Publications List - Lawrence Kenyon

Published (Peer Reviewed)

Harling, R., Kenyon, L., Lewis, B.G., Oliver, R.P., Turner, J.G. and Coddington, A. (1988). Conditions for efficient isolation and regeneration of protoplasts from Fulvia fulva. Journal of Phytopathology 122, 143-146.

Henríquez N.P., Kenyon, L. and Quiroz, L. (1998). Corn stunt complex mollicutes in Belize. Plant Disease 83: 77

Kenyon, L. (1996). Virus Diseases In: Groundnuts. 2nd. edn. Pest Control Series. NRI, Chatham, UK. (ISBN 0 85954 391 9)

Kenyon, L., Brown, M. and Khonje, P. (1997). First report of Banana Bunchy Top Virus in Malawi. Plant Disease 81: 1096.

Kenyon, L., Harrison, N. A. and Richardson, P. A. (1998). Gliricidia Little Leaf Disease in Costa Rica. Plant Disease 83: 77

Kenyon, L., Harrison, N.A., Ashburner, G.R., Boa, E.R. and Richardson, P.A. (1998). Detection of a pigeon pea witches'-broom-related phytoplasma in trees of Gliricidia sepium affected by little-leaf disease in Central America. Plant Pathology 47: (5) 671-680.

Kenyon, L., Henríquez, N.P. and Harrison, N.A. (1998). Diagnosis and detection of phytoplasma diseases of tropical crops. Proceedings British Crop Protection Conference Pests and Diseases 1998, 3: 779- 787

Kenyon, L., Lebas, B.S.M., Seal, S.E., (accepted 25/09/2007). Yams (Dioscorea spp.) from the South Pacific Islands contain many novel badnaviruses: implications for international movement of yam germplasm. Archives of Virology

Kenyon, L., Lewis, BG., Harling, R. and Coddington, A. (1993). Pathogenicity mutants of the tomato leaf mould fungus Fulvia fulva (Cooke) Cif. (syn. Cladosporium fulvum). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 43, 173-191.

Nath, P.D., Kenyon, L., Bartolome, V.I., McLaren, G. and Azzam, O. (2000) Simple serological assays for detecting rice tungro viruses. Journal of Food and Agricultural Immunology, 12: 139-151

Oliver, R.P., Roberts, I.N., Harling, R., Kenyon, L., Punt, P.J., Dingemanse, M.A. and van den Hondel, C.A.M.J.J. (1987). Transformation of Fulvia fulva, a fungal pathogen of tomato, to Hygromycin B resistance. Current Genetics 12, 231-233.

Smith, M.C., Holt, J., Kenyon, L. and Foot, C. (1998). Quantitative epidemiology of banana bunchy top virus disease and its control. Plant Pathology 47: 177-187


Asiabaka, C.C., Morse, S. and Kenyon, L. (2001) The development, dissemination and adoption of technologies directed at improving the availability of clean yam planting material in Nigeria and Ghana. DFID Crop Protection Programme (Za0478), Study Mission Report (11-22 June 2001), Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK. 54pp

Azzam, O., Kenyon, L., Nath, P.D. (1999) Tungro screen kits for extension agents and plant breeders. pp77-81. In Rice tungro disease management - Proceedings of the international workshop on Tungro disease management Eds T.C.B. Chancellor, O. Azzam and K.L. Heong, 9-11 November 1998, IRRI, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines

Gibson, R.W., Kenyon, L. and Jones, P. (1995). Virus and virus-like diseases of crops in Belize. Report on consultancy services to the Belize National Plant Protection Service Project. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, 1995.

Kenyon, L. (1997). Banana Bunchytop Nanavirus. FAO/CABI Plant Quarantine Virus Identification Sheet. CABI, Wallingford.

Kenyon, L. (1997). Banana Streak Badnavirus. FAO/CABI Plant Quarantine Virus Identification Sheet. CABI, Wallingford.

Kenyon L, Anandajayasekeram P, Ochieng CMO (2006) 'A synthesis / lesson-learning study of the research carried out on root and tuber crops commissioned through the DFID RNRRS research programmes between 1995 and 2005. Natural Resources Institute & IFPRI-ISNAR, Chatham, Kent, UK.

Kenyon, L. Fowler, M. (2000) Factors affecting uptake and adoption of outputs of crop protection research on yams in Ghana. Pp 15-26 In Sustaining Change: proceedings of a workshop on the factors affecting uptake and adoption of Department for International Development (DFID) Crop Protection Programme (CPP) research outputs. Hainsworth, S.D. and Eden-Green, S.J. (Eds.). Imperial College at Wye, Kent, UK. 21-23 June, 2000. Natural Resources International Limited. Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK. ISBN 0-9539274-0-7.

Kenyon, L. Fowler, M. (2000) Study of factors affecting the uptake and adoption of outputs of crop protection research on yams in Ghana. DFID Crop Protection Programme, Final technical report, Project R7504 (A0897/ZA0354) Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK 111pp.

