Meeting Minutes; SBWC Board Meeting – April 7, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Lonny Welter, about 7:10.
Members present (in addition to Lonny): Barbara W., Maddy S., Steve T., Jane H., Jean L., and Howard B.
Staff: Pat W, Amber K, Jenni (LCEP)
Public: Bru (SBKayaking), Caroline S.
March Minutes – Howard made a motion to approve March minutes; Maddy seconded; motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment – Caroline discussed the Native ID walk, and noted they had 14 volunteers for their work party. This was very successful; the next will be the first Saturday in November.
Presentation: no presentation this month.
Council Action Plan: Pat discussed the need to have an Action Plan approved by the board prior to May 1. The draft plan was sent to the board about a week before the meeting; Pat had updated it based on the previous version, with changes discussed at the March meeting. Maddy had several comments:
· Should it be “The Multnomah” or “Multnomah”… Pat will check but has heard it both ways.
· A few additional partners should be mentioned – Private timberlands, BLM, ODF…
· Would like more detail in the “Accomplishments”, such as specific projects by name, number of barriers corrected.
· Would like to see more “fish focused” – this began a discussion on the question of OWEB’s focus, and do we work towards what we think they will be funding, vs an expanded scope of projects to include multiple species.
The discussion moved into the next topic – proposals for current OWEB cycle.
Prior to that, Jane moved that the Action Plan be accepted with requested changes; Steve seconded; motion approved unanimously.
OWEB Proposal: Pat discussed possibilities for the upcoming funding cycle; reminded the board of the email discussion around proposal ideas, including a “Ponds” proposal for the Bottomlands, and ideas around Multnomah Channel marinas and moorages.
Pat also explained the OWEB funding cycle – proposals submitted in April get decisions in Oct, and a second one of October/April for submission/decision. There are also issues of OWEB requiring “design” proposals prior to “implementation” proposals – major point being the time it takes to get funding to on-the-ground.
Discussion on SB Bottomlands Pond Project – how does it fit into the ecology, why is it important, how does it fit with the Council’s mission. Details were on key species (turtles), the diversity as value to the ponds and wetlands, and the potential of involving an educational component. A few speaker suggestions came from this discussion – Susan ? from Riverkeepers, and Gene from OMSI.
The Marina/Moorages proposal was also discussed – this would be assistance with removing invasives and replanting with native vegetation. Good idea for working with new landowners; Jane would like to see this as a “batch” project, working with a greater number of landowners.
Finally, the topic of South Scappoose Creek projects was put off due to time.
Coordinator’s Report (Attached to Minutes); Highlights include:
· OWEB Capacity Grant – next step is the Action Plan; draft was circulated to board.
· Project work – BLM work plan was submitted and approved; the final report for N-S Scappoose Confluence is being written; Reviewer’s comments are back from Duck Lake; will move to additional phase with focused review of an alternative moving Joy Creek through the OPRD wetland;
· New admin processes moving well; still sorting a few things out.
· Events – March 7 trail cleanup went very well.
Nursery Report: Nursery sale preparations are going very well; there is one more day of volunteer work; signs are going up and emails out. Amber asked board about selling Leo Mack’s book – they thought this was fine to sell at the sale.
Financial Report: Barbara W. presented the financial report (filed with Minutes); processes are still being modified, but working reasonably well. Motion to approve minutes was made by Lonny, seconded by Steve; Motion approved.
Executive Session -
Pat presented an annual budget for the period April 2014 through June 2016. Numbers are based on current grant funding, plus the expected OWEB Council Support grant starting in July 2015. Budget details grants by funds remaining, category of use (staff, contract, etc.), and (separately), by tasks remaining and Action Plan goal for each project.
A request was presented by Pat for adjustments to salary and benefits for both Pat and Amber:
· It was requested that Amber be given a raise from $14/hour to $15/hour to recognize the progress she has made in organizing and growing the capability of the nursery. Because she is now working 20 (or more) hours a week, she is entitled to medical benefits, and they should be instated.
· Pat requested a raise from $21/hour to $25/hour to recognize the level of both technical and administrative work she has been doing, and the funding that she has brought into the Council. This figure was also based on comparative numbers from similar positions in Oregon.
The Board met in private session (Pat and Amber left the room) for discussion. Upon their return, they were advised that both requests had been approved.
Board Meeting adjourned approximately 9:20 pm.