sports coach UKWorkshop –
Tutor Notes

How to Deliver Engaging Sessions:

A Guide for Developing Adults through Sport

First edition, May 2012

This tutor pack is only to be used by sports coach UK tutors accredited to deliver this workshop. Should you be unsure as to your accreditation status, please contact the sports coach UK Workshop Booking Centre.

 The National Coaching Foundation, May 2012

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Author: David Haskins

Project Lead Officer: Liz Burkinshaw

Coachwise Editor: Christopher Stanners

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sports coach UKwill ensure that it has professional and ethical values and that all its practices are inclusive and equitable.

Workshop Overview

By the end of the workshop, delegates will be able to:

  • list the three stages of Developing, Sustaining and Rejoining participation and explain their main characteristics
  • explain the relevance of the ‘C’ system to their own coaching
  • demonstrate how to include the ‘C’ system approach in their coaching
  • use relevant adapted planning material both for longer-term and session planning.

The table overleaf outlines a suggested route through the workshop. This is not prescriptive and deliverers are advised to adjust the structure, timing allocations and focus in accordance with:

their own experiences

the needs of the group.

The workshop is supported by the How to Deliver Engaging Sessions: A Guide for Developing Adults and Young People Through Sport resource, and planners and Top Tips, which can be downloaded from

Points to Note:

1A one-page workshop overview has been included. It is intended to provide, at a glance, the order in which outcomes may be reached, the key points that should be raised and timings.

2The slides, which accompany the workshop, are taken from the resource. It is your choice which slides you use to meet the workshop outcomes.

3The workshop provides you with a number of methods of delivery, plus slides. You will consequently be able to deliver a workshop that is relevant to the audience you are working with. It is your choice which combination of methods you use, for example, to meet the workshop outcomes.

4Remember: It is important that you achieve the outcomes of this workshop. You do not have to use the proposed method to the letter – it is only a guide. The slides should be used to help you explain and impart information, in order for you to achieve your outcomes.

5Be aware of the next stage of development and education for the delegates through further workshops and support.

Further details are available on the sports coach UK website at

Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) education and support details are available to view at

sports coach UKWorkshop – Tutor Notes 1 How to Deliver Engaging Sessions: Orientation Session

Workshop Overview


/ Core Content / Time
Introduction /

Introduce the session and health and safety procedures

  • Explore the experience in the room
/ 10 minutes
Developing, Sustaining and Rejoining Participation /

List the three segments and describe their main characteristics

  • Explain the need for a different emphasis in coaching with these three groups
/ 15 minutes
The ‘C’System /

List the Cs and explain what they mean

  • Explain the implications of using each of the Cs in coaching
/ 45 minutes
Planning and the
‘C’System /

Challenge conventional ways of planning sessions

Develop ways of including the Cs in coaching sessions

/ 10 minutes
Summary /

Delegates will begin to discuss the implications for future work

/ 10 minutes

sports coach UK Workshop – Tutor Notes1 How to Deliver Engaging Sessions: Orientation Session

sports coach UK Workshop – Tutor Notes1 How to Deliver Engaging Sessions: Orientation Session

Section One: Introduction (10 minutes)

Delegates will:

  • be introduced to the session and each other
explain their relevant experience.





Content Overview


Delivery Ideas and Notes



2-3 minutes
7–8 minutes /

Introduce the session and health and safety procedures

Explain delegates’ relevant experience and the opportunities when working with these groups / Health and safety procedures
(eg fire exits, fire alarm
procedure, toilets)
Delegates identify their own expertise with these groups / Very briefly describe the age ranges of the
three stages and then put the delegates into
small groups.
Ask them to discuss their experience with the groups and the opportunities of working with them.
Try to store the ideas they come up with in some way, using flipcharts or dialogue maps. / Slides 1–2
Flip chart

sports coach UK Workshop – Tutor Notes1 How to Deliver Engaging Sessions: Orientation Session

Section Two: Developing, Sustaining and Rejoining Participation (15 minutes)

Delegates will

learn the main characteristics of the three segments

pick out and emphasise the elements that show this groupof participants needs a different approach.