Kenyon, L., Black, R., Doyle, P. and Boa, E. (1997). Diseases of Gliricidia sepium in Latin America. DFID Forestry Research Programme, Final Technical Report, Project R6293 (C0762) Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK. 24pp (plus four annexes).

Kenyon, L., Jones, P. and Offei, S.K. (1999) Detection of phytoplasma in putative insect vectors of Cape St Paul Wilt Disease of Coconut in Ghana. DFID Crop Protection Programme, Final Technical Report, Project R6521 (A0489/ZA0056), Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK. 27pp

Kenyon, L., Magnaye, L., Warburton, H. and Herradura, L. (1996). Epidemiology and control of banana virus diseases in the Philippines. DFID Crop Protection Programme, Final Technical Report, Project R5234 (A0217/X0258) Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK. 27 pp.

Kenyon, L., Warburton, H., Chancellor, T.C.B., Holt, J., Smith, M., Brown, M., Thwaites, R., Magnaye, L.V., Herradura, L., Arano, B., Loquias, M. and Soguilon, C. (1998). Identification, vector relationships, epidemiology and control of virus and bacterial diseases of banana. DFID Crop Protection Programme, Final technical report, Project R6579 (A0507+X0285/ZA0037) Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK. 28 pp (plus three annexes).

Kenyon, L., Nwankiti, A.O. (1997). Improving the health of seed yams in West Africa. DFID Crop Protection Programme, Final Technical Report, Project R5735CB (F0006) Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK. pp.

Natural Resources Institute (2003) Epidemiology, Vector studies and control of banana streak virus in East Africa Highland bananas (L. Kenyon; editor) DFID Crop Protection Programme, Final Technical Report, Project R7529, Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK. 19 pp (plus seven annexes).

Ward, A., Kenyon, L., Morse, S. and Lamboll, R. (Eds) (2002) Development of the Crop Protection Programme’s Yam strategy. DFID Crop Protection Programme, Project Za0514 (A1058), Report of the workshops: Accra, Ghana (29-30 August 2002) and Ibadan, Nigeria (2-3 September 2002), Natural Resources Institute (NRI) Chatham, Kent, UK. 20 pp (plus six annexes).


Kenyon, L. (1990). Pathogenicity mutants of Fulvia fulva (Cooke) Cif. (syn. Cladosporium fulvum Cooke). PhD Thesis University of East Anglia, Norwich.

Kenyon, L. (1984). Detection and Measurement of Fungicide Resistance in Apple Scab (Venturia inequalis) and Apple Powdery Mildew (Podosphera leucotricha). MSc Technology of Crop Protection, University of Reading.

Talks at Conferences

Kenyon, L. (1996). Epidemiology of virus diseases affecting banana. Minutes of the sixth RAC meeting INIBAP, Asia and the Pacific Network. Tiruchirapalli, India on 26-28 September 1996.

Kenyon, L. (2001) An overview of viruses infecting yams in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1st Symposium of Plant Virology for Sub-Saharan Africa (PVSSA), IITA, Ibadan Nigeria, 4-8 June 2001.

Kenyon, L. (2003) Improving the health of Dioscorea yams. 13th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Arusha, Tanzania 10-14 November 2003.

Kenyon L, Anandajayasekeram P, Ochieng C (2006) Lessons Learnt from Root and Tuber Crop Research in Sub-Saharan Africa. In '14th Triennial Symposium of The International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Roots and Tubers for Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies'. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Kenyon, L., Seal, S.E. and Lebas, B. (2003) Diversity of viruses infecting Dioscorea yams. Association of Applied Biology Meeting “Advances in Plant Virology”, CIRAD, Montpellier, France 29 September – 1 October 2003.

Kubiriba, J., Kenyon, L., Chancellor, T.C.B., Tushemereirwe W.K. (2005) Spread Of Banana Streak Virus (BSV) Under Field Conditions In Uganda. IXth International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, Lima, Peru, April 4-7 2005

Seal, S.E., Kenyon, L., Lebas, B., Muller, E., Iskra-Caruana M.-L. and Marchand, J-L. (2003) Detection, diversity and integration of yam badnaviruses. Association of Applied Biology Meeting “Advances in Plant Virology”, CIRAD, Montpellier, France 29 September – 1 October 2003.

Teycheney, P.-Y., Muller, E., Seal, S., Kenyon, L., Harper, G., Hull, R. & Iskra-Caruana M.-L. (2002) Genetic Diversity Of Badnaviruses and Its Impact On Germplasm Movement. In: The world of microbes : XIIth International Congress of Virology, Paris, 27th July to 1st August 2002 - SFM, Société Française de Microbiologie, Paris (FRA); IUMS, International Union of Microbiological Societies, Paris (FRA) - p. p. 195 (Abs. only)

Posters Presented

East, L., Kenyon L. (1999). Development of biological control methods for crown rot of banana. Poster presented at the International symposium ' Biological control agents in crop & animal protection', University of Wales, Swansea, August 1999.

