
Building Changes is pleased to announce that we are acceptingapplications fromyouth and young adult service providers from throughout the State to inform our next funding strategy related to homeless youth and young adult(YYA) services. We are recruiting 12-16providers with experience in the provision of services to homeless and at-risk youth and young adults to provide information related to promising and proven practices that will inform a possible future funding round that would be conducted through a competitive process.

In order to make grants for YYA services, an investment in the Fund is needed from private or state sources. Building Changes and partners are advocating for funding for WYFF from the state during the 2015 legislative session.

About Building Changes

Building Changes is a statewide intermediary organization working to end homelessness. We believe that homelessness can be significantly reduced in Washington State by developing a high-performing system. We promote systems change and the realignment of resources by building the capacity of front-line providers, government, and philanthropy through our grantmaking, technical assistance and training, and policy guidance.

About the Washington Youth & Families Fund

Building Changes’ Washington Youth & Families Fund (WYFF) is a unique public-private partnership established by the Washington State Legislature. Originally named the Washington Families Fund, itwas established in 2004 with the goal of reducing and ending family homelessness statewide. Historically we focused on how to best serve families who experience multiple barriers in achieving stable, permanent housing, both at a systems- and family-level. Between 2004 and 2014, WFF funded 81 organizations in 21 counties throughout the State of Washington.

As Building Changes marks the tenth anniversary of the Fund, we are expanding its reach to embrace youth and young adults, building on ten years of groundbreaking collaboration that is improving how homeless families and youth are served.



Recognizing that youth and young adults require different interventions, Building Changes is convening a WYFF YYA Advisory Committee with a broad representation of providers to inform new funding strategies.


We intend the Advisory Committee to make up a representative sample of youth and young adult providers from throughout the State. To ensure manageability of the process, we will select a maximum of 16 Committee members through this application process. Additionally, 1-2 youth advocates will be invited to join the Committee.

While at this time funding is not guaranteed for 2015, the Fund’s expanded reach compels Building Changes to prepare to make educated investments whenever funding does become available.

All future funding opportunities will involve a competitive RFP process that will be informed by but independent from the Advisory Committee’s work. Participation in the Committee has no bearing on eligibility for any future competitive funding process and participating agencies will not be given preference for funding.

Committee Activities

With the committee’s help Building Changes seeks to define prospective outcome goals for youth-focused WYFF funding; prioritize service needs to achieve outcome goals; quantify program costs; and synthesize Advisory Committee recommendations. These Committee outputs will help Building Changes staff craft a YYA funding strategy to present to the Building Changes Board for approval.

We anticipate convening the Committee for three, 3-hour meetings in Seattle – see timeline below for dates and times.


Building Changesis seeking a diverse Advisory Committee with representation from:

  • Urban, rural and suburban communities from both eastern and western Washington.
  • Range ofprogram types –emergency shelters, transitional housing, street outreach, drop-in centers, case management, employment training,and other supportive services.

Participation Requirements

Agencies represented must:

  • Serve homeless, unaccompanied youth and young adults (aged 12-24) in some capacity
  • Beclassified as one of the following: nonprofit (501c3), American Indian tribe, housing authority, and/or community-based organization
  • Commit to participation of one person per agency and the same person for all meetings
  • Commit to attend all meetings in person

Additionally, we expect all members of the Advisory Committee to have the knowledge and expertise to speak on behalf of their agencies on issues facing homeless youth and young adults.

Participation Accommodations

Building Changes will provide allselected agencies a $1,000 stipend per committee member. Participation is limited to one staffper agency. Two agencies will be selected to additionally include one youth participant each. Committee members travelling from outside of Pierce, Snohomish and King Counties will receive a limited stipend to offset travel costs. Travel stipends will bedependent on distance travelled and may not cover all costs incurred. Lunch will be provided for the March 26meeting, refreshments provided for all meetings.

Selection Process & Timeline


Agencies interested in being selected to join the WYFF YYA Advisory Committee must submit an application by February 4, 2015. Committee meetings will be led by Building Changes staff who will use the information gathered to propose a YYA funding strategy to the Building Changes Board of Directors. Should funding become available, Building Changes will develop a competitive request for proposals process rooted in the approved funding strategy.

Other Ways to Provide Input

For agencies that wish to provide input but are unable to commit to the Advisory Committee process and timeline, Building Changes welcomes your contribution in writing. Please use the attached application template, including the Cover Sheet, answering only questions 1-3.


In the event your agency is selected, all applicants are advised to hold the meeting dates listed below.

Activity / Date
Application Released, open to all eligible agencies / January 21, 2015
Applications Due / February 4, 2015 – 4:00 PM
Advisory Committee Members selected and all applicants notified / February 17, 2015
Advisory Committee Meeting / February 26, 2015 – 1:00-4:00 PM
Advisory Committee Meeting (lunch provided) / March 26, 2015 – 12:00-3:00 PM
Advisory Committee Meeting / April 23, 2015 – 1:00-4:00 PM


To complete an application, please respond to the questions below.Responses should NOT exceed a total of 4 pages,including the attached Cover Sheet, in a font size no smaller than 11pt., and with margins no smaller than 1”.

Applications must be submitted NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, FEB 4 AT 4:00 PM.

Electronic submissions are preferred and may be directed to:.

Hard-copy submissions may be mailed to:

Building Changes

Attn: Washington Youth & Families Fund YYA Advisory Committee

2014 E Madison St, Suite 200

Seattle, WA 98122

  1. Community Need

Describe the primary issues facing homeless and at-risk youth and young adults in your community.

  1. AgencyExperience

Describe your agency’s current and past experience in delivering services to address the issues described above. Include work with special populations (youth of color, LGBTQ youth, and victims of commercial sexual exploitation of children). Also include relevant community partnershipsand funding sources.

  1. Agency Vision

Briefly outline your agency’s approach to helping homeless youth find stable housing, access employment and education, develop permanent connections, and/or develop their social and emotional wellbeing.

  1. WYFF YYA Advisory Committee Representation

Please include a brief bio for the proposed staff person to represent your agency in the Committee. Include the person’s role within the agency and community, and expertise in YYA homelessness.

WYFF 2015 YYA Committee ApplicationBuilding Changes | 2014 East Madison, Suite 200 | Seattle, WA 98122 |

2015WYFF YYA Advisory committeeapplication Cover Sheet

  1. Agency Name:

  1. Counties served:

  1. Contact Information for WYFF YYA Advisory Committee Participant:
Mailing Address1:
Mailing Address2:
City/State/Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
☐Check here if your agency is not able to participate and this submission is only to provide input.
Remember you only need to answer questions 1-3 if submitting written input.
  1. Youth Advocate Participation
Do you know a young person who is interested and available to participate in the Committee?
Yes ☐ No ☐
Does the agency have capacity to help prepare this person to be an active participant in the process?
Yes ☐ No ☐
If you’ve answered yes to both questions, we will contact you to learn more.
  1. Authorized Signer:
Name: Title:
Signature: ______Date:

WYFF 2015 YYA Committee ApplicationBuilding Changes | 2014 East Madison, Suite 200 | Seattle, WA 98122 |