Tuesday June 27, 2017

Tarzana Child Care Center

5700 Beckford Ave., Tarzana, CA 91356

1. Call to Order at 7:01 p.m. by TNC Vice President Eran Heissler. Roll Call by Harvey Goldberg. Quorum established with 12 board members. Present: Pam Blattner, Max Flehinger, David Garfinkle, Harvey Goldberg, Eran Heissler, Susan Lord, Jeff Mausner, Iris Polonsky, Richard Silverman, Jennifer Varela, Terry Saucier, and Esther Wieder and Barry Edelman (at 7:13 p.m).

Absent: Elliot Durant, Bob Shmaeff, Kenneth Schwartz, Joyce Greene, Leonard J. Shaffer, Guy Bachar, & Jon Reich. Welcoming remarks.

2. Remarks by representatives of public officials:

·  Armine Sargsyan, Field Rep for Assembly member Mathew Dababneh, announced a program from the Governor’s budget for earned income tax credit to support working families. Jeff Mausner spoke about the Pet Rescue and Adoption Act that was passed. He thanked the Assembly member for his work on that bill.

·  Svetlana Pravina from Councilman Bob Blumenfield’s office invited everyone to the 4th of July festival at Warner Center Park. She talked about the first cool pavement project to lower the temperature around surrounding buildings, funding to benefit LAPD, and a bill that was passed that should help control street racing.

3. Budget Advocate Report – No report.

4. Election of Officers: Art VI, 3 of the TNC bylaws: “Officers shall be elected by the Governing Board. All officers shall be members of the Board of Governors. (I) n the years with no elections the officers shall be elected at the first meeting following the anniversary of the previous Certification.” Pursuant to the provisions of the TNC Bylaws the following office positions shall be elected:

·  Eran nominated Len Shaffer for President (Len accepted in absentia). David moved that the nominations be closed. Iris seconded it. The motion carried unanimously.

·  Harvey nominated Eran Heissler as First Vice President. The motion carried unanimously.

·  Eran nominated Jeff Mausner for Second Vice President. Harvey seconded it. Iris seconded it. The motion carried unanimously.

·  Max nominated Harvey for Treasurer. Eran seconded it. The motion carried unanimously.

·  Eran nominated Max Flehinger as Executive Secretary. Iris seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

5. (Goldberg/Lord) moved approval of the minutes of May 23, 2017 board meeting, as corrected. The motion carried unanimously.

6. (Goldberg/Flehinger) moved approval of the May 2017 expenditures for submission to DONE (MER). The motion carried unanimously.

7. (Goldberg/Wieder) moved approval of the Financial Statements as of May 31, 2017. The motion carried unanimously.

8. (Goldberg/Flehinger) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Budget Committee’s

recommendation to support the request from our President to repair our speaker system for use at meetings and events for a total cost of NTE $250.00. Vendor TBD. Funds in the 2017-18 budget to be classified as Operations, General, Speaker Repairs and come from Unallocated.” The motion carried unanimously.

9. (Goldberg/Varela) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Budget Committee’s recommendation to approve an initial budget for 2017-18 of $17,708.57 (including the $250 in agenda item 9) based on Total Revenues of $42,000. The budget consists of Operations $6,125.00, Outreach $2,655.00 and Community Improvements $8,928.57 previously approved in 2016-17 and the portion unspent to be carried over to the 2017-18 fiscal year. These items are further detailed in supporting documents posted on the TNC website at .” The motion carried unanimously.

11. (Goldberg/Wieder) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to approve the following: For the fiscal year 2017-18, the TNC authorizes its Treasurer or other designee to pay previously budgeted recurring monthly or periodic expenses, in small amounts, defined as those not to exceed $75/day for one item and expense classification category. These expenses include, but are not limited to, copies and postage for committees, Board and committee meetings, officers and committee chairperson expenses and etc., and, refreshments for meetings (other than Board meetings) and etc. The recurring expenses are AppleOne, or other temporary staffing agencies for preparation of minutes or other clerical functions not to exceed ("NTE") $375/meeting, Net Atlantic or other such company for mailing list maintenance and distribution NTE $45/month and The Web Corner or other such company for website hosting and maintenance NTE $150 for each months services and the purchase of food and refreshments for Board meetings from any vendors NTE $200 per meeting.” The motion carried unanimously.

Board meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.

Board meeting called to order again: 7:54 p.m.