East, L., Kenyon, L. (1998). Development of biological control methods for post-harvest rots of banana. Proceedings British Crop Protection Conference Pests and Diseases 1998, 2: 549-554.

Iddi KN, Cheke RA, Kenyon L (2006) Phylogenies of the sunbirds (Nectarinidae) and flowerpeckers (Dicaeidae) based on analyses of vocalizations. In '24th International Ornithological Congress'. Hamburg, Germany. Journal of Ornithology 147 (suppl) p.185. (Springer)

Kenyon, L. Herradura, L. Magnaye L.V. Chancellor, T.C.B., Warburton, H and Smith, M. (1998) Epidemiology of banana virus diseases in Southern Philippines. Poster 2.4.11 at 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-16 August 1998.

Kenyon, L., Kubiriba, J., Murekezi, C., Ragama, P., Wheeler, T., Chancellor, T.C.B., Tushemereirwe, W. and Gowen, S (2003) Banana streak virus disease in Uganda. Poster No 1449 (Abstract 23.34) presented at the 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP2003), Christchurch, New Zealand 2-7 February 2003.

Kenyon, L., Lebas, B., Seal, S. and Lebot, V. (2002) Viruses infecting Dioscorea yams in the South Pacific islands. P.395-397. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium of The International Society for Tropical Root Crops: Potential of Root Crops for Food and Industrial Resources, Ed. M. Nakatani and K. Komaki. ISTRC.

Kenyon, L., Morse, S. and Asiabaka, C.C. (2002) Assessing the research and development needs for yam in Nigeria and Ghana. Poster presented at the British Society of Plant Pathology Presidential meeting 2002: Plant Pathology and Global Food Security, 8 - 10 July 2002, Imperial College, London, UK

Kenyon, L., Nwankiti, AO. (1994) Improving the health of seed yams in West Africa. Poster presented at the 10th symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Salvador, Brazil, November 1994.

Kenyon, L., Nwankiti, AO., Ekefan, E., Peters, J.C., (1998) Chemical and hot-water Treatments to improve the survival of yam minisetts. Poster presented at 11th International Society for Tropical Root Crops symposium, Trinidad, November 1997. Tropical Agriculture 75: (1) 150-151.

Kenyon, L., Seal, S.E. (2005) What factors influence the prevalence of yam potyviruses in the field? IXth International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, Lima, Peru, April 4-7 2005

Kenyon, L., Seal, S.E. and Lebas B. (2003) Detection and elimination of viruses infecting Dioscorea yams. Poster No 1440 (Abstract 7.85) presented at the 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP2003), Christchurch, New Zealand 2-7 February 2003.

Lebas, B.S.M., Canning, E.S.G. Kenyon, L., Seal, S.E., (1999). Yam Viruses of the South Pacific Islands. Poster presented at BSPP/AAB-Presidential meeting "Biotic interactions in plant-pathogen associations" Oxford, 19-22 December 1999.

Lebas, B.S.M., Kenyon, L. and Seal, S.E., (2001) Prevalence et Variabilite Genetique des Virus Infectant les Ignames du Pacifique Sud. Les Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, Aussois, France March 2001. (Oral presentation)

Lebas, B.S.M., Kenyon, L., Seal, S.E., Canning, E.S.G. (1999). Viruses of yam in South Pacific Islands. Poster presented at AAB-virology meeting, York, 8-9 April 1999.

Olatunde, O.J., Kenyon, L., Hughes, J. and Offei, S.K. (1998) Virus diseases of yam in Ghana. Poster presented at 7th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops- Africa Branch, Cotonou, Benin 11-17 October 1998

Peters, J., James M. and. Kenyon L. (1998) The Rapid Detection of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Yam Tubers Using ELISA. Poster presented at 11th International Society for Tropical Root Crops symposium, Trinidad, November 1997. Tropical Agriculture 75 (1) 152-153

Peters, J., James M., Kenyon L. and Jarma, A. (1997) The rapid detection of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in yam tubers by ELISA. Poster presented at BSPP Presidential Meeting "Plant Pathology - Global perspectives of an applied science" University of York, 15-18 December, 1997

Theses supervised or co-supervised:

Herselman, L. (2003) Genetic Linkage Map Development and Identification of MolecularMarkers Linked to Groundnut Rosette Disease Aphid Resistance in Groundnut. PhD Thesis, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK.

Joomun, N. (2002) Development of Diagnostic techniques for reliable detection of Banana streak virus. MSc Thesis, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK. 73pp.

Kubiriba J (2005) Epidemiology of Banana Streak Virus (BSV) in East African Highland Bananas (AAA-EA). PhD Thesis, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK.

Lebas, B.S.M. (2002) Diversity of viruses infecting Dioscorea species in the South Pacific. PhD Thesis, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK.

Nakyanzi, M. (2002) Molecular and pathogenic diversity of isolates of Mycosphaerella fijiensis that cause Black Sigatoka disease of bananas in East Africa. PhD Thesis, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK.

Olatunde, O.J. (1999) Viruses of yam in Ghana. MSc Thesis, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK. 75pp.

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