Policy Area: University-Owned Vehicles / Subject: Vehicle Management
Title of Policy: Vehicle Management / Number:
Effective Date: 7/1/2015 / Page Number: 1 of 2
Approved Date: 7/1/2015
Revision Date: / Approved by: William Crawley
1. Rationale or background to policy:
The purposeof this CEPS policy is to outline and provide accountability; to establish uniform policies and procedures governing the maintenance and use of state vehicles operated by CEPS employees; and to record use and maintenance of state motor vehicles.
2. Policy Statement:
To specify the policies and responsibilities for University vehicles. University-owned vehicles are to be used only for official university state business in accordance and consistent with the definition of state business. As used herein "University Vehicle" means a vehicle designed for road use that is owned by or leased, loaned, or otherwise assigned to units within The University of West Florida.
  1. Personal Use:
State vehicles may not be used for personal use, except during extended trips where such is consistent with the completion of the official duties of the operator and/or passengers and is approved by the operator's supervisor.
  1. Accidents:
State vehicles are to be operated in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The operator is personally responsible and liable for all fines, damages, repairs, and other disciplinary actions resulting from the violation of laws and regulations due to the operation and parking of the vehicle. Accidents or property damage involving University motor vehicles shall be reported to the University's Police Department.
C. Vehicle Safety Equipment:
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Emergency road side kit
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Flares
A yearly inspection of safety equipment isto be performed by departments.
D. Vehicle Maintenance:
Routine inspections that validate the safety and operation of the vehicle areto be performed every 6 and 12 months by a UWF approved service center. Each month, an employee is to inspect the vehicle’s tires, lights, and dashboard indicator lights. Any potential vehicle repair should be reported to the supervisor immediately. Vehicle maintenance invoices are kept and filed by department.
Policy Area: University-Owned Vehicles / Subject: Vehicle Maintenance
Title of Policy: Vehicle Maintenance / Number:
Effective Date: 7/1/2015 / Page Number: 2 of 2
Approved Date: 7/1/2015
Revision Date: / Approved by: William Crawley
E. Utilizing Vehicle Logs:
A vehicle trip log will be maintained for state vehicle for on and off-campus trips. Mileage must be used to record beginning and ending odometer reading each time the vehicle is used. It is the operator's responsibility to ensure that the trip data is accurately entered in the vehicle trip log. Vehicle operators are to turn in log sheets when full and obtain new sheets from their supervisors.
F. Fuel PIN Number:
A fueling driver identification number or PIN is required to purchase fuel. The eight digit unique number is assigned to an employee who will be operating a state vehicle. This unique PIN identifies the employee as the purchaser and charges the department’s index.The employee is required to enter this number into the station’s keypad when he or she fuels the vehicle.
G. Other Requirements for Use:
  • The use of tobacco products, including chewing tobacco and the smoking of cigarettes, pipes or cigars is not permitted in University vehicles.
  • Bumper stickers and other materials may not be affixed to University vehicles without expressed permission of the supervisor.
  • All occupants of a University vehicle must wear seat belts whenever the vehicle is in motion.
  • The operator must possess a valid driver's license of the type required for the vehicle to be operated.