Sunday Bulletin

May 11, 2008

Pentecost Sunday

Sunday Worship Bulletin

November 29, 2009

1st Sunday of Advent

Westminster Presbyterian Church extends an enthusiastic welcome, in Christ’s name,

to all who would worship here or join us in fellowship.

We affirm that there can be no exclusion within the body of Christ.

We invite all children of God to join us as disciples of Christ

and participate fully in the life of our congregation.

1502 West 13th Street · Wilmington, DE 19806

302-654-5214 · Fax: 302-654-5706 ·

Welcome to Westminster

Whether you are worshiping at Westminster for the first time or returning for a visit,

we sincerely welcome you in the name of Christ!

Following our 9:00 a.m. worship service, we invite you to meet today’s “ambassadors,” Fred and Julie Schmitt, at the back of the sanctuary. They will have a gift for you, and can share information regarding our many ministries for children, youth and adults. They can also guide you to the hospitality area to enjoy fellowship or lead you on a tour of the church.

Children are welcome in worship! Westminster’s Kids’ Notes and worship bags are available each Sunday from the ushers. Kids’ Notes, a weekly companion to Westminster’s morning worship, emphasizes listening and seeing during worship. The bags include storybooks for children of all ages, coloring paper and crayons, a children’s bulletin for those age three to six, and bookmarks for hymns and Scripture.

U  Worship Aids – You may obtain large print Presbyterian Hymnals and hearing devices from any usher.

Would you like to know more? Check out our website at

This Morning at Westminster
8:45 – Noon Child Care for Cribbery (birth – toddler)
9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service with Westminster Choir and organ
§  After Time With Our Children, if you wish, your children may
leave the Sanctuary and go to:
Godly Care — A unique opportunity for children ages 2 – 4 to get to know God through music, crafts, prayers and stories. Classes are in the Under Six Classrooms A & B.
Godly Play — Children in kindergarten through second grade gather in the Ruth Christie Room to learn the language of God’s people through sacred space, stories, parables and liturgical actions. You may pick up your children in Under Six Classroom C.
Godly Kids — Worship education for children in grades 3 and 4 in Rodney Chapel. You may pick up your children in Under Six Classroom D.
10:10 a.m. Advent Workshop, see page 5 for details.
11:15 a.m. Worship with old hymns, new songs, and creative liturgy. Children are always welcome in worship, however, childcare is available in Under Six for ages 2 – Grade 2.
Hospitality and Fellowship
The Holy Toast Café, located in Classroom 6, is open from 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Coffee, tea and fellowship are free. Breakfast foods are available for one dollar per item.


Preparation for Worship

Advent is a time of joyful anticipation of the coming of Christ into our lives. During the four weeks prior to Christmas, we prepare ourselves for the celebration of the birth of Christ – a time to remember the event that occurred 2,000 years ago changing history forever, and a time to welcome Christ anew into our lives.

Organ Prelude Overture, from Messiah G. F. Handel

Welcome and Announcements

*Passing of the Peace

Call to Worship

Through the prophets of old God made a promise.

A branch shall come from the line of David who will execute justice and righteousness.

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him,

the Spirit that brings wisdom and understanding.

And he will show all people the path to peace.

*Hymn No. 9 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” Veni emmanuel

Call to Confession

What does the Lord require of us,

but to do justice, to love kindness,

and to walk humbly with our God?

Let us acknowledge the ways we have neglected God’s desires for us. Micah 6

Prayer of Confession

O God, forgive us for what we are, when compared to what we could be.

Forgive our lack of sensitivity to the hurts of others;

our silence in the midst of injustice;

our cowardice in the face of oppression;

our lack of love among the unlovely.

Humble us where we are arrogant;

remake us where we are weak;

strengthen us where we lack faith;

guide us where we have lost our way;

that once again, by your grace,

we may become the people you would have us become.

Silent Prayer

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

At the asterisk (*), please stand as you are able.

Time With Our Children Anne Ledbetter

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Anthem “And the Glory of the Lord” (from Messiah) Handel

Westminster Choir

Prayer for Illumination David Mathe, Lay Liturgist

Scripture Lesson Jeremiah 33:14-16 Old Testament, page 696

Sermon “Longing for Peace” Greg Jones

*Hymn No. 452 “O Day of God, Draw Nigh” St. Michael

Verses 1-4

*Affirmation of Faith

God has reached out to those who suffer injustice

and defended the excluded, the poor, and the hungry.

