Manhattan Theatre Club offers Theatre Management Program candidatesfrom historically underrepresented communities the opportunity to apply for a living allowance to be used as a supplement to weekly compensation.

The supplemental Living Allowance is in addition to the regular weekly compensation that all interns receive: $455/week for full-time participants and $13/hour for those who work part-time.

The Living Allowance for the Summer 2018 term is $210/week for full-time Theatre Management Program participants and $105/week for those who work part-time.

This application is in addition to the standard Theatre Management Program application. Living Allowance application materials are confidential and will not be used to make hiring decisions.


Preferred Contact Phone: / Is this a cell phone? Y / N
Secondary Contact Phone: / Is this a cell phone? Y / N
Email Address:

Please select the most appropriate response to your individual circumstances.

1.Are you currently enrolled in college or a graduate program?

___ Yes, full time___ Yes, part time___ No

2.Which of the below choices best represents your current living arrangements?

___ Live with Family___ Live in a Dorm___ Live independently/
with roommates

3.Which of the below choices best represents the location in which you currently reside?

___ New York City metropolitan area (New York City, Westchester County, Nassau County, northern New Jersey)

___ Not a resident of New York City metropolitan area

- continued on next page -

In order to be considered for a Theatre Management Program Living Allowance, you must submit a complete application packageto , including:

  • Completed Application for the Theatre Management Program Living Allowance
  • Applicants attending college within the last year: your most recent FAFSA Student Aid Report
  • Applicants out of college for more than one calendar year: your most recent IRS 1040 Individual Income Tax Return
  • A statement not to exceed 750 words that describes any special circumstances, barriers, or obstacles not reflected in your financial statements which would prevent you from accepting this internship should it be offered to you and how the Living Allowance would make acceptance possible.



The Theatre Management Program Living Allowance is intended to supplement common expenses associated with living in New York City for the duration of the placement.

The Living Allowance is considered taxable income by both the Internal Revenue Service and the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. These taxes will be withheld automatically from your weekly paycheck. Thus, the total net living allowance could be up to 35% less than the advertised grossliving allowance amount.

I have read and understand the information in the preceding paragraph and also certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of my statements on and related to this application are true, correct, complete, and made in good faith.

