Basic DNA 1 & 2

Theta Healing Certification

Workshop by Christine Sonnen

Friday - Sunday 9 – 5

Cost: $500 with non-refundable deposit of $150

Call to register: (847)438-2529

A workshop that will truly teach you how to heal yourself and others, clearing obstacles to wellness. You will take your intuitive abilities to a new level.

Learn five frequencies of brain waves and which ones to access for instant healings
Learn the Theta intuitive reading and healing technique to do for yourself and others
Learn to scan the body for disease, viruses, parasites, fungus, emotional blocks and more
Change limiting subconscious beliefs and programs and replace these with ones which promote health, healing, and personal success
Watch your life change as you heal yourself through a powerful Theta Group Healing session
Amazing changes working with Creator to teach feelings based on divine truth
Learn Gene Replacement Therapy to heal from genetic defects
Fountain of Youth: Learn how to activate your youth and vitality DNA
Find out how to do Future Readings and how to connect with guardian angels, soul mates, life partners and twin souls
Learn the elements of manifesting to effectively create what you want in you life

Find the power and blocks of the seven planes of existence
Learn how to clear Waywards, Soul Fragments, Psychic Attacks, and Psychic Hooks
Learn how to balance brain chemistry to keep the “feel good” hormones in balance
Experience feelings of unconditional love and more

Give yourself an amazing tool for healing

Become a Certified Theta Healing Practitioner

Private healing sessions are available by phone or in person

Contact Christine at (847) 438-2529

Christine Sonnen, ATP is a Doctorate of Ministry in ThetaHealing and a holistic practitioner and teacher in Energetic Healing and Energy Psychology. She is a certified practitioner in many energetic healing practices including DNA ThetaHealing, Commanding Wealth, Reconnective Healing®, The Reconnection, and Spiritual Response Therapy, as well as an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue. She has a private practice and has been involved in metaphysics and teaching for over 20 years.
As a workshop leader, Christine shows her students how to get in touch with their inner self, thereby building a healthier and more positive environment within and around them. She offers certification training in all levels of DNA ThetaHealing.

*Thetahealing is a trademark of Vianna's Nature's Path and cannot be used without their written permission.