The Lord is moving toward the time

when justice will roll down like waters

and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

We are persuaded that God is at work here and now

when people deal fairly with each other

and labor to change customs and structures

that enslave and oppress human beings. A Declaration of Faith


During the offering, please sign your name and pass the red folders down each row.

As folders are returned to the center aisle, note the names of fellow worshippers on your pew.

Offertory Anthem “O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings” (from Messiah) Handel

Ruth Bailis, mezzo-soprano

*Congregational Response (Hymn No. 591)

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Christ, all people here below;

Praise Holy Spirit evermore;

Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

*Hymn No. 450 “O Day of Peace” Jerusalem


Organ Postlude Pastoral Symphony, from Messiah Handel

*Going Forth

If you are visiting with us for the first time, we invite you to meet today’s ambassadors, Fred and Julie Schmitt,

following the service at the back of the sanctuary to receive a gift and information.

Peace on Earth

An Advent Workshop for All Ages

In Community Hall

Today, 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

(Regular Sunday school classes will not meet. Childcare will be available in the Cribbery only.)

Preparing our Hearts and Homes for the Prince of Peace

An alternative, intergenerational event

for creating a more CHRIST-centered, PEACE-filled holiday.

Ø  Create a Peace Pole for your family to display this Advent Season.

Activity inspired by the international Peace Pole Project.

Ø  Make cards with messages of peace for the Christmas baskets

Ø  Create your own crèche

Ø  Choose alternative Echo Gifts

Ø  Sing old and new Advent hymns and songs of peace.

Ø  Purchase handcrafts and food products from SERV International

A nonprofit alternative trade organization that promotes social and economic justice for people in developing regions of the world by marketing their products in a just and direct manner.


Preparation for Worship

Advent is a time of joyful anticipation of the coming of Christ into our lives. During the four weeks prior to Christmas, we prepare ourselves for the celebration of the birth of Christ – a time to remember the event that occurred 2,000 years ago changing history forever, and a time to welcome Christ anew into our lives.

Welcome and Announcements

*Passing of the Peace

Call to Worship

Through the prophets of old God made a promise.

A branch shall come from the line of David who will execute justice and righteousness.

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him,

the Spirit that brings wisdom and understanding.

And he will show all people the path to peace.

Procession of God’s Light and Word Acolyte: Denny Hubbard

As the acolyte lights the candle, we remember that Christ is the Light of the world.

*Opening Songs “Make Way ” Graham Kendrick


“The King of Glory Comes”


The King of glory comes, the nation rejoices.

Open the gates before him, lift up your voices.

At the asterisk (*), please stand as you are able.

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

O God, forgive us for what we are, when compared to what we could be.

Forgive our lack of sensitivity to the hurts of others;

our silence in the midst of injustice;

our cowardice in the face of oppression;

our lack of love among the unlovely.

Humble us where we are arrogant;

remake us where we are weak;

strengthen us where we lack faith;

guide us where we have lost our way;

that once again, by your grace,

we may become the people you would have us become.

Silent Prayer

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

Response “He Came Down”

Time With Our Children Anne Ledbetter

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Prayer for Illumination Suzie Hurlock, Lay Liturgist

Scripture Lesson Jeremiah 33:14-16 Old Testament, page 696

Sermon “Longing for Peace” Greg Jones

Song “We Pray for Peace” Ken Medema


During the offering, please sign your name and pass the red folders down each row.

As folders are returned to the center aisle, note the names of fellow worshippers on your pew.

