic
- Oxyaquic
Chapter 8 – Entisols
- Mollic & Umbric subgroups. – References to Ap horizons in the keys are changed to specify mixing to 15 cm.
Chapter 10 – Histosols
- Cryosaprists, P. 162, add new subgroup:
- Limnic
Chapter 11 – Inceptisols
- Mollic & Umbric subgroups. – References to Ap horizons in the keys are changed to specify mixing to 15 cm.
- Cryepts – P. 171, Major revisions to this great group.
- Delete Eutrocryepts
- Establish 3 new great groups
- Humicryepts, with 15 subgroups
- Calcicryepts, with 5 subgroups
- Haplocryepts, with 17 subgroups
- Revise the existing Dystrocryepts
- Delete Humic, and Humic-Lithic subgroups.
- Add 6 new subgroups
- Sulfaquepts – P. 171, Corrected error in item number one for Hydraquentic subgroup to require 8 or more percent clay.
- Durudepts – .P 174, Criteria revised to allow cemented layers in addition to Duripans.
Chapter 17 – Families and Series Differentiae and Names
- Key to Particle-size Classes,P. 300:
- Correct error in item B.2. that effectively prevented keying beyond the medial classes to the hydrous classes.
- Strongly Contrasting Particle-size Classes, P. 301.
- Add 3 new classes.
- Ashy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal.
- Medial-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal.
- Pumiceous or ashy pumiceous over loamy-skeletal.
- Key to mineralogy classes, P. 303
- Revise keying order to allow micaceous and paramicaceous to key out before parasesquic.
- Several minor editorial revisions for clarification, with no change in meaning.
Chapter 18 – Designations for Horizons and Layers
Revisions to reflect changes to Horizon nomenclature resulting from ICOMANTH, P. 313.
- New master horizon “M”, for manufactured layers.
- New subscript “u”, for layers containing artifacts.
- New prefix ^ for layers formed in human transported materials.
- Revised as needed to coordinate terms for laboratory procedures with the Laboratory Methods Manual, SSIR #42.
- Added headings for “Physical Analyses”, “Chemical Analyses”, and “Mineral Analyses”.
- Items under chemical analyses arranged alphabetically.
- ODOE added under chemical analyses.
- Mineral analyses discussion revised and expanded.