10. (Heissler/Polonsky) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Executive

Committee’s recommendation to adopt the 2017 -18 Strategic Plan, as revised, posted on the TNC website at . (Adding the language: “and along the Orange Line and Reseda and Ventura Boulevards” and “The TNC reach out to local organizations at their meetings/and or events”). The motion carried unanimously.

12. (Heissler/Goldberg) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to support Assemblymember Dababneh’s efforts to amend Section 130060 of the Health and Safety Code to allow Providence Tarzana Hospital an extension for retrofitting the current facility until 2022 (AB 908). The motion carried 12-1 (Lord).

13. (Heissler/Flehinger) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to accept the resignation of Board member Reuben Dori and to thank him for his service to the Tarzana Community.” The motion carried unanimously.

15.  (Flehinger/Wieder) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Transportation Committee’s recommendation to support Fix Angeleno’s Stuck in Traffic’s (FAST) program for improving traffic flow on Vanowen Street and Victory Blvd and further to appoint Max Flehinger as the TNC representative to the FAST Task Force.” Garfinkle suggested removing the word “program” from the motion. The revised motion carried unanimously.

·  Jeff Gross who pointed out that no one knows what this committee’s plans are to make changes in the streets.

·  Glenn Bailey said there might be controversial changes as well as opportunities, including the removal of parking spaces.

·  Sharon Brewer said she would like to see numerous community meetings on this important issue as the public needs to be involved in these decisions.

16.  (Heissler/Goldberg) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to support a request for a revocation hearing and possible imposition of new conditions on the parking lot located at 5225 Avenida Oriente in Tarzana. The motion carried unanimously.

·  Steven Schwartz read a letter that he had previously submitted in April expressing concern for adjacent properties regarding public safety, code violations, trash and debris, storage of commercial vehicles, sale of other vehicles, etc.

·  Jeff Gross said they have video of different infractions going on at that property.

·  Katherine Maphen talked about people loitering, people sleeping in vehicles on the property by the adult daycare center and urinating next to the buses.

(Polonsky/Garfinkle) moved to amend the motion to “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to support a request for a revocation hearing (of the CUP) and possible imposition of new conditions on the parking lot located at 5225 Avenida Oriente in Tarzana. The motion carried unanimously.

17.  (Garfinkle/Lord) moved, “The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to file a CIS supporting the Chief Legislative Analyst’s recommendation that the City Council oppose SB 35 and SB 167 regarding the streamlining of affordable housing developments.CF-17-0002-S95.” The motion carried unanimously.

18.  (Garfinkle/Flehinger) moved, “The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to file a CIS supporting the Chief Legislative Analyst’s recommendation that the City Council oppose AB 1585 //cf-17-0002-S95.” The motion carried unanimously.

19.  (Heissler/Goldberg) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to take action regarding SB649 amending current cell phone legislation.” The motion was revised to change “take action” to “oppose” SB649.

Kathy Delle Donne spoke on behalf of this motion.

Goldberg moved to table this motion until the next meeting. There was no second.

The motion carried 12-1 (Goldberg opposed).

20.  (Heissler/Wieder) moved, “Resolved: The TNC Board approves the Executive Committee’s recommendation to appoint Susan Lord as a TNC Budget Representative.” The motion carried unanimously.

21.  Committee and other Reports

Outreach – No meeting last month.

Land Use – David updated the board on different items that came before Land Use recently.

Budget – Harvey reminded the board to attend the Budget Committee meeting for any expenditures that are upcoming.

Transportation – Max reported on the progress they have made on different issues.

Public Safety – No report.

Rules – No report.

Government Action – No report.

Animal Welfare – Jeff attended the Board of Animal Services meeting. The air cooler is broken for the dogs in the kennels. More than 500 animals recently adopted at an adoption event. Animals that weren’t adopted went into rescues.

DWP MOU – No report.

Budget Representative Report – No report.

VANCC Report – No report.

Beautification – Report on Tree Planting – Iris said 25 more trees have been planted. Beautification banners have been disappearing.

Homeless Representative - Susan spoke about the City’s meetings about the homeless issues. There is a need for storage space for homeless’ possessions (locally) and some housing for them to be located, once funding comes through through Prop H and HHH.

22.  President’s Remarks: Eran spoke about on behalf of Len:

Budget Day Saturday June 24th

Congress Planning Committee – Congress September 9th

23. Board Member Comment - David wants to form an Ad Hoc committee for updating the Community Plan.

Future Agenda Items and other Calendar Events.

24. Adjournment at 9:18 p.m.

Minutes by Pat Kramer, Apple One.