In attendance:
Committee: Chairperson Kati Driban, Steven Adams, and Dr. Andrew Pollock.
Board: Michael Hartline, Jane Schrader Lynch, and Mark B. Miller.
Administration: Dr. Jennifer Cressman, William R. Gretton III, and Robert Reed.
Public: Ryan Brennan, Michael Crain, Paul Rokuskie, and Stephen Goodwin, Jr.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Kati Driban at 7:00 p.m. A motion by Dr.Pollock to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2011 meeting was seconded by Ms.Driban. Motion carried 2-0-1. Mr. Adams abstained from the vote, because he was not a member of the Board at that time.
WTHS Update
Mr. Brennan reported that the site contractor had completed the field hockey fields and seeded the area, although some temporary fencing was required due to ATV vehicles accessing the field. He noted that the demolition of the old building was on schedule, and dust and air monitoring were being performed during the project. He noted that because some of the curbs and sidewalks had been installed earlier, the project was on schedule, and barring any weather concerns, the project would be completed as planned.
Ms. Driban suggested that the Administration monitor the fields for a solution to the problem with ATV access.
Mr. Brennan explained the change order for substituting a metal panel, in lieu of the specified aluminum, in the gym areas because of the need for additional panel strength. It was moved by Dr. Pollock and seconded by Mr. Adams to present this change order to the full Board. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Willow Dale Update
Mr. Brennan reported that Willow Dale was about 98% complete with the general contractor working on the punch list items. The punch list included the installation of the slate window sills, glass, and the remainder of the roof trim. He indicated that the Administration had arranged to alter the schedule for the gym to the week after the winter holiday so that floor refinishing could be completed over the holiday and into that week. Mr. Rokuskie asked if the refinishing would impact the air quality for the children. Mr. Brennan explained that because it was a small area, the application of wax would be accomplished early in the process, and when the children returned, the major work would only include the application of lines on the surface.
Mr. Brennan explained the change order for the electrician to expedite work at the end of the project. It was moved by Dr. Pollock and seconded by Mr. Adams to present this change order to the full Board. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Davis School Update
Mr. Crain indicated that progress was being made and that the schedule has been reduced to ten(10) days negative float and continues to improve. Work has progressed on the roadway and sidewalk, along with the masonry and steel structure of the building. He indicated it is expected that the roof will be nearly complete by the beginning of the new year. Mr. Rokuskie asked if the contractors were working Saturdays to make up the time in the schedule. Mr. Crain responded that the contractors were working Saturdays when they missed time during the week and that the District would only be paying the additional premium if they worked an additional day. Mr. Gretton noted that one method used to expedite the schedule was to increase the number of crews, and the only addition for this accommodation was the expense of an additional foreman.
Mr. Crain explained the change order for an additional railing along the walkway to the playground and the change to bathroom entranceways. Mr. Miller asked who had requested this change. Dr. Cressman indicated she would include information in her Friday Update. It was moved by Dr. Pollock and seconded by Mr. Adams to present this change order to the full Board. Motion carried 3-0-0.
McDonald School Update
Mr. Crain reported on the status of the McDonald School construction including the construction of the new parking area and roadways, along with the installation of footings and concrete pads to prepare for the masons. He also noted that there is an attempt to change the water connection to the building from across Street Road to the rear of the building. There were no change orders for this project.
Mrs. Schrader Lynch apologized for arriving late and requested an update on the water situation at Willow Dale where the cooling towers continue to deposit water onto the baseball fields. Mr.Brennan indicated that this had been communicated to the architect, and there was to be a meeting with the manufacturer of the equipment to determine if all of the settings were proper. A solution would be proposed to alleviate this condition. Dr. Pollock requested that a report be provided to the Board in January.
Board Room Communications
Following a suggestion by Mrs. Schrader Lynch, the Administration had researched methods of upgrading the capabilities to communicate meetings to the public. Mr. Reed presented information on options considered to place stationary cameras, larger viewing screens or televisions, and upgraded technology to allow the Board members and the public improved access to the meetings and relevant documents. He provided the Board with several options that would provide additional services and enhance the projection of meetings to the public and viewing audience.
Ms. Driban recommended consideration of moving the Board table to provide additional viewing areas. She also recommended consideration of iPad technology or computer monitors built into the Board table to avoid the blocking of the Board members while involved in the meeting. She was insistent that she did not want to impact the use of the Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) students for televising the meetings.
Mr. Adams questioned why the Board was utilizing this room and why the meetings were not scheduled in the new facilities where the equipment could be available. Ms. Driban suggested that if the Administration would like to consider options outside the current location they should be recommended to the Operations Committee at the February meeting.
Dr. Pollock supported the continued participation of the MBIT students and suggested that there may be need for fewer student workers if the stationary camera solution was considered. He suggested that with limited funds in the future, it is possible that we should consider maintaining our current setup and not spend money on additional equipment. Ms. Driban noted that with the recent approval of the iPads for use, some of the options presented by Mr. Reed would not need to be considered. Mr. Miller noted that other districts are using their schools for meetings outside a standard board room and agreed with Ms. Driban that the educational value for the MBIT students should be continued and possibly expanded to include the William Tennent High School (WTHS) students for committee meetings.
Mrs. Schrader Lynch explained why she had brought up the issue and wanted to expand the ability of the viewing public to see all of the participants in a meeting. Mr. Adams stated that this could be accomplished with a low cost/no cost solution and may not involve the purchase of additional equipment. Mr. Gretton reminded the members that the December 5 meeting had been broadcast with the use of two cameras and one production person rather than with a number of additional students and cameras. Dr. Pollock supported the recommendation to use WTHS students. Mr. Hartline suggested that the meeting of the Finance Committee could be used as the first test of any change in the production of the meetings. Ms. Driban suggested that the Administration begin discussing options and bring a recommendation to the Board.
Mr. Miller supported the utilization of the equipment in Room16 for committee meetings and suggested that it could be accomplished with two (2) cameras and three (3) students as a low cost/no cost solution. Mr. Hartline suggested that recording equipment should not be permanently placed in Room 16 because of the confidential meetings that are held there. Dr.Pollock suggested that Room 16 may present a problem if there is a crowd at a committee meeting. Mr. Miller indicated he was not contemplating placing anything permanently in Room16 and that the room accommodated enough individuals for the committee meetings.
Mr. Gretton announced that the contract for security services at the high school had been removed because TruMark would be contracting directly with the provider for the services and will reimburse the District for the monthly maintenance fees.
Ms. Driban announced that the next meeting of the Operations Committee is scheduled for 7:00p.m. on January 4, 2012, which is the first Wednesday in January.
It was moved by Dr. Pollock and seconded by Mr. Adams to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
William R. Gretton III
Assistant Superintendent of Operations
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