Offertory Anthem

Prayers of the People

Prayer Refrain “Come, Come Emmanuel” James Chepponis

Lord’s Prayer (page 16 in The Presbyterian Hymnal, using “debts” and “debtors”)

*Closing Song “I Am the Light of the World” Jim Strathdee



*Response “Make Way” Graham Kendrick


Calendar for the Week

Sunday, November 29 Location

8:15 a.m. / Choir Warm-up / Adult Music Room
8:30 a.m. / Holy Toast Café / Community Hall
8:45 a.m. / Child Care / Cribbery
9:00 a.m. / Worship / Sanctuary
9:00 a.m. / Godly Play / Ruth Christie Room
9:00 a.m. / Godly Care for Ages 2, 3 and 4 / Under 6 - Classroom A & B
9:00 a.m. / Godly Kids for Grades 3 and 4 / Rodney Chapel
10:10 a.m. / Advent Workshop / Community Hall
10:30 a.m. / Vocal Ensemble Rehearsal / Adult Music Room
11:15 a.m. / Worship / Sanctuary
4:30 p.m. / Youth Choir / Youth Music Room
5:00 p.m. / Living with Loss / Ruth Christie Room
5:30 p.m. / 180° Dinner / Classroom 6
6:00 p.m. / 180° Fellowship / Community Hall & CL 6

Monday, November 30

1:15 p.m. / Program Staff~Report for the Annual Meeting / Rowell Conference Room
3:30 p.m. / Collegium / Dr. Jones Office
4:00 p.m. / Christmas Tree Decorating / Rodney Chapel
4:30 p.m. / Literacy Volunteers Serving Adults / Community Hall/Kitchen
5:30 p.m. / Rainbow Chorale / Music Department

Tuesday, December 1

9:00 a.m. / Staff Worship / Rodney Chapel
9:30 a.m. / Staff Meeting / Meeting Room
10:30 a.m. / Worship Planning / Rowell Conference Room
12:00 p.m. / Listening to the Lessons / Rowell Conference Room
4:30 p.m. / Chapel Club / Chapel Club
4:30 p.m. / Sunshine Choir / Adult Music Room
5:30 p.m. / BPI / Daughtry House Conference Room
7:30 p.m. / Candlelight Vigil for A.I.D.S. / Sanctuary

Wednesday, December 2

1:30 p.m. / Candy Wrapping / Classroom 6
6:15 p.m. / Reverberations Bell Choir / Youth Music Room
7:30 p.m. / Westminster Choir Rehearsal / Adult Music Room

Thursday, December 3

11:30 a.m. / Women of Westminster Christmas Tea / Rodney Chapel & Meeting Room
12:00 p.m. / Women's Support Group / Classroom 5
6:30 p.m. / Parenting Class / Daughtry House Conference Room
6:30 p.m. / Adult Ed.~Invitation to the New Testament / Meeting Room
7:00 p.m. / Adult Ed ~ Isaiah Class / Rowell Conference Room

Friday, December 4

12:30 p.m. / F.I.S.H. / Classroom 5
7:00 p.m. / Volleyball Practice / Community Hall

Saturday, November 28

7:30 a.m. / Men's Bible Study / Club Room
9:00 a.m. / Yoga / Rodney Chapel


Christmas 2009 Memorial Poinsettias

You are invited to place poinsettias in our Sanctuary in memory of loved ones, or in honor of someone, for services on Christmas Eve. Cost is $20 per plant. Please complete the form below, make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church, and return to Susan Alexander at the front desk by Tuesday, December 15.

In Memory Of: ______

Deceased Name

In Honor Of: ______

Given By: ______

Donor’s Name and Telephone Number

Number of Plants ______$20.00 each

_____ I will pick up my poinsettia after the Christmas Eve service I attend.

_____ Please deliver my poinsettia to a homebound member.

Worship Notes

The flowers in the Sanctuary today are given to the glory of God in loving memory and in honor of my grandmother, my mother and stepmother from Ralph Lewis.

Sanctuary Flowers - Consider giving the sanctuary flowers for Sunday worship. Your gift of God’s natural beauty to remember or honor loved ones, or to celebrate an event, expresses praise and thanksgiving to God. Please contact Linda Watson during business hours at 302-571-6719 or .

Are you wearing a nametag? Whether you are a longtime member or new to the church, wearing a nametag provides others the opportunity to meet you, greet you by name, and for you to become more familiar with others at church. Nametags and markers are in baskets at all major entrances. Extend hospitality, kindness and friendship by wearing a nametag every Sunday.

“Westminster to Go” Audio tapes and DVD’s of recent Westminster worship services are available. Please use the sign-out sheet when you borrow them from the front desk. Printed sermons are available on the literature tables the following week and on our website at

Congregational Care and Prayer

Please remember in your prayers:

v  Those recently hospitalized: Mike Gnade, Edward Hagopian, Gina Campanella-Hearn.