Tools and Work / Grade 1: Module 1: Unit 2: Lesson 7

Mission Letter #4

One more challenge!

Wow! Headquarters is with all your progress on the mission! You have done a great job learning about habits of character. Your ideas about tools and your ideas about habits of character will BOTH be needed to create YOUR magnificent thing for the classroom.

Don’t be , you have just one more challenge to complete. The people at headquarters know you are from all of your work with The Most Magnificent Thing, but they are that you may not be able to find habits of character in other places. Your last challenge is to take everything you learned about the habits of character and use it while you look and listen to a new book.

Headquarters hopes you paid attention during The Most Magnificent Thing because now you need to show how much you learned by finding evidence in the new book!

Headquarters iswhen they don’t hear from you, so go get started!

Words That Show Feelings
Anchor Chart

(For Teacher Reference; words in bold added in lesson)

Feeling / Words that show feeling
/ Frowned
/ Exhausted

Session 1, Feeling Words

Student Response Sheet

(Answers, for Teacher Reference)

Name: ______Date:______

On page 12 how is the Little Red Pen feeling?
Circle one:
Circle the word that helped you know how she was feeling: “Rubbish!” The Little Red Pen frowned.
On page 14 how is the Little Red Pen feeling?
Circle one:
Circle the word that helped you know how she was feeling: She wibbled. She wobbled. Then she fell over, exhausted.

Session 1, Feeling Words

Student Response Sheet

Name: ______Date:______

On page 12 how is the Little Red Pen feeling?
Circle one:
Circle the word that helped you know how she was feeling: “Rubbish!” The Little Red Pen frowned.
On page 14 how is the Little Red Pen feeling?
Circle one:
Circle the word that helped you know how she was feeling: She wibbled. She wobbled. Then she fell over, exhausted.

Back-to-Back and Face-to-Fae
Anchor Chart

/ Find a partner and stand back-to-back, being respectful of space.
/ Listen to the question or topic from the teacher.
/ Think about what you will share.
/ Listen for “face-to-face.” Face your partner and discuss the question or topic. Show your partner you are listening!
/ When you hear a signal, find a new partner, stand back-to-back, and wait for a new question.
/ | Language Arts Curriculum / 1