How to add the square in-house ad to the NFPA Journal cover page


These instructions are specifically how to add the square in-house ad to the NFPA Journal cover page. Like this one:

  1. Upload image to Media Library:
  2. Make sure the image has been optimized for the web
  3. Go to Images  Ads folder
  4. Click “Upload Files (advanced)”
  1. In uploader, find the image file on your desktop. Select, click Open.

  1. When prompted, make sure you enter Alt Text and select “overwrite”

  1. Create the spot
  2. Switch to Content Editor
  3. Navigate to global  Spots  Journal  Ads
  1. Right click on “Ads” folder and choose Insert  Spot
  1. When prompted – enter a name that will accurately describe the ad so you can find it later.
  1. In the Content editor: skip Spot title (this will appear above the ad)
  2. Click “show editor”

  1. To add the image, click “Insert Sitecore Media” button:

  1. Find the image you want. Make sure the dimensions are correct. Click “Insert”

  1. Hyperlink the image: Click on the image and then:
  2. If the hyperlink is going to a sitecore page: click Insert Site Link:
  3. If the hyperlink is going to an external site, click Hyperlink manager:
  4. To add a border or padding to the image, right click the image and select “properties”
  5. When finished, click “Accept” to save content
  6. Click Save to save the spot
  1. Submit & approve the spot.
  2. Click Review tab. Click “Submit”. Click OK if prompted to enter a comment.
  3. Submit will turn into “Approve”. Click “Approve”. Click OK if prompted to enter a comment
  1. Now add the spot to a Journal Cover Page
  2. In Content Editor, navigate to Home  News & Publications NFPA Journal choose a year and an edition. Click Presentation tab. Click “Details”
  1. In the Details window: click “Edit”
  1. In Device Editors, click Controls. Then “Add”
  1. In the “Select a Rendering” page, navigate to : Sublayouts NFPA Components Spot and select “BasicSpot”
  1. In the Properties window. Fill in Placehoder: “FeaturedAd”. Then click on “Browse” link over “Data Source”

Make sure the placeholder is spelled exactly, “FeaturedAd”. (it is not case sensitive)

  1. Find the ad under Spots  Journal  Ads. Click the spot and click the OK button
  1. Then click OK in the properties window:
  1. Back on the device editor window, click OK:
  1. And back on the Layout Details window, click OK:
  1. If you are logged on as a content editor, the change will publish automatically. If you are logged on as admin, you must publish the page.

10/25/2018page 1 of 12