Name: ______Date: ______Period: ____

Endomembrane System Concept Map or Flowchart

Ms. OK, AP Biology, 2014-2015

Directions: For this assignment, you will be creating a concept map OR flowchart. For each line you draw connecting two bubbles, label the line with a letter (ex: A,B, C, etc.) On a separate sheet of paper, create a key where you describe connections between the terms. You may need to define the terms in order to explain how they connect to one another.

Example Concept Map and Connections Key: Below, I have included an example concept map for some terms from our ecology unit. I have also included my “Connections Key” in the space below the concept map.

Terms:Communities, Symbiosis, Mutualism, Parasitism, Trophic Levels, Producers, Primary Consumers

Connection / Explanation
A / A community includes all the living things in a particular area. Trophic levels are the different levels of a food chain in a community. All living things fit into a particular trophic level based on what they “eat.”
B / Producers make up one of the trophic levels. Producers are organisms that can make their own food from light or simple chemicals.
C / Primary consumers make up one of the trophic levels. Primary consumers are organisms that eat producers.
D / Within a community, different species interact with one another. When two species have a very close relationship with one another, this is called symbiosis.
E / Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit.
F / Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits (the parasite) and the other species is harmed (the host).

Example Flowchart: Shows a starting point to a process and an end point to a process with connecting steps in-between.

Your Concept Map or Flowchart: Please include the following terms in your concept map or flowchart… (Note: you can use a term more than once if it applies to multiple steps in the pathway)

Golgi (cis side), Golgi (trans side), transport vesicles, cell membrane (aka plasma membrane), Rough ER lumen, cisternae, protein, ribosomes