Content Overview


Delivery Ideas and Notes



15 minutes / List the three segments and describe their characteristics / Gothrough the main characteristics of each segment and explore the need for different approaches to coaching / Whole group
Using Slides 3–5 or pre-prepared flip charts, go through the main characteristics of each segment.
Either after each one or after all three, ask the delegates to work in groups to identify the elements that indicate a different approach may be needed. You could ask them to name someone they know or coach from each of the segments.
This is your first chance to really challenge the group and get them thinking differently. / Slides 3–5
flip charts

sports coach UK Workshop – Tutor Notes1 How to Deliver Engaging Sessions: Orientation Session

Section Three: The ‘C’System (45 minutes)

Delegates will be able to:

list the Cs and explain what they mean

explain the implications of using each of the Cs in coaching.





Content Overview


Delivery Ideas and Notes



45 minutes / List the Cs and explain what they mean
Explain the implications of using each
of the Cs
in coaching / Ensure delegates can explain each of the Cs and begin to explore their meaning
Help delegates explore the possible use of each of the Cs and its implications for their
own coaching / Give a brief background to the Cs and explain their relevance to the segments in the previous section.
You could do this by explaining their origins in positive development.
Ask delegates to get together in small groups and clarify the meaning of each of the Cs and collate any questions or examples they may have.
Go through each slide in turn.
You may need to choose your own order if a group already shows great or little comprehension of a particular area.
Use Slide 7to explore the main themes and then use any of the checklists from Appendix 1 of the How to Deliver Engaging Sessions resource with
the group. / Slide 6
Slides 7–13
Slide 7
How to Deliver Engaging Sessions resource Appendix 1





Content Overview


Delivery Ideas and Notes



Use Slide 8to explore the main themes and then take some time to gather some relevant examples of STEP from the group. Ensure the focus of STEP is with one of the segments and has its emphasis on building confidence.
Competence part one
Use Slide 9to explore the main themes. Split the delegates into three groups – one covering each of the main themes – and ask them to suggest minor modifications to sessions to focus on a theme.
Competence part two
Use Slide 10to provoke discussion with the group. Ask the delegates to identify the opportunities and challenges to their existing practice.
Try to challenge the idea that this is extra work
if it comes up and use the expression ‘It is not necessarily doing different things, but doing
things differently.’
Use Slides 11–12to provoke discussion on character, and try to emphasise the benefits of fair play by pointing out the penalties of the opposite.
Use Slide 13to explore the main themes. Ask delegates to discuss their use of some of the ideas.
Teaching Games for Understanding may need some explanation with current coaches. Be sure to reinforce the link to connection by using creativity with a group of participants.
Caring and Compassion
Use Slide 14 to explore the main themes of caring and compassion, and link this back to the section
on competence. / Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 13
Slide 14

sports coach UK Workshop – Tutor Notes1 How to Deliver Engaging Sessions: Orientation Session

Section Four: Planning and the ‘C’System (10 minutes)

Delegates will be able to:

challenge conventional ways of planning sessions

develop ways of including the Cs in coaching sessions.

Time /



Content Overview


Delivery Ideas and Notes



10 minutes / Challenge conventional ways of planning / Look at ways of planning using the Cs / Look at the two downloadable planners and the
10-week planner on Slide 15 and in Section 8 of the How to Deliver Engaging Sessions resource.
Encourage questions and put delegates in groups to discuss the feasibility of adapting their current methods of planning. / How to Deliver Engaging Sessions resource
Section 8
Slide 15
Planners downloaded from

Section Five: Summary (10minutes)

Delegates willbegin to discuss the implications for future work.

Time /



Content Overview


Delivery Ideas and Notes



10 minutes / Begin to discuss the implications for future work / Working through the workshop resource, explain the use of the tables for short-, medium- and long-term goal setting
Workshop outcomes / Pick out some of the tables and go through their use with the delegates.
For a bit of fun (if you have time), go through each of the Cs and see if delegates can apply them to your workshop:do they feel connected,confident competent etc?
Revisit the workshop outcomes.
Thank delegates for their contributions and ensure evaluation forms are completed. / How to Deliver Engaging Sessions resource
Slide 16
Slide 17

sports coach UK Workshop – Tutor Notes1 How to Deliver Engaging Sessions: Orientation Session